Title: Evidencebased Outcome Measures Commonly Used In Practice
1Evidence-based Outcome Measures Commonly Used
In Practice
- General health status
- Sickness Impact Profile (136 items)
- SF-36 and SF-12 (Rand-36)
- Dartmouth COOP Functional Health Assessment
Charts - Pain
- Visual analog scales/numeric rating scale
- McGill Pain Questionnaire
- Pain drawing
3Pain Scales
Numeric Pain Intensity Scale 0 1
2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 No Pain
Moderate Pain
Worst Pain
4Quadruple VAS
circle the number below that best describes your
level of pain How bad is your pain RIGHT
NOW? No pain worst pain
imaginable 0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
9 10 How bad is your TYPICAL or
AVERAGE pain? No pain worst pain
imaginable 0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
9 10 How bad is your pain when it
is AT ITS BEST? No pain worst
pain imaginable 0 1 2
3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 How bad is your pain
when it is AT ITS WORST? No pain
worst pain imaginable 0 1 2
3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10
5(No Transcript)
6Includes Spanish and Child Pain Assessment
7Pain Drawings
- The patient is asked to draw the area of pain on
a body outline - Codes are used to depict the various qualities of
pain - A ache, D deep, etc.
- //// stabbing, 000 pins needles, etc.
8(No Transcript)
9American Academy of Physical Medicine
10Öhlund et al.
111 2 3
12Questionnaires Cont.
- Functional status (disability)
- Neck Disability Index
- Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire
- Oswestry Disability Questionnaire
- Waddell Disability Index
- Pain Disability Index
13Questionnaires Cont.
- Patient Satisfaction
- Chiropractic Satisfaction Questionnaire (Coulter)
- Patient satisfaction (Ware)
14 Physiological outcomes
- Ranges of motion (inclinometer)
- Straight leg raising
- Dynamometer measures (strength)
- Physical tests
- Electromyography
- Mobility by x-ray
15Utilization Measures
- Number services (visits) per occurrence
- Treatment days (weeks) per occurrence
- Utilization of technology
- Especially expensive tests like MRI or electrical
tests - Episode duration
16 Cost Measures
- Charges per occurrence
- Charges per service
- Disability compensation
- How much are the disability payments for someone
under chiropractic vs. medical care? - Return-to-work
17Spine-specific Measures
- The Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and the
RolandMorris disability questionnaire (R-M) are
the most commonly used outcome measures for
spinal disorders - The ODI questionnaire was originally published in
1980 - Fairbank J, Couper J, Davies J, et al. The
Oswestry low back pain questionnaire.
Physiotherapy 1980662713.
18ODI Cont.
- The ODI has been published in at least four
formats in English and in nine other languages - It has stood the test of time and many reviews
- ODI scores for a variety of spinal conditions are
consistent with clinical experience
20Scoring ODI
- For each section the total possible score is 5
- If the first statement is marked the section
score 0 - If the last statement is marked it 5
- If all ten sections are completed the score is
calculated as follows
21Scoring Cont.
- Example
- If one section is missed or not applicable the
score is calculated
22Raw Total 22 (22/50) 100 44 or 22 2
23Scoring Cont.
- Or simply double the ODI score and report as a
percentage - This method doesnt work if the patient forgets
to fill out a section
24Oswestry - Score Interpretation
- 0-20 Minimal Disability
- 20-40 Moderate Disability
- 40-60 Severe Disability
- 60-80 Crippled
- 80-100 Bed Bound or Exaggerating
- When compared with the ODI, the Roland-Morris was
found to be simpler, faster and more acceptable
to patients - R-M is a more sensitive measure of activity
intolerances in acute and subacute patients - ODI is more sensitive for identifying activity
intolerances in chronic patients
24 Total (or 18 in a short version)
27Scoring Roland-Morris
- The patient is instructed to put a mark next to
each appropriate statement - The total number of marked statements are totaled
- Roland and Morris did not provide descriptions of
the varying degrees of disability as in ODI
28Scoring R-M Cont.
