Title: Presentacin de PowerPoint
1Main fields of applications
- Spatial scale
- Lab experiments
- In situ experiments
- Regional aquifers/aquitards
- Time scales
- Short term lab experiments
- Medium term in situ experiments (10 a)
- Long-term performance assessment calculations
in near field of a HLW repository
2Main fields of applications
- Reactive transport in fracture zones
- Coupled THBC (m) models
- Long-term performance assessment
- Reactive and microbial models
- Parameter estimation inverse models
- Numerical aspects
- More recent work
- RT and spatial heterogeneity
- Dual continua
- Combining numerical and analytical methods
3Main fields of applications
- Reactive transport in fracture zones
- Redox Zone and REX experiments (Äspö)
- Need to account for microbial processes
- Evaluation of dissolved oxygen consumption
- In bentonite
- During open repository conditions
- Glaciation episode (with microbial processes)
4CERBERUS experiment (Mol)
- Performed on Boom clay Mol, Belgium
- In situ heat and radiation source
- In situ chemical monitoring
- 1D axissymmetric THC
(Zhang et al., Appl. Geochem, 2007)
5Ventilation experiment (Mont Terri)
- Performed on Opalinus Clay (OC) Mont Terri
- Micro-tunnel of 1.3 m diameter and 10 m long. It
was sealed off - Several de-saturation and resaturation phases
- On line monitoring of hydraulic and mechanical
data - Chemical data at the end of S-R phases
6Multiphase flow and RT model
- Ventilation experiment
- Multiphase flow
- water gas (vapor and dry air)
- Multicomponent reactive solute transport
- Transport Advection, molecular diffusion
dispersion - Chemistry aqueous complexation, acid-base,
redox, mineral dissolution/precipitation, gas
dissolution/ex-solution cation exchange - Minerals pyrite, Fe(OH)3, siderite, calcite,
dolomite, gypsum, quartz
7Multiphase flow and RT model
- Numerical model
- 2D-Axial symmetry
- Rectangular finite element mesh 204 nodes 101
porosity 0.1605, hydraulic conductivity
2.010-13 m/s, Vapor tortouosity 0.8, relative
permeability Kr Sr4, longitudinal dispersivity
0.12 m, Pore water diffusion coefficient
210-10 m2/s
Calculations performed with our domestic THMC
8Hydrodynamic model results
Liquid pressure
Mesurements of piezometers below 100 kPa may be
Vapor outflow
9Hydrodynamic model results
Relative humidity
Model overestimates RH after de-saturation phase
probably due to uncertainties on the turbulence
factor used to calculate vapor outflow
10Chemical results pyrite
- Pyrite is oxidized due to oxygen in-diffusion
when tunnel is ventilated and rock de-saturates
FeS2(s) H2O 3.5 O2(aq) ? 2 SO42 Fe2 2 H
Although rock resaturated from phase 6 to 8,
pyrite continued to oxidize due to O2
11Chemical results ferrihydrite calcite
- Pyrite oxidation induces
- Ferrihydrite precipitation
- Calcite dissolution (which buffers pH)
2.5 H2O 0.25 O2(aq) Fe2 ? Fe (OH)3(s) 2 H
CaCO3(s) H ? Ca2 HCO3-
12Chemical results gypsum dolomite
- Dissolved Ca HCO3 released by calcite induce
gypsum and dolomite precipitation
Ca2 SO42- 2 H2O ? CaSO42H2O
Mg2 Ca2 2 HCO3 ? CaMg(CO3)2(s) 2 H
13Chemical results Cl exclusion
Time evolution of Cl in clay at 2 cm from tunnel
With anion exclusion (accessible porosity 54
of total porosity) Consistent with independent
14Chemical results Cl exclusion
Cl SO4 in boreholes after resaturation (phase 8)
15Model testing with inferred chemical data
16HC coupling Changes in porosity
Changes in porosity caused by oxidation and
mineral dissolution/precipitation are very small.
