A Maori perspective on biodiversity restoration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Maori perspective on biodiversity restoration


Garth Harmsworth (Te Arawa, Ngati Tuwharetoa, Ngati Raukawa) ... and protecting indigenous species (e.g. kiwi, kereru, tuatara, native fish, etc. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Maori perspective on biodiversity restoration

A Maori perspective on biodiversity
restorationResearch in Ecological Restoration
Workshop, Hamilton, May, 2004
Garth Harmsworth (Te Arawa, Ngati Tuwharetoa,
Ngati Raukawa) Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd
-Manaaki Whenua, Private Bag 11052, Palmerston
North HarmsworthG_at_LandcareResearch.co.nz
A Maori perspective on biodiversity restoration
  • Background RIBHL programme
  • Key Maori concepts, beliefs, values, principles
  • Working together to achieve common goals success
    stories, Maori projects
  • Maori involvement in projects a national
  • The role of research
  • Monitoring and evaluation how do we measure
    achievements, perspectives, and success?
  • Conclusions

Restoring Indigenous Biodiversity inHuman
  • 2001 FRST funded, PL. Bruce Burns
  • Maori and Biodiversity
  • National overview - networks, participatory
    research with a large number of Maori groups and
    agencies, such as iwi, hapu, marae, local and
    central government, community groups, Maori
  • Understanding complex biodiversity issues,
    community, central and local government, along
    with Maori aspirations, goals, strategies
  • Collaborative learning, traditional knowledge
    (matauranga), creating new knowledge,
    collaborative research
  • Making the research more responsive to community
    and Maori needs
  • Achieving actions and outcomes that achieve
    biodiversity goals

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A Maori perspective on biodiversity restoration
The Maori basis to ecological restoration is
  • Maori values/principles/concepts (e.g. tikanga,
    whakapapa, mana whenua, rangatiratanga,
    kaitiakitanga, mauri, tapu, rahui, noa) very
  • To achieve Maori aspirations/goals (e.g.
    naturalness, taonga, customary use, retain
    traditional knowledge, development)
  • Equal participation, partnerships, recognition of
    tangata whenua status within an area
  • Recognition of Maori knowledge as equal, and not
    inferior, to other forms of knowledge
  • Notion of human wellbeing, health (oranga,
    wairua, tinana, whaiora) linked to environmental
    health very important
  • Inter-dependence, connection with the
    environment, striving for balance, integrated
    approaches (e.g. catchment, Atua domains),

A Maori perspective on biodiversity restoration
The Maori basis to ecological restoration is
  • Across a large range of landscapes, ecosystems,
    land management areas, landuse (terrestrial,
    marine, freshwater)
  • Emphasis on enhancing (modified landscapes),
    rather than restoring an area back to some
    original pristine state
  • Emphasis on returning specific taonga (e.g.
    vegetation/bird/fish species) to an area by
    reconstructing/ restoring certain habitats to
    some defined/agreed state, condition, quality,
    spatial extent
  • Maori concepts mean trying to avoid
    contamination, pollution, mixing restoring the
    mauri very important
  • Whakapapa important to locally source species,
    e.g. native plants, fishstock etc.
  • Strategies/values to identify/reduce/eliminate
    introduced pests, weeds etc. linked to returning,
    enhancing taonga

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Biodiversity and ecological restoration A Maori
  • Returns an area back to a state or condition that
    progresses towards Maori aspirations and goals
  • Attempts to strengthen or re-establish the
    relationship or connection with local Maori
    tangata whenua, reinforces cultural identity and
    upholds mana
  • Attempts to restore the mauri of a site or an
  • Returns taonga to an area previously devoid of,
    or with diminished quality of taonga
  • Returns, enhances an area to a state or condition
    consistent with a cultural vision, moves or
    progresses an area to some cultural standard
    based on tikanga
  • Returns, enhances an area to a state or condition
    in line with cultural, social, environmental and
    economic goals

Working together to achieve common goals
success stories, Maori projects
  • Maori aspirations, goals, strategies for
    biodiversity are not dissimilar to others we
    often have common goals
  • need to look at areas from a Maori perspective as
    well as an ecological, scientific, community
  • Maori, through whakapapa, are inter-twined with
    indigenous biodiversity and strive to sustain and
    enhance it