- Clinical improvements over time can be graded
based on the analysis of serial questionnaire
scores - For example
- A patients initial score was 12 and the post
score was 2 (10 points of improvement) - Would be an 83 improvement
- 10/12 x 100 83
29Neck Disability Index (NDI)
- Developed in 1989 by Howard Vernon, DC
- Is a modification of the Oswestry Low Back Pain
Disability Index - In 1991, Vernon and Mior published a study in
JMPT on its reliability and validity - Ten other studies have confirmed the original
reports findings
30NDI Cont.
- Has become a standard instrument for measuring
self-rated disability due to neck pain - Used by clinicians and researchers alike
- Ten sections are scored from 0 5 (maximum score
is 50) - Total score used to ascertain level of disability
31Interpretation of Oswestry and NDI Scores (Per
- 0 - 4 no disability
- 5 - 14 mild
- 15 - 24 moderate
- 25 - 34 severe
- above 34 complete disability
32NDI Sections
- Section 1- Pain Intensity
- I have no pain at the moment.
- The pain is very mild at the moment.
- The pain is moderate at the moment.
- The pain is fairly severe at the moment.
- The pain is very severe at the moment.
- The pain is the worst imaginable at the moment.
33NDI Sections Cont.
- Section 5- Headaches
- I have no headaches at all.
- I have slight headaches which come
in-frequently. - I have moderate headaches which come
in-frequently. - I have moderate headaches which come frequently.
- I have severe headaches which come frequently.
- I have headaches almost all the time.
34Scoring NDI
- Use the same scoring procedure as in ODI
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36(No Transcript)
37Headache Disability Inventory (HDI)
- A 25 question survey designed for patients with
cervicogenic headaches (Jacobson et al, 1994) - 12 emotional questions
- 13 functional questions
- Useful in assessing the impact of headache on
daily living
38Health Questionnaires
- Are not condition-specific
- can be applied to virtually any type of physical
complaint - Can be (should be) used in practice, but are
commonly used in research
39SF-36 Health Survey
- Is a 36-item instrument for measuring health
status and outcomes from the patients point of
view - It yields an 8-scale profile of functional health
and well-being scores - It is a generic measure, as opposed to one that
targets a specific age, disease, or treatment
40SF-36 Cont.
- There is also an even shorter (1-page, 2-minute)
survey form called the SF-12 - A much shorter, yet valid, alternative to the
SF-36 - SF-12 includes one or two items from each of the
eight SF-36 health concepts - Rand 36 contains the same questions, but has a
different scoring method
41SF-36 8 Scales
- Limitations in physical activities because of
physical health problems - Limitations in usual role activities (physical)
- Bodily pain
- General health perceptions
- Vitality (energy and fatigue)
- Limitations in social activities (physical or
emotional) - Limitations in usual role activities (emotional)
- Mental health (psychological distress/well-being)
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46Dartmouth COOP Charts
47Many More Available
- There are other questionnaires
- Dealing with specific conditions
- Dizziness Handicap Inventory
- Tinnitus Handicap Inventory
- Temporomandibular Disorder Disability Index
- Spinal Stenosis Questionnaire
- Subjective Knee Score Questionnaire
- Shoulder Pain and Disability Index
- Elbow Performance Index
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire - Etc.
48Physiologic Measures
- Range of Motion
- Considered to be an objective outcome assessment
tool - Muscle strength and endurance testing
- e.g., Alaranta exercise test
- Algometry
- Instrument tests the amount of pressure required
to cause pain - Has some reliability, but weak
49Dr. Owens Review of Subluxation Assessment
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51Poor Validity and Reliability
- Palpation procedures
- Many orthopedic tests
- Applied kinesiology
52Being Outcomes Based
- Utilize the subjective and objective tools that
are available - Using the tools, score the patient at the initial
visit to establish baseline measures - Repeat measures at 2-4 week intervals to track
the effects of care - Base your clinical decisions on the results of
the outcome measures