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Begins long before technical work is initiated. Potential risks are identified. ... Significant degra-dation to nonachieve-ment of technical performance. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture

SE325/425 Principles and Practices of Software
Engineering Lecture 2 Risk Management Winter
2005DePaul University Jane HuangSchool of
Computer Science, Telecommunications, and
Information Systems
Elements of Risk Analysis
What are the risks involved in getting to work?
Reduce the occurrence and/or impact of the risk.
Identify new risks as they occur report on all
known risks.
Proactive Risk Strategies
  • Begins long before technical work is initiated.
  • Potential risks are identified.
  • Probability and impact of risks are assessed.
    Software risks always involve the two
    characteristics of uncertainty and loss.
  • Uncertainty The level of certainty about
    whether the event may or may not happen.
  • Loss What is the impact of the event if it does
  • Risks prioritized by importance.
  • Software team establishes a plan to manage the

Dont hide from project risk. Face it head on!
Three Types of Software Risk
  • Project RisksThreaten the project plan. Ie if
    the risks materialize, then it is likely that the
    project schedule will slip and costs will
  • Budgetary
  • Schedule
  • Personnel
  • Resources
  • Customers
  • Requirements problems
  • Project complexity and size.
  • Technical RisksThreaten the quality and
    timeliness of the software to be produced.
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Interfacing
  • Verification
  • Maintenance

Three Types of Software Risk (cont)
  • Business RisksThreaten the viability of the
    product to be built.
  • Building a great product that no-one wants
    anymore. (Market risk)
  • Building a product that no longer fits into the
    overall business strategy for the company
    (Strategic risk).
  • Building a product that the sales force doesnt
    understand how to sell.
  • Losing the support of senior management due to a
    change in focus or a change in people.
    (Management risk).
  • Losing budgetary or personnel commitment (Budget

Another way to Categorize Risk
  • Known RisksRisks that can be uncovered after
    careful evaluation of the project plan, business
    and technical environment, and other reliable
    sources of information (ie unrealistic delivery
    dates, lack of user input etc)
  • Predictable RisksRisks that can be extrapolated
    from past projects. (Staff turnover, poor
    communication with the customer)
  • Unpredictable RisksJoker risks that are hard
    to predict.

Risk Identification
  • A systematic attempt to specify threats to the
    project plan.
  • For each risk category there are two types of
  • Generic risks are a potential threat to every
    software project.
  • Product specific risks can only be identified by
    those with a clear understanding of the product,
    its environment, its underlying technology.

If you dont actively attack the risks, they
will attack you! Tom Gilb
Risk Identification (cont.)
Project ResourcesProject RequirementsRisk
Management Plan
Identify Risk
Risk StatementRisk context
Risk Checklists (See SEI risk taxonomy)Risk
AssessmentRisk Management FormRisk Database
Risk Item Checklist
A checklist is useful for supporting risk
identification of known and predictable risks in
the following subcategories
  • Product size
  • Business Impact - imposed by management or the
  • Customer characteristics
  • Process definition
  • Development environment ie availability and
    quality of tools.
  • Technology to be built complexity, newness
  • Staff size and experience

Product Size Risks
  • Project risk is directly proportional to product
  • Measure the following sizes against previous
    projects. If those projects were successful
    results are similar, then risk is probably low.
    If a large negative deviation is observed then
    risk is HIGH.
  • Estimated size of the product in LOC or FP?
  • Degree of confidence in estimated size estimate?
  • Estimated size of product in number of programs,
    files, transactions?
  • Percentage deviation in size of product from
    average for previous products?
  • Number of users of the product?
  • Anticipated volatility of the requirements?
  • Amount of reused software?

Business Impact Risks
  • The following items help identify generic risks
    associated with business impact
  • Effect of product on company revenue.
  • Visibility to senior management.
  • Reasonableness of delivery deadline
  • Number of customers who will use the product
    consistency of their needs.
  • Number of other products that it will interact
  • Sophistication of end users.
  • Governmental constraints.
  • Costs associated with late delivery or a
    defective product?

  • There are many different types of customer to
    deal with
  • Customers have different needsDo they know what
    they need or not? Are they willing to sweat the
  • Customers have different personalitiesSome
    enjoy the process and some hate it. Some will
    accept a shabby product just to get the process
    over with while others will insist on a high
    quality product.
  • Customers have varied associations with their
    suppliesPersonal relationships vs. impersonal
    phone contacts.
  • Customers may be contradictoryThey want
    everything yesterday for free. A good
    requirements engineer knows how to bring the best
    out of the customer.

