Title: Protein Function: Oxygen Binding Proteins
1Protein FunctionOxygen Binding Proteins
- Sperm Whale Myoglobin was the first protein to
have its 3-dimensional structure determined - John Kendrew(1958)
- Shared the 1962 Nobel in chemistry
- Solving the structure wasnt hard, but getting
the samples was a real achievement
Kendrew, JC Bodo, G Dintzis, HM Parrish, RG
Wyckoff, H Phillips, DC (1958). "A
three-dimensional model of the myoglobin molecule
obtained by x-ray analysis". Nature 181 (4610)
- Myoglobin - 17,000 daltons (monomeric) 153 amino
acids - 8 a-helices, designated A - H
- Conjugated protein - A conjugated protein has a
non-protein part in addition to a polypeptide
4Myoglobin naming of helices
6Heme Function
- The heme group is responsible for the O2 -binding
capacity of hemoglobin. - The heme group consists of the planar aromatic
protoporphyrin made up of four pyrrole rings
linked by methane bridges. - A Fe atom in its ferrous state (Fe2) is at the
center of protoporphyrin.
7Heme Binding
- Fe2 has 6 coordination bonds, four bonded to the
4 pyrrole N atoms. The nucleophilic N prevent
oxidation of Fe2. - The two additional binding sites are one on
either side of the heme plane. - One of these is occupied by the imidazole group
of His F8. (H63 in (SWM) - The second site can be reversibly occupied by O2,
which is hydrogen-bonded to another His. (His E7,
H94 in SWM)
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9Oxygenation state can be measured
Reflectance spectra of myoglobin (1),Â
metmyoglobin (2) and oxymyoglobin (3).
10Absorbance Curves for Mb
11CO Poisoning
Myoglobins affinity for carbon monoxide is 60x
its affinity for O2. Hemoglobins affinity for
carbon monoxide is 230x its affinity for O2.
Autopsy photo showing characteristic skin
12O2 Binding Kinetics
13Reaction Mb O2 ? Mb?O2
(1) (2 (3) (4) (5)
14(5) (6) (7) (8)
Dr. Ready finally gets to the point!
15Remember Daltons Law the concentration of a
gas in a liquid
is proportional to the partial pressure of
that gas over the liquid
Converts to
Big blue arrows are usually a clue to the student
17Hyperbolic Binding Kinetics
18p50 Defines the Curve
19Oxygen Transport
203o structure overlap myoglobin, a-globin and
a-Globin (blue) b-Globin (violet) Myoglobin
21Mb vs. Hb
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24Hemoglobin O2 carrying capability
- Erythrocytes/ml blood 5 billion ( 5 x 109
) - Hemoglobin/red cell 280 million ( 2.8 x 108
) - O2 molecules/hemoglobin 4
- O2 ml blood (5 x 109)(2.8 x 108)(4) (5.6 x
1018) - or (5.6 x 1020) molecules of O2/100 ml blood
- or 0.3 g/l
- or 9 mM
- By comparison
- Solubility of O2 in saline 0.007 g/l
- or 0.2 mM
25O2 Binding Hb vs. Mb
26O2 transport capability, a comparison
- Substrate affinity changes with substrate
concentration - or (rephrased)
- Substrate affinity changes with substrate binding
- Characteristic of (many) proteins with multiple
binding sites.
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29Cooperative Binding Kinetics
Reaction Hb nO2 ? Hb?nO2
(1) (2) (3)
30(5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Hill Equation
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32Cooperativity Models Concerted
- Monod, Wyman, and Changeaux (MWC) (1965)
Only T and R conformations exist The two states
are in equilibrium T? R transition involves shift
in equilibrium constant
33Cooperativity Models Sequential
- Koshland, Nemethy, and Filmer (KNF) (1966)
There are intermediate conformations between T
and R Intermediate conformations have
intermediate binding affinities Change involves
gradual conformational shift from more T-like
states to more R-like states
34Hemoglobin T and R StatesHb is more MWC-like
than KNF-like
T (Low Affinity)
R (High Affinity)
35Shift from T to R another view
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38- Structural Basis
- O2 Bound conformation does not permit several
intersubunit bonds
39Histidine Ratchet locks T and R states
- Histidine at H97 of b1 fits into socket between
T41 and P44 in a2 in the T state - In the R state, the valine side chain locks
between T38 and T41.
40In the b chains, the C teminal His makes a salt
link with Asp FG1 This holds the F helix in a
position that keeps the Fe2 out of the plain of
the heme ring That in turn lowers the O2
affinity Shift to the R state by the adjacent a
chain breaks salt link to C-terminal His, which
moves it out of position to bind Asp
FG1 Relaxation of F helix allows heme Fe2 to
assume high-affinity position
41Bohr Effect
- The O2 affinity of hemoglobin decreases with
decreasing pH - Improves delivery of oxygen to the tissues
42Bohr Effect
- C-terminal Histidine of the ? subunits is
protonated at low pH - His ?146 can then form a salt link with Asp?94 in
the deoxy (T) conformation - This stabilizes the T state of the protein.
