Title: Binding energynucleon
1Mass excess for a given A
Binding energy/nucleon
2Binding energy/nucleon
3Heavy Ion reactions
Incompressibility of nuclear matter
4What is the Coulomb barrier for 16O on 197Au?
5Relativistic Heavy Ion reactions Quark-gluon
What to expect for a deconfined plasma, as was
thought? Review kinetic theory.
6In a system with N particles moving in a volume V
with velocity v, what is the number of
collisions per unit time and area on the walls?
7In a system with N particles moving in a volume V
with velocity v, what is the impulse transmitted
by each collision?
8Lets remember,
1) Isotropic pressure
Unit cross-section
The number of particle reflected by the
cross-section per second
Thus the isotropic pressure becomes
92) Anisotropic(stress) pressure
Momentum transfer of x comp. per sec. across
unit area normal to y direction a frictional
force facing -x direction
Scattering cross-section
Mean-free path
Maxwell formula
10Relativistic Heavy Ion reactions Equilibration?
11Heavy Ion reactions centrality
Peripheral low multiplicity
Central high multiplicity
12Relativistic Heavy Ion reactions Quark-gluon
13Relativistic Heavy Ion reactions Quark-gluon