Title: Chapter 3. Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology
1Chapter 3. Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear
- Outline of experiment
- ?? get particles (e.g. protons, )
- ?? accelerate them
- ?? throw them against each other
- ?? observe and record what happens
- ?? analyse and interpret the data
- Accelerators
- Detectors
- Reactors
- History-Why
- Particle Sources
- Acceleration stage
- Space charge
- Diagnostics
- Application
3Natures Particle Accelerators
Examples from the nature electrostatic
discharge, a- and ß-decays, cosmic rays.
- Naturally occurring radioactive sources
- Up to 5 MeV Alphas (helium nuclei)
- Up to 3 MeV Beta particles (electrons)
- Natural sources are difficult and limited
- Chemical processing purity, messy, and expensive
- Low intensity
- Poor geometry
- Uncontrolled energies, usually very broad
4Start the ball rolling
- 1927 Lord Rutherford requested a copious
supply of projectiles more energetic than
natural alpha and beta particles. At the opening
of the resulting High Tension Laboratory,
Rutherford went on to reiterate the goal - What we require is an apparatus to give us a
potential - of the order of 10 million volts which can be
safely accommodated in a reasonably sized room
and operated by a few kilowatts of power. We
require too an exhausted tube capable of
withstanding this voltage I see no reason why
such a requirement cannot be made practical.
5Why study...
- The construction, design and operation of
particle accelerators uses knowledge from
different branches of physics electromagnetism,
high frequency electronics, solid states physics,
optics, vacuum technology, cryogenics, ... - Learning about particle accelerator is a good
opportunity to learn about many different
physical phenomenon.
- They have wide ranging applications well beyond
physics health, life science, materials and even
7Early accelerators
- 1870 Discovery of the cathode rays by William
Crookes- Charged rays - Propagation from the
Cathode to the anode
A Crookes tube in which the Cathode rays are
deflected by a magnetic field.
Images source Wikipedia
1896 J.J. Thomson shows that the cathode rays
are made of particles and measure the
charge/mass ratio.These particles are called
- A charged particle emits radiation when it is
accelerated. - An electron that Coulomb scatters on a heavy
nucleus will change direction gt acceleration - Bremsstrahlung, braking radiation, is the name of
the radiation emitted when a charged particle
scatters on a heavy nucleus.
- When a charged beam hits an object, X-rays are
emitted. This is used to produce X-rays in
hospitals but it is also a source of hazardous
radiations in accelerators. - Bremsstrahlung is similar to synchrotron
radiation that will be discussed later today.
Image source http//www.ndt-ed.org/EducationReso
9Improved resolution
- In quantum mechanics the wavelength of an object
is related to its energy by
- The reach better resolutions, the energy of the
probe must be increased. - The energy of the electrons in Cathodic ray tubes
is limited by the electrostatic generators
available. - In the 1930s several generators where invented to
produce high electric fields.
Ion source
- History-Why
- Particle Sources
- Acceleration stage
- Space charge
- Diagnostics
- Application
12Particle sources
- How particles are first produced?
- How to extract particles with the right
properties? - What are the limitations of the sources?
- The quality of the source is very important. If
the particles emitted by the source do not have
the right properties, it will be very difficult
and/or expensive to rectify it later.
13Beams of nanoamperes to hundreds of amperes Very
thin to very broad beams (µm2 to m2) Negative
to highly charged state e to protein molecule
14Emission of electronThermionic effect
- When a metal is heated more electrons can
populate high energy levels. - Above a certain threshold they electrons can
break their bound and be emitted This is
thermionic emission.
- (image source wikipedia)?
15Emission of electronField effect
- Under a very intense electric field some
electrons will be able to tunnel across the
potential barrier and become free. - This is known as field effect emission.
(image source answers.com)?
16Emission of electronPhoto-electric effect
- A photon incident on a piece of metal can
transfer its energy to an electron - If the photon transfers enough energy the
electron can be emitted. - By using powerful lasers the photoelectric effect
can be used to produce electron beams. - This is known as the photo-electric emission.
(image source wikipedia)?
