Title: NZ Landcare Trust
1- NZ Landcare Trust
- Sustainable land management
- through community involvement
landcare action on the ground
2Sustainable Management
- The NZ Landcare Trust
- Sustainable Land Water Management
- Farming and ICM
- Participatory Research
- 2 Landowner ICM Projects
- Rotorua Lakes
- Aorere River, Tasman
3NZ Landcare Trust
- The Trust promotes an ethic of community-based
environmental stewardship and responsibility. - This community-based approach is extremely
effective in advancing sustainable land and water
management and solving environmental problems.
4NZ Landcare Trust
- Focuses on 4 key areas for advancing sustainable
land management - Supporting Landcare groups
- Fostering links with research providers
- Fostering relationships with regional authorities
- Providing facilitation and skills training
5NZ Landcare Trustees
- Federation of Maori Authorities
- Federated Farmers of New Zealand
- Rural Women New Zealand
- Ecologic Foundation
- Federated Mountain Clubs
- Royal Forest and Bird Society
- Fish and Game New Zealand
6Trust Achievements
- Supports 233 Landcare Groups across NZ
- Granted over 600,000 to 300 environmental
restoration projects - Involved over 90,000 hours of community and
agency support - Managed over 5.5 M of sustainable land and water
management projects - Focus on integrated catchment management for
managing intensive land use effects on water
7NZ Landcare Trust ICM Initiatives
- National ICM
- Project
- Rotorua Lakes
- Lake Brunner
- Aorere River
- Waituna Lagoon
- Waikato Wetlands
- Taieri River
- Mangakahia River
- Urban Catchments
- Waitao River
8What is ICM?
- Watersheds are a logical way to divide
landscapes and are ultimately the most
appropriate analytical and management units for
water quality improvement
- An approach that recognises the catchment or
river basin as the appropriate organising unit
for managing natural resources in a context that
includes social, economic and political
9ICM and Farming in NZ
- PCE Report - Growing for good Intensive farming,
sustainability - and New Zealands environment
Farming system redesign Non-point
sources Indicators of sustainable
agriculture Strategic leadership
10Increasing need for focus on
- Farming systems integrated into wider social,
economic and environmental context - Sustainable agriculture encouraged
- Proactive and preventative approach to
- Integrated Catchment Management
11ICM Beyond the Farm Scale
Linking farms with other farms Linking all uses
within catchment Understanding cumulative
effects Integrating water land planning
12Research Relationships
- Environmental outcomes require effective
engagement between users and providers - Access and awareness to research outcomes highly
dependent on personal links - Pool of users is huge relative to available
scientists - Legitimate concerns of users struggling to get
information they need - particularly community
organisations, iwi, and those with
responsibilities for private land - Connections between the science system and the
majority of end-users need to be significantly
improved. - MoRST/FRST 2004
13Participatory Research
- Collaborative NRM, PAR, adaptive management
Recognising Local communities Local
landowners Local knowledge Indigenous knowledge
14Rotorua Landowners SFF Project
15Land/water Interface Research
- Sheep/beef vs. dairying
- Mitigation Options for P N
- Wintering off, nitrification inhibitors, cattle
type, riparian management, constructed wetlands,
grass filter strips, retention dams, harvesting
aquatic macrophytes - Landowner-driven through
- Rotorua Lakes Lake Trust
- AgResearch NIWA are partners
- NZ Landcare Trust managed
16Environmental/economic outcomes
Optimised system no N in winter, less maize
silage, all cows wintered off for 60 days After
Ledgard, S., Ghani, A., and Redding, M. 2006.
Rotorua Landowners Research Project SFF.
Newsletter Issue 2. AgResearch, Hamilton.
17The Aorere River
18Aorere River Catchment
- Aorere River is in the Tasman District draining
into Golden Bay - Enclosed valley with high rainfall
- 80 of catchment is very steep, native bush
covered - Flat valley floor is primarily used for dairying
(16) - Low levels of nitrogen and phosphorus
- Moderate pathogen levels faecal coliforms
- Greatest faecal coliform loads in floods
19The problem?
Marine farming and faecal coliforms dont mix
- Socio/Economic
- Costs/benefits of land management changes
- Incentives for adopting new technologies (BMPs
and MOs) - Landowner capability for change and
training/support needs - Natural Resource Science
- Land use mitigation options suited to varying
environmental conditions (soils, climate, land
use type) - Improving linkages between land-based and water
research - Integration between environmental thresholds,
environmental monitoring, catchment land use
modelling, land use mitigation option adoption
21Finding a Balance
Science has its limitations so we have to look to
other sources of information and knowledge for a
balanced view. To achieve that balance, the NZ
Landcare Trust relies heavily on the involvement
of land users to develop effective solutions.