Title: The Bonner Program: Student Development
1The Bonner ProgramStudent Development Training
Opportunity to Serve
A program of The Corella Bertram Bonner
Foundation 10 Mercer Street, Princeton, NJ
08540 (609) 924-6663 (609) 683-4626 fax For
more information, please visit our website at
2Student Development TrainingOverview
- Overview
- Types of outcomes
- Types of meetings
- Intentional sequence (roadmap and calendar)
- Training meeting
- Orientation
- Advising
- Resources
- Best Practices
- Self-Assessment Evaluation
3Student Development Training Outcomes in Four
Our student development approach offers students
a journey including opportunities to develop
- Experience
- Skills
- Values
- Knowledge
4Student Development Training Six Common
Civic Engagement Participate intentionally as a
citizen in the democratic process, actively
engaging in public policy and direct service.
International Perspective Develop international
understanding that enables Bonners to participate
successfully in a global society.
Community Building Establish and sustain a
vibrant community of place, personal
relationships and common interests.
Social Justice Advocate for fairness,
impartiality and equality while addressing
systemic social and environmental issues.
Diversity Respect the many different
dimensions of diversity in our public lives.
Spiritual Exploration Explore personal beliefs
while respecting the spiritual practices of
5Student Development Training The Five Es
Through Service (Developmental placements,
learning through action)
Co-Curricular Activities (Training
Enrichment, Reflection, and Advising)
Academic linkages (Service-learning, CBR, minor,
major certificates)
6Student Development TrainingTraining and
Skill Development
7Student Development Training Types of Meetings
- Tips
- Involve students in planning and facilitating
group meetings - Have a structured sequence of activities
- Link advising meetings to CLAs and other
- Use resources
- Co-Curricular Implementation Guide full section
on Class Meetings - Advising Implementation Guide
- Training Modules
- Reflection resources
- Student Best Practices
- The Basics
- Holding class-based or small group meetings
regularly the standard is twice per month and a
best practice is weekly - 80/20 rule
- Meetings should balance training, reflection,
problem solving, administrative management - Advising 1-to-1 meetings should be held once per
8Student Development Training Intentional
- Tips
- Utilize Civic Engagement modules
- Engage staff and faculty from across campus
- Engage partners as co-educators
- Engage students as peer leaders
- Start simple and modify over time
- Use resources
- Use the Roadmap planning tool sample training
calendar to get you started - 60 training modules
- Partners as Co-Educators handout
- Handout on engaging others across campus
- The Basics
- Create and implement a training calendar around
Common Commitments, skills knowledge areas - Articulate 4-6 intended outcomes per year and
build around them - Plug your plan into BWBRS (visible to students
9Student Development TrainingRoadmap Example
Articulate an intentional training enrichment
Academic Research Career planning
vocation Evaluation Networking Public
Speaking Skills for lifelong involvement
Leading inquiry reflection Personal and civic
values Project coordination Fundraising Grant
Writing Advocacy skills Academic Connection
Critical thinking Diversity Group dynamics
communication Project planning Introduction to
social issues/civics
Community knowledge Personal exploration Setting
goals Time management Active listening Teamwork
10Student Development Training Training
Calendar Example
11Student Development Training Training Meeting
In an hour meeting 1) Warm Up 5 minutes 2)
Overview of managing by calendar5 minutes 3)
Interactive introduction 5 minutes 4) The
basic steps15 minutes 5) Small group
activity/practice 20 minutes 6) Follow up and
Close 5 minutes Meeting 1 Planners Covey
article Meeting 2 TrainingManaging by
Calendar Meeting 3 Follow UpDiscussion of
Sites Meeting 4 Ask for Calendar Workplan
12Student Development Training Orientation
- Content
- Community building
- Bonner culture, history, expectations
- Student Development Model
- Orientation to community (partners, issues, asset
mapping) - Orientation to campus (staff, center programs)
- Inspiration
- Possibly service immersion
- Process
- Involve upper-class students
- Have an agenda
- Provide written handbook
- Model expectations
- Model relationships
- Model service
- Resources
- Co-Curricular Implementation Guide full section
on Orientation - Bonner Quiz
- Sample Agendas
- Training Modules
13Student Development Training Some Orientation
Use Agendas and other examples
Integrate Bonner Jeopardy
14Student Development Training Advising
- Tips
- Ask students to prepare using a few questions
- Involve several staff in doing 1-to-1 meetings
- Integrate information from partner calls visits
- Ask questions about academics
- Use resources
- Advising Implementation Guidesection on 1-to-1s
- Sample GuidelinesGuide In Good Form
- CLA Quickstart Guide
- The Basics
- Individualized advising underscores a students
development, engagement, retention - Programs integrate 1-to-1 meeting each semester
- Integrate conversations about the students
placement, CLA, training, academic connections,
15Training Enrichment TrainingResources
- Sample Training Calendar
- 60 Training Modules
- Co-Curricular Implementation Guide
- Advising Implementation Guide
- Vocation Implementation Guide
- Roadmap Planning Tool
- Community Partners Bonner Partners
- Other schools, Bonner staff, and STUDENTS
16Training Enrichment TrainingSelf-Assessment
and Evaluation
Developmental Model integrated and implemented
throughout program students engaged in the
framework Developmental Structure and
Leadership developmental structure student
leadership positions Bonner Program committees
site coordinators other management
positions Management and Meeting Structure
adequate frequency (from 15-20 of total hours,
at a frequency of two meeting per month or more
by class) comprehensive program of training,
enrichment, and reflection Orientation covers
key elements of the program (campus and Bonner
Program history, context, and frameworks), models
key process points (student leadership,
professionalism), and meets recommended
requirements for time (at least one full
day) One-on-One Meetings two one-to-one
meetings (one per semester) for each student
individualized advising and support for their
development and performance Student Reflection
ongoing student reflection, including activities
that help students to make connections between
their service work and their academic study,
research, the Common Commitments good reflection
practices students in leadership roles Common
Commitments Common Commitments and deeper
values of the college philosophy are integrated
17Student Development TrainingBest Practices
- Kevin Buechler, Advising and class meetings
- Laura Megivern, Cover Story and utilizing
resources - Rina Tovar and Jessily Ramirez, training
calendars and engaging students in training