Title: Progress Report to the IGU
1Progress Report to the IGU
World Petroleum Council
Pierce Riemer Director General
219th WPC - Congress Theme
- A World in Transition
- Delivering Energy for
- Sustainable Growth
319th WPC Call for Papers online submissions site
- Call for Papers results - 600 presentations
4Offset all our emissions
5(No Transcript)
6Madrid 2008 - Numbers
- 4300 Delegates
- 700 young professionals and students
- 35 Ministers
- 500 CEOs
- 590 Speakers
- 14,500 Attendees Exhibition
- Exhibition 260 companies
- Total area used 35,000 m2
- Total Exhibition area 20,000 m2
- 865 Media and Journalists
- 90 Countries represented
719th Congress Ministerial Sessions
8WPC Communication Strategy Youth Gender
919th Congress Women's Session
1019th Congress Youth Stand and Party
1119th Congress Youth Session
122nd Youth Forum
1319th Congress Results
19th Congress Poster Plaza
1419th Congress Global Village
15Global Business Opportunity Centre ( GBOC)
16World Petroleum Exhibition (WPE)
1719th Congress Exhibition Sustainable stands
1819th Congress Exhibition Recycle
1919th Congress Issues and topics discussed
- Non-Technical
- Oil price
- Peak oil
- IOCs / NOCs
- Energy security
- Access to acreage
- Social licence to operate
- Youth and gender
- Cooperation between oil producers and service
2019th Congress Issues and topics discussed
- Technical
- Exploring the new frontiers
- Enhanced oil recovery
- Unconventional oil and gas
- Refinery optimization
- Motor fuel quality
- Climate change
- Water
- Carbon capture storage
- Reserves reporting
- Biofuels
- Renewables
2119th Congress Excellence Awards
- Social Responsibility
- Overgas Inc., Bulgaria
- Corporate Social Responsibility of Overgas
- Petrobras, Brazil (Anamaria Ballard)
- Carnauba Viva
- Technical Development
- Sarkhoon Qeshm Gas, Iran (Najaf
Balali/Gholamreza Bahmannia) - Solar Dew as an Innovation System for
Sarkhoon Gas Treating Plants Oily Wastewater - Indian Oil Corporation, India (Brijesh Kumar)
- Hydroprocessing Technology for Green Fuels
Basics to Commercialisation through Innovation
2219th Congress Issues and topics discussed
Opecs Abdulla El-Badri and IEA Executive
Director Nobuo Tanaka
23International Co-operation - SEC
- Significant developments
- 2007 WPC, SPE AAPG et al
- 2008 recent SEC proposals
- New technologies allowed for proved reserves
- Able to disclose probable to investors
- Allow oil sands
- Report on average price rather than year end.
24WPC Legacy
26WPC Communication Strategy 2008 Publications
27World Petroleum Council
We look forward to Argentina 2009 and to
continued co-operation Thank you for listening