17Fermi-Dirac statistics
18Work function
- To escape from the metal the electrons must reach
an energy greater than the edge of the potential
well. - The energy that must be gained above the Fermi
energy is called the work function of the
metal. - The work function is a propertyspecific to a
given metal. It canbe affected by many
parameters(eg doping, crystaline state,surface
roughness,...)? - Example values
(image source wikipedia)?
19Summary electrons in solids
(image source http//cnx.org/content/m13458/lates
- At low temperature all electrons are in the
lowest possible energy level, below the Fermi
level. - As the temperature increase some electrons will
go above the Fermi level. - But only those with an energy above the Fermi
level greater than the work function are free.
20Thermionic emission
- The Richardson-Dushman equation gives the
electronic current density J (A/m-2) emitted by a
material as a function of the temperatureWith
A the Richardson constant
(image sourceMasao Kuriki, ILC school)?
21Thermionic cathode material
- Two parameters are important when considering a
thermionic cathode material - WWork function (as low as possible)?
- TeOperation Temperature (preferably high)?
- Cesium has a low work function (W2eV) but a low
operation temperature (Te320K) gt not good for
high current - Metals Ta (4.1eV, 2680K), W(4.5eV, 2860K)?
- BaO has good properties (1eV 1000K) but can
oxidize by exposure to air gt sinter of BaOWBaO
provided slowly to the surface.
22Electric field bias
- Once the electrons are free they may fall back on
the cathode. - To avoid this an electric field needs to be
applied. - If a negative potential is applied to the cathode
the electrons will be attracted away from the
cathode after being emitted. - However this field affects the work function.
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24Photo-electric emission
- A photon incident on a material will transfer its
energy to an electron present in the metal. - If the energy of this electron becomes bigger
than the work function of the material, the
electron can be emitted. - This is called photo-electric emission.
(image sourceMasao Kuriki, ILC school)?
25Photo-electric emission (2)?
- A UV photon at 200nm carries an energy of about 6
eV, this is enough to jump over the work
function of most metals. - As seen in electromagnetism, electromagnetic
waves (photons) can penetrate inside a metal. - The photo-electricemission may thustake place
away from the surface.
(image source Dowell et al., Photoinjectors
26The 3 steps of photo-electric emission
- Photo-electric emission takes place in 3 steps
- 1) Absorption of a photon by an electron inside
the metal. The energy transferred is proportional
to the photon energy. - 2) Transport of the photo to the physical surface
of the metal. The electron may loose energy by
scattering during this process. - 3) Electron emission (ifthe remaining energy
isabove the work functionincluding Schottky
27Quantum efficiency (QE)?
- For photo-electric emission, it is useful to
define the quantum efficiency - Typical QE for a photo-cathode is only a few
percent or less! - The quantum efficiency will decrease during the
life of the cathode it may get damaged or
- Which of these materials would give the highest
thermionic emission current (at the same
temperature)? - Iron (Fe) W4.7 eV
- Gadolinium (Gd) W2.90 eV
- Cobalt (Co) W5 eV
- Which laser would give the best Quantum
efficiency on a Copper-based photo-cathode (W5
eV)? - A 5GW CO2 laser (wavelength10 micrometers)?
- A 10 kW frequency doubled NdYAG laser
(wavelength532nm)? - A 3MW frequency quadrupled Ti-Sapphire laser
29Ion source SINCS
Source of Negative Ions by Cesium Sputtering -
Principle of Operation
30Focused Ion Beam
liquid metal ion source (LMIS),
31Electrospray ionisation
Charge Residue Model electrospray droplets
undergo evaporation and fission cycles,
eventually leading progeny droplets that contain
on average one analyte ion or less. The gas-phase
ions form after the remaining solvent molecules
evaporate, leaving the analyte with the charges
that the droplet carried.