Customer Related Risks
  • The following items help identify generic risks
    associated with the customer
  • Have you worked with the customer in the past?
  • Does the customer have a solid idea of what is
  • Is the customer willing to commit significant
    time to the requirements gathering process?
  • Is the customer willing to establish rapid
    communication links with the developer?
  • Is the customer willing to participate in
  • Is the customer technically sophisticated in the
    product area?
  • Does the customer understand the software
  • Risks should be investigated if the answer to any
    of these questions is YES.

Process Risks
  • An ill defined software process and/or an ad hoc
    approach to analysis, design, and testing can
    introduce risk.
  • The following are sample questions that should be
    asked to identify process risk
  • Do you have a consistent repeatable process that
    is actually used?
  • Do you train all developers in the process?
  • Are formal technical reviews part of this
  • Do you have a mechanism for managing change? (ie
    formal rfc system configuration management).
  • Do you have specific methods that you use for
    each phase of the process?
  • Is the process supported by tools?
  • Do you manage the process through use of metrics?

Technology Risks
  • Pushing the limits of technology is challenging
    exciting, yet very risky.
  • Questions to identify risk include
  • Is the technology to be built new to your
  • Do the requirements require the creation of new
  • Does the software interface with new or unproven
    hardware or unproven vendor products?
  • Do the requirements require the creation of
    components that are unlike anything your
    organization has previously built?
  • Do requirements demand the use of new analysis,
    design, or testing methods?
  • Do requirements put excessive performance
    constraints on the product?

Development Risks
  • The software engineering environment supports the
    project team, the process, and the product.
  • If the environment is flawed, it can be a source
    of significant risk
  • Is a software project management tool available?
  • Are tools for analysis and design available?
  • Are compilers and code generators available and
    suitable for the product to be built?
  • Are testing tools available and suitable?
  • Are the software tools integrated with each
  • Are team members trained in the use of the tools?
  • Are tool mentors available?

Staff Size and Experience Risks
  • CEOs have frequently observed that people make
    the most significant difference to the success of
    the organization.
  • Are the best people available?
  • Do the people have the right combinations of
  • Are enough people available?
  • Are staff committed for the duration of the
  • Are some people working on multiple projects?
  • Have staff received necessary training?

Risk Components and Drivers
  • The US Air Force requires project managers to
  • risk drivers that affect software risk
  • Performance risk the degree of uncertainty that
    the product will meet its requirements and be fit
    for its intended use.
  • Cost risk the degree of uncertainty that the
    project budget will be maintained.
  • Support risk the degree of uncertainty that the
    software will be easy to correct, adapt, and
  • Schedule risk the degree of uncertainty that
    the project schedule will be maintained and that
    the product will be delivered on time.

How risk averse are you?
  • Risk seeking people
  • I like action, and I act impulsively at times.
  • I seek excitement for the thrill of the
  • I am resourceful and prefer not to plan or
  • I am more self oriented than service oriented.
  • I like to anticipate another persons position.
  • Risk averse people
  • I like being dependable and Im usually punctual.
  • I am not likely to take chances.
  • I am responsible and prefer to work efficiently.
  • I am more service oriented than self oriented.
  • I value institutions and observe traditions.
  • Risk neutral people
  • I trust my intuition, and I am comfortable with
  • I think about the future and have long-range
  • I am naturally curious and often ask, Why?
  • I enjoy generating new ideas.
  • I work best when I am inspired.

Risk Management
  • Lets take a look at one of Indys escapades in
    the opening sequence of Raiders of the lost arc.
  • Did his approach to risk management prove
  • As we will see this is an example of reactive
    rather than proactive risk management.

Dont worry, Ill think of something!!
Post-Implementation Review
  • Project Manager Dr. Indiana Jones
  • Project Objective To retrieve priceless gold
    statue for the museum
  • Did the project meet objectives? No. Indy got the
    statue but lost in in the last phase to evil
  • Project Costs High. One guide dead, a severely
    bruised Indy and a priceless archeological find
    the cave which contains photo-electric cells for
    example destroyed
  • Project Benefits None - Indy did not save
    statue for society and research
  • Overall success From all perspectives the Cave
    Project was dismal failure. Not only did the
    project fail to meet its objectives but one
    person died and the project manager was placed at
    risk throughout the project

Post-Implementation Review
  • In addition, the project manager Dr. Indiana
    Jones didn't undertake planning or risk
    assessment and went into the Cave project
    completely un-prepared.
  • Finally, Dr. Jones has exhibited no learning from
    the project and has continued throughout the
    entire three releases of the Indiana Jones
    Integrated Project (Release1 Raiders of the Lost
    Ark Release 2 The Temple of Doom Release 3
    The Last Crusade) to walk into other Cave
    Projects without any planning or formal risk
  • Conclusion Dr. Indiana Jones should be demoted
    from Project Manager to Trainee ASAP.

