When Is A New Testament Example Binding? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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When Is A New Testament Example Binding?


When Is A New Testament Example Binding? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: ChrisR326


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: When Is A New Testament Example Binding?

When Is A New TestamentExample Binding?
Why This Study?
  • We are told in the N.T. to follow N.T. examples.
  • - Jesus is our example (1 Pet. 221 1 Jn. 26)
  • - The Apostles are examples (Acts 2035
    1 Cor. 416 111 Phil. 317 49 2 Thess.
    37-9 1 Tim. 116 2 Tim. 310)
  • - N.T. church members are examples
    (1 Thess. 17 214 1 Tim. 412 Tit. 27
    Heb. 137 1 Pet. 53)

Why This Study?
  • We must be careful what we say when talking with
    others about the Bible so as not to appear
    inconsistent and hypocritical.
  • - The N.T. is our guide and we do everything the
    Bible says.
  • - We just follow the N.T.
  • - We are supposed to do what is in the N.T.

Why This Study?
  • Do we follow these N.T. examples?
  • - Walking on the water like Jesus
  • - Speaking in tongues and working miracles like
    the Apostles
  • - Washing feet, the holy kiss and wearing the
    veil like N.T. Christians

Why This Study?
  • Some (including members of Churches of Christ)
    say that N.T. examples are not binding on us
  • - They say commands only are binding, not
    examples or necessary inferences
  • - The truth is that God has always used examples
    to teach (1 Cor. 1011 Heb. 411 2 Pet. 26
    Jude 7)

Why This Study?
  • We must avoid these extremes
  • - No example is binding
  • - All examples are binding
  • - A specific example is required before we may act

Why This Study?
  • A binding example illustrates and illuminates
    that which Gods authority has bound.
  • An example is binding when it is to be done one
    way only and in no other way.
  • The rules used to determine what example is
    binding are not man-made, but come from examining
    the context of the example in light of the rest
    of the N.T. (Acts 2026).
  • All rules (5 listed in this lesson) must be
    considered before accepting an example as binding

When Is An Example Binding?
  • No. 1 - An example is binding when it is approved
    of God and not disapproved 3 John 11.
  • - Disapproved examples the lying of Ananias and
    Sapphira Corinths failure to discipline the
    hypocrisy of Peter etc.
  • - Approved examples conversion work, worship,
    organization of the church godly living etc.

When Is An Example Binding?
  • No. 2 - An example is binding when it is a part
    of the N.T. covenant and not belonging to the
    O.T. covenant 1 Corinthians 921.
  • - O.T. covenant examples salvation without
    baptism the Sabbath the Synagogue Pauls
    shaved head circumcision etc.
  • - N.T. covenant examples baptism the first day
    of the week worship singing without an
    instrument etc.

When Is An Example Binding?
  • No. 3 - An example is binding when it has
    universal application for all people in all times
    and not temporary or limited to a few (limited in
    time, circumstance, or custom) Titus 211.
  • - Limited examples the miracles of Jesus, the
    Apostles or the N.T. church first-century
    customs (holy kiss, foot washing, the veil)
    Pauls celibacy in 1 Cor. 7 etc.
  • - Universal examples obedience to the gospel
    work and worship of the church subjection etc.

When Is An Example Binding?
  • No. 4 - An example is binding when it is
    essential to carry out a command and not merely
    incidental (an aid) Matthew 2819.
  • - Incidental examples the cup meeting in the
    upper room place of baptism place of preaching
    travel methods etc.
  • - Essential examples unleavened bread fruit of
    the vine assembling for worship baptism by
    immersion preaching the gospel only etc.

When Is An Example Binding?
  • No. 5 - An example is binding when there is
    uniformity of practice within the same activity
    and not variety 1 Corinthians 417.
  • - Examples of variety posture in prayer
    location of assembly meetings greetings
    gathering personal funds for contribution etc.
  • - Examples of uniformity vocal singing baptism
    by immersion direct support of evangelism and
    benevolence first day of the week L.S. cases of
    conversion elders over a local church only etc.

Binding Examples
  • Let us have binding authority for all that we do
    (Col. 317 2 Jn. 9-11)
  • Let us bind what God has bound and not loose what
    God has bound (Mt. 1619)
  • Let us be true N.T. Christians by following the
    N.T. examples that are binding upon us today
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