Maori involvement in projects a national
  • NZ Large number of biodiversity projects
    involving Maori (40 key ones), and fewer Maori
    led (gt10)
  • Key players are kaitiaki Maori groups,
    iwi/hapu/whanau/marae, Maori organisations
  • Many joint projects with local councils, DOC, and
    some helped by Landcare Trust
  • Nga Whenua Rahui (DOC) pivotal role in many
  • Some central govt funding (e.g. Nga Whenua Rahui,
    SMF MfE)
  • DOC working with iwi/hapu/whanau/marae on saving
    and protecting indigenous species (e.g. kiwi,
    kereru, tuatara, native fish, etc.)
  • Some collaborative research initiated with CRIs
    (Manaaki Whenua, NIWA) and Universities (ecology,
    zoology such as Henrik Moller Otago, and Mere
    Roberts Awanuiarangi, biology/kaitiakitanga)

Nga Whenua Rahui
  • 1991 New Zealand wide, contestable ministerial
    fund set up to assist Maori land owners to
    protect indigenous ecosystems on their land while
    retaining tino rangatiratanga (ownership and
  • Runs parallel to Queen Elizabeth II Trust
  • 2001 Broadened goals from native forest to all
    significant indigenous ecosystems (e.g. wetlands)
  • To date some 95 projects, 112,000 ha protected
  • 2001 Matauranga Kura Taiao fund to support
    whanau/iwi/hapu retain/promote retention and use
    of matauranga Maori and its use in biodiversity
  • Wildland consultants (BOP) working with a number
    of Maori groups (e.g. wetlands)

Maori projects- small glimpse at whats going on
  • Motatau native forest, pest control (Ngati
  • Oruarangi stream catchment (Tainui, Makaurau
  • Kawerau wetland, river (Tuwharetoa ki Kawerau)
  • Wetlands (about 5 main projects e.g Whakaki)
  • Native forest blocks on Maori land (extensive,
    Nga Whenua Rahui)
  • Riparian planting around lakes (e.g. Onuku Maori
    Lands Trust, Rotomahana)
  • Omaio pest control (Mangaroa/Ohotu Trustees)
  • Maungatautari (Ngati Koroki, Ngati Haua, Ngati
    Wairere, Ngati Raukawa)
  • Lake Horowhenua (Muaupoko)
  • Wetlands, sand country, Manukau, Kuku stream and
    Horowhenua coast (Ngati Tukorehe, Ngati Raukawa)
  • Wetlands, biodiversity and cultural restoration
    (Te Tau Ihu iwi)
  • Wetland restoration, mahinga kai (Ngai Tahu)

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The role of research
  • Maori very interested in accessing research
    info., science knowledge, undertaking research
    themselves (very much hinges on capacity and
    resources on both sides)
  • A large number of Maori groups would like to form
    joint research projects, collaborative research,
    Maori led research
  • Few collaborative research projects in New
    Zealand with Maori groups
  • Ecological restoration important to many groups
  • Research can include matauranga and mainstream
    science many opportunities to expand the
    knowledge base on indigenous biodiversity

Research examples
  • Maori community goals for enhancing ecosystem
    health (FRST 19982003) Manaaki Whenua joint
    project with Te Whare Wananga o Ngati Porou.
    Ngati Porou researchers based in Ruatorea
    Programme leader Vianney Douglas/ 1998 Pia
    Pohatu/1999 Tui Warmenhoven (Ngati Porou). Focus
    on matauranga and biophysical science.
  • RIBHL FRST programme (networks, many links
    established, some projects being developed)
  • University projects
  • Private consultants
  • Other CRIs (e.g. NIWA)
  • DOC

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Maori and their environment
  • How do Maori see their environment changing in
    time? is it different to non-Maori?
  • How do Maori assess the state of health of the
  • What indicators do they use?
  • There is a strong link between environmental
    change and Maori wellbeing that needs to be taken
    into account in environmental monitoring
  • How can Maori knowledge be used to underpin
    environmental monitoring?
  • How can monitoring by Maori complement other

Monitoring and evaluation how do we measure
achievements, perspectives, and success
  • Maori environmental indicators (about 5 main
    projects to date)
  • Coordinated Monitoring of NZ wetlands(19981999,
    20002002) Maori wetland indicators (Garth
  • Cultural health index (Gail Tipa Ngai Tahu, and
    Laurel Teirney)
  • Case studies with hapu (e.g ecological systems,
  • Maori organisations evaluating pest control (e.g.
    native forest blocks)
  • Maori SOE report Ngati Maniapoto
  • Many iwi and hapu have indicators or are
    developing indicators about their environment
    much work informal, non-funded, not often
    research based

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Definition of a Maori Environmental Performance
  • A Maori Environmental performance Indicator
    (MEPI) is a tohu created and configured by Maori
    to gauge, measure or indicate change in an
    environmental locality. A Maori EPI leads a
    Maori community towards and sustains a vision and
    a set of environmental goals defined by that
  • Source MfE 1998 Maori environmental monitoring.
    Prepared for the Ministry for the Environment by
    a panel of independent Maori.

