Title: EvidenceBased Medicine For the Practicing Clinician
1Evidence-Based Medicine For the Practicing
- SGIM Task Force on EBM
- September 21, 2000
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3Todays Roadmap
- 8am Intro Assessment
- 9am Asking Questions Searching
- 10am BREAK
- 1020 Asking Questions Searching
- 11am Interpreting Evidence Diagnosis
- 1230 LUNCH
- 2pm Interpreting Evidence Therapy
- 345 BREAK
- 4pm Wrap-up
4Cast of Characters
- Emory
- Mark Williams
- Jennifer Kleinbart
- Wake Forest
- Mark Wilson
- Raquel Watkins
- Columbia Presbyterian
- Peter Wyer
5We Have Lots to Cover and I Hope to Avoid . . .
- The Dopeler Effect
- The Tendency of Stupid Ideas to Seem Smarter
When They Come at You Rapidly
6We Wont Go Here ...
7And We Wont Hand out Masks
8We Will Highlight Successful Strategies
9Evidence-Based Is EVERYWHERE
- Evidence-Based Patient Information
- Evidence-Based Patient Choice
- Evidence-Based Sports Medicine
- Evidence-Based Orthodontics
- Evidence-Based Midwifery
- Evidence-Based Chiropractic Care
- Evidence-Based Alternative Medicine
- Evidence-Based Veterinarian Practice
10Back at the Home Office
- What Do Your Colleagues Think EBM Is???
11Common Beliefs about EBM
- Old Hat
- Ivory Tower Exercise
- Limiting Paralyzing
- Fixed Cookbook Approach
- A Tool for Cost Cutters
- Just about RCTs Statistics
12Others Find EBM Liberating
- It helps deal with information overload
- Its an approach to keeping up-to-date
- It stimulates life-long, self-directed learning
- Caring for patients necessitates that we track
down clinically important information
13Evolution of Evidence-Based Medicine
14Its a Paradigm Shift
- When defects in an existing paradigm accumulate
to the extent that the paradigm is no longer
tenable, the paradigm is challenged and replaced
by a new way of looking at the world - A new paradigm for medical practice is emerging
- Evidence-based medicine requires new skills of
the physician - JAMA 1992 2682420-5
15Evidence Based Medicine
- Clinical intuition, unsystematic experience,
pathophysiologic rationale
Evidence from clinical research
16Users Guides Series in JAMA(Evidence-Based
Medicine Working Group)
- Are the Results Valid?
- Are the Results Important?
- Will the Results Help Me Care for My Patients?
17Other Emerging EBM Descriptors
18EBM A Hierarchy of Evidence
- N-of-1 Trials
- Meta-Analysis of Homogeneous RCTs
- Single RCT
- Cohort Study
- Case-Control Study
- Case Series
- Individual Clinical Experience
19A Wise Clinician Once Told Me
- Whenever You Get Confused,
- Start Back with the Patient
20Patients with New Proximal DVTs
- What Are Your Current Practice Patterns?
21Ahh The Best Evidence
- RCT at 15 Centers in Canada
- 500 patients with acute proximal DVT
- Enoxaparin 1mg/kg SQ bid versus Standard
continuous heparin infusion - Equal rates of recurrent VTE (5-6) and major
bleeding rare (1-2) - 50 of LMWH group never hospitalized
- Levine, et al. NEJM 1996 334677-81
22How Would You Treat These Patients With Newly
Diagnosed DVT?
- 43 y/o truck driver whose husband is a nurse
- 68 y/o man 3 weeks s/p TKR who was participating
in rehab program 3X/week - 75 y/o woman with metastatic ovarian cancer who
is non-communicative after CVA 2 yrs ago and has
no advance directives
23Sounds Like Weve Got Some Uncertainty Here . .
- Well revisit this some more this afternoon
- For now, suffice it to say that
- we all are attracted to trying to use systematic
research in our patient care - we all need to further improve our skills to
access this evidence, interpret it, and apply it
to our individual patients
24The Basics of EBM
- ASK a Clinically Relevant Question
- ACCESS the Best Available Evidence
- APPRAISE its Quality Importance
- APPLY the Evidence in Patient Care
25Lets Look at the ACCESS Step
- 51 y/o female on HRT cigs has CP and mild
hypoxemia. PE is entertained a helical CT scan
is obtained and is negative - I want to find evidence about how good the CT is
to rule out a PE - My Medline search combining pulmonary embolism,
computed tomography, and senspec gave me 102
hits - OUCH!!!
26Ways to Solve This Problem
- Critique the literature yourself.
- Get the full text(s)
- Apply the Users Guides
- Interpret results and applicability for this
patients - Seek pre-digested EBM resources
- Interpret the results
- Apply to this patient
- Accept evidence-based practice protocols
- Apply to this patient
27Evidence-Based Resources
- Best Evidence
- ACP Journal Club
- Diagnostic Strategies for Common Medical Problems
- UpToDate
- Cochrane Library
- Websites (Journals CAT banks)
- Clinical Evidence (only print version)
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29- Synopses
- Best Evidence
- Filters Importance (articles that could change
what we do), Quality (absenes of major threats to
validity) - Appraisal Pre-appraised, standardized summaries
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31- Summaries
- UpToDate
- Filters New evidence from the clinical
literature - Appraisal Expert review, with links to
supporting evidence
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33- Syntheses
- Cochrane Library
- Filters Randomized controlled trials about
health interventions - Appraisal Systematic review, standardized
reports and summaries
34Acquiring InformationStudiesSynopses SummariesS
yntheses Systems
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36- Studies
- PubMed
- Filter None, All of MEDLINE(searches improved
by best single terms and expert strategies) - Appraisal None, must do own appraisal
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