Title: Mexican Food in Texas – Must Taste Cuisines
2 Mexican food is popular all over the world.
These are so delicious that you can taste various
combinations that you never had before. Many
people appreciate the great Mexican minds who
created popular Mexican foods. The foods thrill
our taste buds the smells excite our minds and
the garnishing please our eyes. Here are few
Mexican dishes that you love to eat again and
again, have a look.
3 Pozole An old dish passed down from
Pre-Columbian and Aztec tradition. This yummy
dish is made from hominy corn and stewed for
hours with chicken, pork or veggies.
4 Milanesa It consists of a thin slice of beef,
sometimes veal or chicken. Each slice is dipped
into beaten eggs, seasoned with salt, and other
condiments. Then, again the slices are dipped in
breadcrumbs and shallow-fried in oil.
5 Tamales There are different varieties of
tamales. Most commonly, they come wrapped inside
corn husks or banana leaves. Depending on your
mood, you may choose one that is meaty, spicy or
6 Mole Its generally difficult to prepare and
contains a complex mixture of more than 20
ingredients from chili peppers to chocolate. The
best part of this cuisine is that, 99 of all
Mexicans have tried at least one version of it.
7 Enchilada Enchilada is a corn or flour tortilla
rolled around a filling and covered with chili
pepper sauce. It can be filled with a variety of
ingredients such as meat, cheese, beans,
potatoes, vegetables, seafood or combinations.
Want to enjoy these mouth-watering and yummy
Mexican foods in Texas? Visit La Fiesta, a
restaurant cum cantina that serves Tex-Mex
Cuisine. For more details, e -mail
samc_at_lafiesta.com Phone (254)
756-4701 Website URL http//mexicanfoodcateringby