FALSE GRACE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... any thing wrought in them, or done by them, but only for the perfect obedience ... Grace is obtained by believing without any works of obedience unto salvation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: false | grace | wrought


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  • This is the true grace of God in which you
    stand (1 Peter 512)

Grace is Available Outsidethe Church
  • Grace available to non-Christian religious
    people and non-church-going believers
  • I believe that all in Christ only is mankind
    saved, specifically in the death and resurrection
    of Christ, I believe that Christs blood saves
    all men. That is not to say that I believe that
    all those religious people of the world who do
    not appreciate Christs sacrifice, are doomed to
    destruction. God can save these people by the
    blood of Christ and His own grace. At least, that
    is what I hope God will do on the day of
  • (David Mathews, Berean Spirit List, April 3, 2002)

Grace is Available Outsidethe Church
  • Grace available to non-Christian religious
    people and non-church-going believers
  • Same as saying grace is available outside of
    Christ (Eph. 12-23 44 523)
  • Cannot separate grace in Christ from one body
    church (Eph. 17, 23)
  • Unsaved still under judgment of God need the
    grace of God (Rom. 323 52)

Grace is Obtained by Faith Only
  • Grace is obtained by believing without any works
    of obedience unto salvation
  • Justification is an act of Gods free grace unto
    sinners, in which he pardoneth all their sins,
    accepteth and accounteth their persons righteous
    in his sight not for any thing wrought in them,
    or done by them, but only for the perfect
    obedience and full satisfaction of Christ, by God
    imputed to them, and received by faith alone
  • (Westminster Confession of Faith, p. 163)

Grace is Obtained by Faith Only
  • Grace is obtained by believing without any works
    of obedience unto salvation
  • Grace accessed by faith, but faith includes
    obedience to Gods conditions (Rom. 324
    617-18 Jas. 224)
  • A condition of obedience repentance, baptism
    does not change the offer and gift of Gods grace
    (2 Kgs. 510-14)

Grace is Received Miraculously
  • Grace comes in a mysterious, irresistible,
    better-felt-than-told manner elect receive it
    whether they want it or not
  • Godsends His Holy Spirit to cause them to
    accept the sacrifice that Christ has made for
    them. All that irresistible grace means is that
    God sends His Holy Spirit to work in the lives of
    people so that they will definitely be changed
    from evil to good people. It means that the Holy
    Spirit will certainly without any ands, ifs
    and buts cause everyone whom God has chosen
    from eternity and for whom Christ died to believe
    on Jesus
  • (Edwin H. Palmer, The Five Points of Calvinism,
    pp. 57-58)

Grace is Received Miraculously
  • Grace comes in a mysterious, irresistible,
    better-felt-than-told manner elect receive it
    whether they want it or not
  • Calvinism
  • Total inherited depravity
  • Unconditional election
  • Limited atonement
  • Irresistible Grace
  • Perseverance of the saints

Grace is Received Miraculously
  • Denies all mens choice to respond to Gods grace
    taught in gospel (Col. 15-6)
  • Gods grace is extended to all men in Christ, but
    the truth can be resisted by those who refuse to
    believe and obey (1 Tim. 38 2 Thess. 18)

When under Grace, not Responsible to Pattern of
  • No pattern of truth to follow to be in fellowship
    with God unity-in-diversity
  • One may be wrong about many things, as all of us
    are, but if he is right about Jesus, the grace of
    God can be exercised in his behalf. On the other
    hand, one may be right about many things, but if
    he is wrong about Jesus, nothing avails
  • (W. Carl Ketcherside, Mission Messenger, April
    1960, p. 13)

When under Grace, not Responsible to Pattern of
  • No pattern of truth to follow to be in fellowship
    with God unity-in-diversity
  • The apostolic epistles are not a pattern or
    blueprint. They were never intended to be. There
    is a difference between a love letter and a
    blueprint. One may contain advice but the other
    sets forth specifications
  • (W. Carl Ketcherside, The Twisted Scriptures, p.

When under Grace, not Responsible to Pattern of
  • No pattern of truth to follow to be in fellowship
    with God unity-in-diversity
  • Not under system of law-salvation, but we are
    responsible to obey the law doctrine, pattern
    of Christ (Rom. 614-18 1 Cor. 921 Gal. 62)

Once in Grace, Always in Grace
  • Once one enjoys the blessings of Gods grace, he
    cannot fall from this grace
  • They whom God hath accepted in his Beloved,
    effectually called and sanctified by his Spirit,
    can neither totally nor finally fall away from
    the state of grace but shall certainly persevere
    therein to the end, and be eternally saved
  • (Westminster Confession of Faith, p. 73)

Once in Grace, Always in Grace
  • Once one enjoys the blessings of Gods grace, he
    cannot fall from this grace
  • One who is saved can fall from grace (Gal. 54
    Heb. 1215 312)

Sins are AutomaticallyCovered by Grace
  • Sins are covered unconditionally by the grace of
    God automatically forgiven
  • Although sanctification be inseparably joined
    with justification, yet they differ, in that God
    in justification imputeth the righteousness of
    Christ in sanctification his Spirit infuseth
    grace, and enableth to the exercise thereof in
    the former, sin is pardoned in the other, it is
    subdued the one doth equally free all believers
    from the revenging wrath of God, and that
    perfectly in this life, that they never fall into
    condemnation the other is neither equal in all,
    nor in this life perfect in any, but growing up
    to perfection
  • (Westminster Confession of Faith, p. 73)

Sins are AutomaticallyCovered by Grace
  • Sins are covered unconditionally by the grace of
    God automatically forgiven
  • To fail to obey Jesus through ignorance, or
    through weakness, does not place the Christian
    under condemnation, for he is under grace, and
    not under law
  • (from The Lord Our Righteousness, quoted in the
    Gospel Guardian by Edward Fudge, August 3, 1972,
    which is quoted in Neo-Calvinism in the Church of
    Christ, ed. Tom Roberts, pp. 45-46)

Sins are AutomaticallyCovered by Grace
  • Sins are covered unconditionally by the grace of
    God automatically forgiven
  • The Scriptures teach that the Christian who
    lives with a penitent attitude before God
    benefits from the blood of Christ even as he
    sins for if he walks in the light, the blood of
    Christ cleanses him from all sins
  • (proposition in the Chappelear-Welch Debate,
    Indianapolis, IN, April 12-16, 1984)

Sins are AutomaticallyCovered by Grace
  • Sins are covered unconditionally by the grace of
    God automatically forgiven
  • Likewise the blood of Christ is ever present to
    cleanse away the mistakes and incidental sins
    that a true Christian does. Hence if a man is a
    worker in the Lords vineyard and his life as a
    whole is one of obedience to the law of Christ,
    he does not need to worry about the mistakes he
    might make which he does not realize, for the
    blood of Christ will take care of it and wash
    them away
  • (E. M. Zerr, Bible Commentary, Vol. 6, p. 279,
    commenting on 1 John 17)

Sins are AutomaticallyCovered by Grace
  • Sins are covered unconditionally by the grace of
    God automatically forgiven
  • Grace is no license to excuse or continue in sin
    (Rom. 515-62)
  • Forgiveness is conditioned on walking in the
    light (1 Jn. 17-9)
  • Must repent and confess sin to find grace to
    help in time of need (Heb. 416)

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