- History-Why
- Particle Sources
- Acceleration stage
- Space charge
- Diagnostics
- Application
33Acceleration stage
Lorentz Force
- Only works on charged particles
- Electric Fields for Acceleration
- Magnetic Fields for Steering
- Magnetic fields act perpendicular to the
direction of motion. - For a relativistic particle, the force from a 1
Tessla magnetic field corresponds to an Electric
field of 300 MV/m
34types of accelerators ?? electrostatic (DC)
accelerators ?? Cockcroft-Walton accelerator
(protons up to 2 MeV) ?? Van de Graaff
accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV) ?? Tandem Van
de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV) ??
resonance accelerators ?? cyclotron (protons up
to 25 MeV) ?? linear accelerators electron
linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV ??
proton linac up to 70 MeV ??
synchronous accelerators ?? synchrocyclotron
(protons up to 750 MeV) ?? proton synchrotron
(protons up to 900 GeV) ?? electron synchrotron
(electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV) ??Induction
Induction linac, betatron
35electrostatic accelerators generate high
voltage between two electrodes ? charged
particles move in electric field, energy gain
charge times voltage drop Cockcroft-Walton and
Van de Graaff accelerators differ in method to
achieve high voltage.
- High voltage source using rectifier units
- Voltage multiplier ladder (made of diodes and
capacitors) allows reaching up to 1 MeV
(sparking). - First nuclear transmutation reaction achieved in
1932 p 7Li ? 24He - CW was widely used as injector until the
invention of RFQ
Fermilab 750 kV C-W preaccelerator
37Van de Graaff
- Voltage buildup by mechanical transport of
charge using a conveyor belt. up to 20 MV
The charged particles are extracted from an ion
source housed inside the high-voltage terminal
and accelerated down an evacuated tube to ground
38Tandem Van de Graaff
- Negative ions accelerated towards a positive HV
terminal, then stripped of electrons and
accelerated again away from it, doubling the
energy. - Negative ion source required!
39The Million Volt BarrierSummary of Problems in
getting HV 1929
- Voltage Generators
- Insulators 750 kV max holding !
- Power
- Safety in using HV
- Funding
- Imagination
40RF Accelerators
Radiofrequency oscillating voltage
- High voltage gaps are very difficult to maintain
- Solution Make the particles pass through the
voltage gap many times! - First proposed by G. Ising in 1925
- First realization by R. Wiederöe in 1928 to
produce 50 kV potassium ions - Many different types
41RF LINAC basic idea
- Particles accelerated between the cavities
- Cavity length increases to match the increasing
speed of the particles - EM radiation power P ?rfCVrf2
- the drift tube placed in a cavity so that the EM
energy is stored. - Resonant frequency of the cavity tuned to that of
the accelerating field
42RF LINAC phase focusing
- E. M. McMillan V. Veksler 1945
- The field is synchronized so that the slower
particles get more acceleration
- History-Why
- Particle Sources
- Acceleration stage
- Space charge
- Diagnostics
- Application
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- History-Why
- Particle Sources
- Acceleration stage
- Space charge
- Diagnostics
- Application
51What do you want to know about the beam?
- Intensity (charge) (I,Q)?
- Position (x,y,z)?
- Size/shape (transverse and longitudinal)?
- Emittance (transverse and longitudinal)?
- Energy
- Particle losses
52Properties of a charged beam
- Almost all accelerators accelerate charged
particles which interact with matter. - That's almost all what you need to use to build
diagnostics (together with some clever tricks).
53Faraday cup (1)?
- Let's send the beam on a piece of copper.
- What information can be measured after the beam
has hit the copper?
54Faraday cup (2)?
- Two properties can be measured
- Beam total energy
- Beam total charge
- By inserting an ammeter between the copper and
the ground it is possible to measure the total
charge of the beam. - At high energy Faraday cups can be large More
than 1m at Diamond.
Image source Pelletron.com
55Beam current monitor
- Remember as the charge travelling in the beam
pipe is constant the current induced on the walls
(of the beam pipe) will be independent of the
beam position. - By inserting a ceramic gap and an ammeter the
total charge travelling in a beam pipe can be
56Beam current monitor vs Faraday cup
- Both devices have pros and cons.
- A Faraday cup destroys the beam but it gives a
very accurate charge measurements - A Beam current monitor does not affect the beam
but must be calibrated. - Both tend to be used at different locations.
57Screen (1)?
- If a thin screen is inserted in the path of the
particles, they will deposit energy in the
screen. - If this screen contains elements that emit light
when energy is deposited then the screen will
emit light. - Example of such elements Phosphorus, Gadolinium,
58Screen (2)?
- It is not possible to stay in the accelerator
while the beam is on so the screen must be
monitored by a camera. - To avoid damaging the camera the screen is at 45
degrees. - On this screen you can see both the position of
the beam and its shape. - Note the snow on the image.