Risk Projection
  • Each risk is rated according to likelihood and
  • The project manager performs the following risk
    projection activities
  • Establish a scale that reflects the perceived
    likelihood of the risk.
  • Delineate the consequences of the risk.
  • Estimate the impact of the risk on the project.
  • Note the overall accuracy of the risk projection.

Potential consequence of 1. of undetected
software errors or faults, 2. if desired outcome
is not achieved.
Activity 1Risk Analysis
  • Form small groups of 4-6 people.(Try to make
    different groups from last time)
  • Analyze the sample development risks from the NEC
    Corp project.
  • Derive risk exposure class for each risk.
  • Identify the top ten risks and identify a
    plausible risk reduction strategy.
  • For the same risks identify a plausible
    contingency plan. (ie what you will do if the
    risk actually occurs.)

25 minutes
Security Risks
  • An important area of risk management in software
    engineering involves security.
  • Need to identify, mitigate, and/or develop
    contingency plans to deal with threats,
    vulnerabilities, and attacks.
  • Threat Any potential occurrence, malicious or
    otherwise, that can have an undesirable effect on
    assets and resources associated with a computer
  • Vulnerability A characteristic of a computer
    system that makes it possible for a threat to
  • Attack An action taken by a malicious intruder
    that involves the exploitation of certain
    vulnerabilities in order to cause an existing
    threat to occur.

Fundamentals of Computer Security Technology,
Edward Amoroso, Prentice Hall, 1994.
Types of Threats
  • Disclosure ThreatThe dissemination of
    information to an individual for whom that
    information should not be seen. (ie a leak)
  • Integrity ThreatUnauthorized change to
    information stored ona computer system or in
    transit between computer systems.
  • Denial of Service ThreatAccess to some computer
    system resource is intentionally blocked as a
    result of malicious action taken by another user.
  • IF denial of service occurs for a critical
    component such as activation of an alarm system,
    it impacts the security of the system.

Fundamentals of Computer Security Technology,
Edward Amoroso, Prentice Hall, 1994.
System Security Engineering Process
Security Engineering allows you to determine the
optimal security approach for a particular system
based on an identification of all relevant
Fundamentals of Computer Security Technology,
Edward Amoroso, Prentice Hall, 1994.
Threat Identification
  • Brain storming
  • Ongoing construction of a list of threats as they
    are noticed during development.
  • Threat tree decomposition of an abstract threat
    into very specific ones.

Non-systematic approach to threat identification.
May easily miss important threats.
A more rigorous and systematic approach to
identifying threats.
Fundamentals of Computer Security Technology,
Edward Amoroso, Prentice Hall, 1994.
Example Hospital Computer System
HospitalComputer System
Non Patient Medical History
Patient Medical History
Denial of Service
Denial of Service
Patients medical information is corrupted.
Confidential patient information is disclosed
Confidential patient information is not available
Fundamentals of Computer Security Technology,
Edward Amoroso, Prentice Hall, 1994.
Using threat trees for Calculations
  • Values can be associated with each node in the
    threat tree.
  • Probability of occurrence
  • Potential damage if threat occurs
  • Level of effort required to enact the threat

DISJUNCTIVEThe threat occurs if either of the
subthreats materialize.
CONJUNCTIVEThe threat occurs if ALL of the
subthreats materialize.
Effort in Threat
Integrity threatEffort MODERATE
Integrity sub -threatEffort MODERATE
Integrity sub -threatEffort HIGH
  • In this example the attacker would likely choose
    the moderate effort option, therefore the
    integrity threat on the higher node is moderate.
  • Attacker MAY attempt the high effort option if it
    involved less chance of being caught etc.