Using the Pressure/State/Response Model (OECD,
  • Maori wetland indicators were then organised into
    three main categories
  • 1) pressure indicators
  • 2) state indicators
  • 3) response indicators.
  • Each category was fully discussed with Maori and
    given more understandable terms for monitoring
  • 1) what's causing the problems
  • 2) taonga and mauri? and
  • 3) trends, getting better or worse?(from a
    cultural perspective).

10 key Maori indicators were identified from
criteria matrix
  • Selected Maori wetland indicators
  • 1. area of land uses/riparian factors
    affecting cultural values
  • 2. No. of point source pollution sites degrading
    te mauri
  • 3. Degree of modification (draining, water
    table, in-flows, out-flows) degrading te mauri
  • 4. No. (and change) of exotic (introduced,
    foreign) plants, algae, animals, fish, birds
    (pest types) affecting cultural values ()
  • 5. No. (and change) of taonga species within
  • 6. area (and change in area) of taonga plant
    species within total wetland
  • 7. area (and change in area) of exotic
    (introduced, foreign) plants covering total
  • 8. Assessment of te mauri (scale) and change in
    te mauri
  • 9. No. of cultural sites protected within or
    adjacent to wetland
  • 10. Change in taonga species represented ,
    same, or - (2nd and subsequent assessments)
  •   Note Those shown in bold are the most critical
    for assessing environmental change from a Maori

In future environmental monitoring programmes
could be classed into three main types that are
Community-scientific based  
Maori knowledge based
Scientific based
Community based indicators - requiring low levels
of technical input and skill but scientifically
robust and part-value based. Cost effective,
relatively simple and short duration. Examples
Scientific indicators - requiring higher levels
of technical input and skill, robust sampling
strategies, analysis and interpretation. May be
time consuming. Examples
Maori indicators - In depth Maori understanding
and knowledge of particular environments.
Understanding of Maori values, goals, and
aspirations required. Examples
  • Chemistry, water quality, nutrients
  • Hydrology
  • Water table modeling
  • Botanical mapping, classification of plants
  • pH
  • Bacterial counts
  • Giardia
  • Cryptosporidium
  • GIS applications
  • Satellite imagery
  • Studies of fish, macro-invertebrates, macrophytes.
  • Hydrology
  • Soils/Nutrients
  • Intactness of wetland
  • Connectivity/Buffering or Fragmentation
  • Introduced plants
  • Animal damage
  • Modifications to catchment hydrology
  • Water quality within catchment
  • Other land-use threats
  • Key undesirable species
  • catchment in introduced vegetation
  • Animal access.
  • Taonga lists
  • Key sensitive taonga indicators
  • Te Mauri
  • Knowledge on uses and preparation of taonga
  • Land-uses, point discharges, modification,
    impacting on cultural values and uses.


Monitoring and evaluation how do we measure
achievements, perspectives, and success
  • Another way to measure success is to define
    collective goals and measure progress towards
    defined goals
  • Measure successful outcomes for Maori and
  • Identify successful models of ecological
  • Progress towards achieving biodiversity
  • Progress towards Maori aspirations
  • Progress towards building capacity for Maori and
    Maori development
  • Focus on successful outcomes
  • Focus on achievements (e.g. joint projects, joint
    research, success stories)
  • Publicise success stories to New Zealand public
    (alot of negative press in NZ)

Conclusions we need
  • Take into account Maori and community
    perspectives of biodiversity across a large range
    of landscapes (Crown land, Maori land, private
  • Comprehensive strategies, resources, actions, to
    achieve biodiversity goals and objectives
  • Need to recognise, understand and value different
    knowledge forms that can underpin biodiversity
    management (matauranga Maori, local, scientific)
  • To work together, across groups, inter-agency,
    government, iwi/hapu/whanau to achieve agreed
    biodiversity goals and outcomes (national,
    regional, and local)
  • more collaborative work programmes and
    underpinning research

Conclusions we need (continued)
  • To focus on islands of success and
    achievement as models for the future
  • Increasingly the world will measure our
    performance on actions, examples and the ability
    for research to support these actions and
  • Every part of the community to be involved in
    biodiversity/biosecurity and all contributions,
    even individual, should be valued
  • NZ branding We must provide examples of clean
    and green, pure, sustainable,
    representativeness ecosystems (i.e. not
    species extinction, habitat destruction,
    pollution) and this must be supported by NZ
    population not just a few
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