- By inserting a thin wire in the beam trajectory
(instead of a full screen) it is possible to
sample parts of the beam. - By moving the wire in the transverse direction
one can get a profile of the beam. - It is possible to use wire diameters of just a
few micrometres.
60Longitudinal properties
- It is not possible to directly image the
longitudinal profile of a bunch. - By giving longitudinal impulsion to the beam it
is possible to make it rotate and observe its
longitudinal profile.
61Beam losses
- It is important to monitor the beam losses
directly - Small beam losses may not be detected by other
systems - Beam losses are a source of radiation and
activation - Most beam losses indicate that there is a problem
62Limitation of these monitors
- Monitors in which the matter interacts are prone
to damage. - With high energy high intensity colliders such
damages are more likely to occur. - To the left hole punched by a 30 GeV beam into
a scintillating screen.
- To mitigate the problem of broken wires in
wire-scanners it is possible to replace the wire
by a laser. - This technique called laser-wire also allow to
reach better resolutions. - High power lasers (or long integration times) are
64Synchrotron radiation
- Synchrotron radiation carries information about
the beam which emitted it. - It is commonly used to study the beam shape.
65Energy measurements
- To measure (or select) the energy of the
particles a bending magnet is often the best
66Diagnostics overview
- There are two ways of measuring the properties of
a beam - By forcing it to interact with matter
- By looking at the EM radiation emitted.
- How to build the best diagnostic is then a matter
of imagination!
- History-Why
- Particle Sources
- Acceleration stage
- Space charge
- Diagnostics
- Application
69Several accelerator based methods can be used to
date old artefacts. Hospitals use accelerators
everyday to treat some forms of Cancer. The data
storage capacity of electronic devices has been
improved. The structure of molecules, including
drugs, can be studied with intense sources of
X-rays. Material hardness can be studied with
neutrons Intense flux of neutrons can burn
unwanted nuclear materials
70Dating old artefacts
The Shroud of Turin
The shroud of Turin is a piece of cloth which was
first mentioned in the middle age. On it the face
of a man can be seen. Some claim that it is the
shroud that was used after the Christ's
crucifixion. In the 1980s 3 AMS laboratory
independently dated the sample they were provided
to 1260-1390.
71(No Transcript)
Comparison of the physical dose distribution
(upper diagram) and the survival rate of cells
(lower diagram) as a function of penetration
depth for ion and photon beams. The enhanced
energy deposition at the end of the particle
range and the corresponding dramatic decrease of
cell survival show that heavy ion beams are
excellent tools for the treatment of deep seated
74Sub-micron micromachining interactions
- Masked processes (electromagnetic)
- Light
- X-rays
- Direct write processes
- Electrons
- Low energy heavy ions (eg gallium)
- High energy light ions (protons)
75Proton Beam Micro-machining
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77Pharmaceutical drugs
To be efficient a drug need to target the correct
molecule. This can only be achieved by studying
the diffraction of intense on the molecule. What
type of machine (gun, accelerator, ...) is best
suited to deliver an intense stable beam of
78 Fig.2.3 Schematic drawing of electrostatic
storage ring (ELISA).
79HIRFL-CSR?????????????? ???????
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81- Producer
- Wuxi EL PONT Accelerator Research Institute ????
- http//www.elpont.net/abfs/EN/
- HV High Voltage Engineering Europa B.V.
http//www.highvolteng.com/ - National Electrostatics Corporation (NEC)
- http//www.pelletron.com/index.html
- Kobelco
- http//www.kobelco.co.jp/english/machinery/product
s/function/hrbs/index.html - IBA
- http//www.iba-industrial.com/e-beam-accelerators
82Jobs and graduate studies
Accelerators do not operate on their own. A
team is needed to manage the accelerator
operations. All accelerators facilities have a
wide-range of staff at all levels. There are
also many jobs connected to the usage of
accelerators. New machines bring new challenges
and there are many opportunities for graduate
studies in Accelerator science.
83 - Timothy Koeth
- Physics, Oxford University
- www-w2k.gsi.de/charms/Talks/CHARMS/
- Greg LeBlanc
- ???
- ??