Title: Tutorial 7 Real-Time Volume Graphics
1Tutorial 7Real-Time Volume Graphics
- Klaus Engel
- Markus Hadwiger
- Christof Rezk Salama
2Real-Time Volume Graphics01 Introduction and
3Appliations Medicine
CT Human HeadVisible Human Project,US National
Library of Medicine, Maryland, USA
CT AngiographyDept. of NeuroradiologyUniversity
of Erlangen,Germany
4Applications Geology
Deformed Plasticine Model, Applied
Geology,University of Erlangen
MuschelkalkPaläontologie,Virtual Reality
Group, University of Erlangen
5Applications Archeology
Hellenic Statue of Isis3rd century B.C.ARTIS,
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Sotades Pygmaios Statue,5th century B.CARTIS,
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Material Science, Quality Control
biological sample of the soil, CT,Virtual
Reality Group, University if Erlangen
Micro CT, Compound Material,Material Science
Department, University of Erlangen
- Computational Science and Engineering
8Applications Computer Science
- Visualization of Pseudo Random Numbers
Entropy of Pseudo Random Numbers, Dan Kaminsky,
Doxpara Research, USA,www.doxpara.com
Data Set
3D Rendering
- in real-time on commodity graphics hardware
10Physical Model of Radiative Transfer
true emission
true absorption
11Ray Integration
- How do we determine the radiant energy along the
ray? - Physical model emission and absorption, no
viewing ray
Absorption along the ray segment s0 - s
Initial intensity at s0
Without absorption all the initial radiant
energy would reach the point s.
12Ray Integration
- How do we determine the radiant energy along the
ray? - Physical model emission and absorption, no
viewing ray
13Ray Casting
Image Plane
Data Set
14Numerical Solution
Approximate Integral by Riemann sum
15Numerical Solution
Now we introduce opacity
16Numerical Solution
17Numerical Solution
can be computed recursively
Radiant energyemitted at position i
Radiant energyobserved at position i1
Absorption at position i
Radiant energyobserved at position i
18Numerical Solution
Back-to-front compositing
can be computed recursively
Front-to-back compositing
- Emission Absorption Model
- Numerical Solutions
Back-to-front iteration
Front-to-back iteration