43Carbamate Formation
- Covalent binding at the N-terminus of each
subunit - CO2 transport is improved since some CO2 is now
being carried back to the lungs directly by
hemoglobin - The release of H decreases pH and increases the
Bohr effect - Negatively charged carbamylated N-termini form
salt link to the positive charge on Arginine
?141. This salt link stabilizes the deoxy (T)
form of the molecule and favors O2 release.
442,3-Bisphosphoglycerate Binding
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46Combined Effects
CO2 , BPG and pH are all allosteric effectors of
47Fetal Hb
- Fetal hemoglobin has 2 a and 2 g chains
- The g chain is 72 identical to the b chain.
- A His involved in binding to 2,3-BPG is replaced
with - Ser. Thus, fetal Hb has two less charges than
adult Hb. - The binding affinity of fetal hemoglobin for
2,3-BPG is - significantly lower than that of adult hemoglobin
- Thus, the O2 saturation capacity of fetal
hemoglobin is greater than that of adult
hemoglobin - This allows for the transfer of maternal O2 to
the developing fetus
48Fetal Hb Binding Curve is Always to the Left of
the Maternal Hb Binding Curve
49Disease From a Hemoglobin Mutation
50Sickle Cell
- Misshapen cells cause vascular occlusion
- Chronic anemia
- Periodic episodes of pain
- Autosplenectomy after infarct
- Complications
- Infection
- Stroke
- Renal Failure
- Retinopathy
- Life expectancy much improved since 60s, but
still shortened 42 ? 48 ?
51Sickle Cell Complications Above
dactylitis Below swollen, scarred spleen
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53Sickle Cell
- Cause Glu b6 changed to Valine by gene mutation
- Hydrophobic residue binds to pocket on adjacent b
chain of deoxygenated form - 5 of American blacks carry gene
- This is not a neutral mutation
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55Geographic Distribution of HbS
56Malaria Belt
57Heterozygote Advantage
- Heterozygous individuals in Nigeria had a 29
higher likelihood of surviving to adulthood than
homozygous normals. - The gene is maintained in the population by
selection against both homozygotes.
58Other O2 Binding Proteins (w/o Heme)
59Other O2 Binding Proteins
- Hemocyanins
- Molluscs and some arthropods
- Copper acts as binding metal
- Cu(I) (colorless) ? Cu(II) (blue)
- 75 kDal monomers (arthropods)
- Each monomer has 2 Cu, binds 1 O2
- Form dimers or hexamers
- Polymers form very large complexes
60Hemocyanin structures
A. 24mer from Eurypelma (a tarantula) B. Single
subunit from Limulus (horseshoe crab) C. 20 x
8mer from Haliotis (Abalone) (each individual
polypeptide is an 8-fold repeat) d. C-terminal
subunit from Octopus.
61Other O2 Binding Proteins
- Hemerythrins
- Sipunculids, brachiopods, priapulids, bacteria
- Binuclear iron center
- Fe(II) ? Fe(III)
- 13-14 kDal monomers
- Each monomer has 2 Fe, binds 1 O2
- Form (most often) octamers
- Not cooperative
Fe Fe-O-O Fe-O-OH
\ OO \ \
O-H ? OH ? O /
? / ? / Fe
Fe Fe A (deoxy)
B C (oxy)
64O2 Binding Sites
65Another Heme Protein That Doesnt Bind O2
66The Disease - Chagas
- Acute Phase (weeks to months)
- Swelling at the infection site
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Rash
- Body aches
- Headache
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea, diarrhea or vomiting
- Swollen glands
- Enlargement of your liver or spleen
- Chronic Phase (10-20 years post-infection)
- Irregular heartbeat
- Inflamed, enlarged heart (cardiomyopathy)
- Congestive heart failure
- Sudden cardiac arrest
- Difficulty swallowing due to enlarged esophagus
- Abdominal pain or constipation due to enlarged
68Chagas Complications
Acute Stage swelling at bite location
Chronic Stage - megacolon
Chronic Stage cardiomyopathy, congestive heart
69The Agent Trypanosoma cruzi
70The Vector Cone Nosed Bugs
Rhodnius prolixus (Tropical)
Triatoma gerstaeckeri (Local)
71The Protein - Nitrophorin
- dimer of 20 kdal monomers
- Heme contains Fe3
- salivary glands of Triatomid bugs
- bind nitrous oxide (NO)
72Nitrophorin Action slightly dramatized
- Ravenous insect climbs onto face of peacefully
sleeping human victim - Inserts hideous proboscis into helpless victims
flesh - Nitrophorin, with NO bound, is injected into the
bite wound
- In the alkaline environment of the ghastly wound,
NO is released - NO acts as vasodilator, prevents platelet
accumulation - Empty binding site on nitrophorin binds histamine
- Antihistamine effect prevents irritation to wake
hapless blood donor.
73Lest you think this is all theoretical
Potential future distribution in Texas
From Emerging Infectious Diseases (2003) 9(1)