Fundamentals of Computer Security Technology,
Edward Amoroso, Prentice Hall, 1994.
Supporting System Security Engineering
Subthreat ACriticality 4Effort 2Risk 2
Subthreat BCriticality 5Effort 1Risk 5
Criticality 5Effort 1Risk 1
  • Analyze each of the risks to determine optimal
    placement of security protections.
  • Following implementation of security protections,
    Subthreat Bs risk is reduced (shown in green)

Fundamentals of Computer Security Technology,
Edward Amoroso, Prentice Hall, 1994.
Software Engineering Risk ModelSERIM
  • Applicable for small and medium sized
  • Primarily qualitative with quantitative analysis.
  • Applicable to full life-cycle including
    maintenance phase.
  • Maintainable during project development.
  • Compatible with any development model, such as
    spiral, waterfall, joint application design,
    recent application design, incremental, or
  • SERIM uses risk questions to derive numerical
    probabilities for a set of risk factors and
    analyses them using a simple spreadsheet.

Case Study Aircraft Computer System
TemperatureSensor (ts)
Connection to electromechanical servo to
control engine (e)
PositionSensor (ps)
Connection to electromechanical servo to
control cooling system (cs)
FlightRecorder (fr)
  • Specify system architecture and prioritize the
    need for each component to be protected.
  • Top priority mc
  • High e, all interconnections, ps
  • Moderate ts, cs
  • Flight recorder low

Identify threats, vulnerabilities, attacks.
Threats to system components
Denial of ServiceG10, E2, R5
OpG5, E5, R1
OpG10, E2, R5
Fundamentals of Computer Security Technology,
Edward Amoroso, Prentice Hall, 1994.
SERIM Terminology
  • Risk Elements Technical, Cost, Scheduling
  • Risk Factors - more specific subcategories of the
    three general risk elements (for example
    organizational risk). A risk factor can be
    related to one or more risk elements.
  • SERIM identifies ten primary risk factors of
    organization, estimation, monitoring,
    development, tools, risk culture, usability,
    correctness, reliability, and personnel.
  • Each software risk factor can have an influence
    on each risk element. That influence can be
    categorized as low, medium, or high.

SERIM Terminology
The impact of each risk factor on each risk
The effect of risk factors on each risk
Risk questions
  • One approach to assessing risk is to use risk
    questions to measure risk factors.
  • Answers to the questions can be recorded in a
    yes-or-no format (0 or 1) or as a numerical range
    of possible responses.
  • Response ranges can use any numerical value from
    0 through 1. For example, a response range could
    be defined as none 0, little 0.2, some 0.5,
    most 0.8, and all 1.0.

The relationship of risk questions to risk
factors and risk elements.
Organizational questions
O1. Are you using or do you plan to use
experienced software managers? O2. Has your
company been producing software similar to this
in the past? O3. Is there a documented
organizational structure either in place or
planned? O4. Is the organizational structure
stable? O5. What is the confidence level of your
management team? O6. Does good communication
exist between different organizations supporting
the development of the software project? O7. Are
software configuration management functions being
performed? O8. Are software quality functions
being performed?
Devise a numerical range of responses For
example in question O1 1 Mgrs with little or no
SE experience. 0.5 Mix of experienced and
non-experienced managers. 0 Only experienced
Calculating P(An) Example Organizational success
2. Calculate Imp / Impact Total.
3. Calculate of Impact X success.
1. Sum the impacts.
Quantitative Risk Analysis
  • The probability of a successful project P(A) is
    derived using the following equation where E
    the number of risk elements.
  • P(A) ? P(An)/(E)
  • This equation assumes that all risk elements are
    equal in weight. P(A) is the probability of a
    successful project.
  • If different risk elements have different impacts
    (weights), then P(A) w1P(A1) w2P(A2)
    w3P(A3), where w1 is a positive number and
    w1 w2 w3 1.

  • 5 risk elements at the following probabilities
    for successA1 0.9, A2 0.75, A3 0.85, A4
    0.6, A5 0.95
  • Risk elements weighted as
  • A1 0.2, A2 0.4, A3 0.1, A4 0.1, A5 0.2
  • Probability for successP(A) (0.90.2)
    (0.750.4) (0.850.1) (0.60.1)
  • P(A) 0.815
  • Question Should we proceed??????

Decision Making Time
  • Can you mitigate any of the risks?ie reduce the
    possibility of the risk or mitigate its impact IF
    it does occur.
  • How much risk are you able to tolerate?
  • What is at stake? ie is the risk worthwhile?

  • Introduction
  • Scope and purpose of document
  • Overview of major risks
  • Responsibilities
  • Management
  • Technical staff
  • Project Risk Table
  • Description of all risks above cut-off
  • Factors influencing probability and impact
  • Risk mitigation, monitoring, management
  • Risk n
  • Mitigation
  • General strategy
  • Specific steps to mitigate the risk
  • Monitoring
  • Factors to be monitored
  • Monitoring approach
  • Management
  • Contingency Plan
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