Title: SI23 Introduction to Computer Graphics
1SI23Introduction to Computer Graphics
- School of Computing
- Ken Brodlie
- Semester 2 2002-2003
- Lecture 1 - Introduction
2Course Objectives
- On completion of this module, students should be
able to - Appreciate applications and benefits of computer
graphics - Understand an overall architecture for computer
graphics systems - Create interactive graphics applications
- Understand the basic principles of image display,
animation and colour - Understand the role of graphics within web
3Why should we study Graphics?
- Many of the leading scientists through the ages
have been visual thinkers - Leonardo da Vinci
- Einstein
- Clerk Maxwell
- Faraday
- often at the expense of verbal skills
4Napoleons Army
Minards classical visualization 1869
5English Translation!
6London Underground Map
London Underground Map of Harry Beck (1933)
7(No Transcript)
8Want to know more?
- Excellent web site on classical visualizations
- Michael Friendly, University of York, Toronto
- http//www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/Gallery/
9Course Outline
- Course overview and some applications
- Image creation, manipulation and display
- Colour
10Course Outline
- Vector graphics
- Line drawing
- Area filling
- Graphical interaction
SVG Viewer
graphics algorithms
11Course Outline
- 3D graphics
- Modelling
- Rendering (viewing and shading)
VRML viewer
viewing, shading
12Course Outline
- Graphics programming
- Using OpenGL with C, C
13The Tools
- Image creation, manipulation and display
- Available on SoC linux
- Versions for linux and windows
- www.gimp.org
14The Tools
- Scalable Vector Graphics
- 2D schematic graphics
- Batik viewer on linux
- Adobe plug-in for Windows
Try this
15The Tools
- 3D Web graphics
- Vrmlview on linux
- Cortona plug-in on Windows
Try this
16The Tools
- OpenGL
- Graphics programming API
- www.opengl.org
The sugar binding site in the LT-I toxin. This
figure was created by feeding the output of Per
Kraulis' program Molscript into the Raster3D
rendering program.
Octagon graphics
19Applications - Meteorology
Pressure at levels in atmosphere - illustrated by
contour lines in a slice plane
Generated by the Vis5D system from University
of Wisconsin (now Vis5d)
20Applications - Medicine
From scanner data, we can visualize 3D
pictures of human anatomy, using volume rendering
Generated by VOXELman software from University of
21Applications - Environmental Sciences
Effect of global warming over period of years
Generated by NCAR
22Applications - Entertainment
23Outline of the Course
- Lectures
- Thursday 10 (LT20) Friday 1 (LT21)
- Assessment
- Examination (50)
- Coursework (50)
- Creating images with GIMP
- Creating 2D vector graphics with SVG
- Creating a graphics application with OpenGL
24Keeping in Touch
- E-mail
- kwb_at_comp.leeds.ac.uk
- Newsgroup for my postings
- local.modules.si23
- Newsgroup for your postings
- local.modules.si23.talk
- World Wide Web
- http//www.csdb.leeds.ac.uk/si23/