Title: Social and Political Issues Chapter 13
1Social and Political IssuesChapter 13
Jodi Hallsten Im Your Teacher ?
22 Types of Media Research
- Media Effects Research
- Analyzes peoples use of media
- Content Analysis
- Examines media content
3Early Media Effects Studies
- Magic Bullet Theory
- Hypodermic needle theory
- Media ideas directly affect peoples behavior
- Proven untrue
- Direct Effects Media Model
- The Cantril Study
- 1939, Studied War of the Worlds
- Contradicted Payne findings
- The Laswell Model
- Who-says what-on which channel-to whom-with what
Bartolomiej Stroinski/stock.xchnge
4Media Effects Studies
- The Cantril Study
- 1939, Studied War of the Worlds
- Contradicted Payne findings
- People w/certain personality characteristics
interpreted the broadcast differently - Limited Effects Model Media Something Else
- The Laswell Model
- Who-says what-on which channel-to whom-with what
Matias Puga/stock.xchnge
5Television and Childrens Behavior
- TV in the Lives of Children
- Childrens watch a lot of TV
- Found different effects for different people
- Fantasy / Diversion / Instruction
- TV and Social Behavior
- Violence and TV Gerbner
- Could not prove connection between violence on TV
and violent behavior in children - The Early Window
- 1988 No one, single cause of any social behavior
Bill Aron/Photo Edit
6Children and TV Advertising
- Television Advertising to Children
- Average child sees 20,000 ads a year
- Average child sees 3 hours a week of TV ads
- Many children do not distinguish between ads and
programming - Called for ban on ads for young children
Bill Arun/Photo Edit
7Television Violence
- Television and Behavior
- Direct correlation between TV violence and
aggression - Cannot be predicted
- Heavy TV viewers are more fearful
- Pro social programming can lead to responsible
Erik Dungan/stock.xchnge
8The Media National Politics
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Fireside Chats, 1933
- The Peoples Choice
- Media activate people to vote and reinforce
already held opinions - Opinion leaders help shape others opinions
- Obtain information from media and share it with
friends and family - 2-step flow model of communication
- Media ? Opinion Leaders ? Everyone
- Political advertising sways swing voters
Library of Congress
Franklin D. Roosevelt
9Mass Media and Cultural Values
- Spiral of Silence
- Elisabeth Noelle Newman
- Media forms a consensus
- Opposing viewpoints become fewer
- Vocal Minority Silent Majority
- No Sense of Place
- 1985, Joshua Meyerwitz
- Television breaks down distinctions
- Between men and women
- Between child and adult
- Loss of childhood
Tim Spence/stock.xchnge
10Mass Media and Cultural Values
- Television and school performance
- Students who watched more TV scored lower
Carlos Alvarez/Getty images
Halle Berry
11Multiculturalism the Mass Media
- Media slow to reflect evolving multiculturalism
- NY Times content analysis, 1934-1994
- Nonwhites visible in glimpses
- Minorities outside American Society
- Content analysis of network TV, 1994-1995
- Only 2 of prime time characters Latino
Vince Bucci/Getty Images
Brad Pitt
12Gender Issues the Mass Media
- Diverse lifestyles and American media
- 1993 For Better or For Worse comic strip
introduced gay character - 1996 New Yorker
- Men kissing on the cover
- L.A. Law 1991 Ellen 1997
- Lesbian kisses on TV
- Queer Eye for the Straight Guy 2003
- Possible indications of wider tolerance
Hector Mata/AFP/Getty Images
13Review Questions
- The Magic Bullet Theory of media effects has
received much support from recent research (True
or false?) - Research on the effects of television on children
tends to view the effect as negative, but is not
conclusive (True or false?) - American media continue to struggle with issues
of multiculturalism (True or false?)
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