lt 2 although initially reaches 5 near rock
17HLW performance assessment
- Clay/concrete/bentonite long-term gechemical
evolution in a HLW repository in clay (NFPRO) - Canister/bentonite/granite long-term gechemical
evolution in a HLW repository in granite (NFPRO)
18Modeling long-term (1Ma) geochemical evolution
and bentonite-concrete-clay interactions in a HLW
repository in clay
pH plume penetrates only 1 m into clay formation
19- Bentonite, concrete clay porosities decrease,
but no clogging is predicted
20Main fields of applications
- Multiphase and coupled TH(m)C models
- Heat released by radiation during thermal phase
- Engineered barriers FEBEX experiment
- CERBERUS experiment
- Effect of ventilation VE experiment
- Meet the needs of process-level performance
assessment models - Interactions of engineered barriers
- Canister/bentonite/granite
- Concrete/bentonite/clay
21Main fields of applications
- Coupled reactive and microbial models
- Evaluate effect of microbes on redox potential
- Redox Zone and REX experiments at Äspö
- Role of SRB in sulfate reduction in Boom clay
- Reactor denitrification processes
- Inverse problem for reactive and microbial
transport - Combine hydrodynamic and chemical data
- Trial error vs automatic estimation
- Evaluate parameter uncertainties
22Most recent applications
- Reactive transport for heterogeneous systems
- Combining numerical and analytical solutions
- Reactive transport in dual (multiple?) continua
- Clear need for clays formations and bentonites
- Approaches overlapping or non-overlapping
continua - Challenges
- How to get parameters
- Differences in chemical systems
23Most recent applications
- Acid mine drainage and pit lakes
- Pyrite oxidation is the source of acidity
- During lake creation
- Ferrihydrite (HFO) precipitation
- Surface complexation on HFO surfaces
- Coupling CORE with a dynamic lake model
24Most recent applications
- Acid mine drainage and pit lakes
- Pyrite oxidation is the source of acidity
- During lake creation
- Ferrihydrite (HFO) precipitation
- Surface complexation on HFO surfaces
- Coupling CORE with a dynamic lake model
25Time-depth plot of lake pH
26Time-depth plot of lake sulfate
27Most recent applications
- RT models are needed to properly interpret
classical tracer experiments - Anion exclusion Cl experiments
- Changes in chemistry during long-term diffusion
28Developments in numerical methods
- Sequential approaches
- Non iterative SNIA
- Fully iterative SIA
- Predictor-corrector
- Partly iterative SPIA
- Subgrid scale stabilization algorithms for
reactive transport - Works nicely for extremely advective problems
(see Yang and Samper, 2008, Ad. Wat. Res.)
29Developments in numerical methods
- Solving chemical equations
- Working with increments of log c
- Modified Newton-Raphson
- Neglecting derivatives of activity coefficients
- Implementing Armijo algorithm
- Using Neural networks as a pre-conditioner of
Newton-Raphson - Algorithms for automatic time stepping for stiff
30How much should we trust models?
31Publications (i)
- Changbing Yang, Javier Samper, Jorge Molinero and
Mercedes Bonilla, 2007, Modelling geochemical and
microbial consumption , J. Cont. Hydrol. - Samper, J. C. Yang A semi-analytical solution
for linearized multicomponent cation exchange
reactive transport in groundwater, In Transport
in Porous Media, DOI 10.1007/s11242-006-9065-4,
2006. - J. Samper, G. Zhang, and L. Montenegro 2006,
Coupled microbial and geochemical reactive
transport models, Journal of Iberian Geology, Vol
32(2), 215-231. - J.M. Galíndez, J. Molinero, J. Samper and C.B
Yang, Simulating concrete degradation processes
by reactive transport models, J. Phys. IV France,
136 (2006) 177-188. - Samper, J., C. Yang, A. Naves, A Yllera, A.
Hernández, J. Molinero, J. M. Soler, P. Hernán,
J.C. Mayor and J. Astudillo, A fully 3-D
anisotropic model of DI-B, Physics and Chemistry
of the Earth, Vol. 31, 531-540. 2006. - Samper, J., Z. Dai, J., Molinero, M.
García-Gutiérrez, T. Missana y M. Mingarro,
Inverse modeling of tracer experiments in FEBEX
compacted Ca-bentonite, Physics and Chemistry of
the Earth, Vol. 31, 640-648, 2006. - Z. Dai, J. Samper and R. Ritzi, 2006,
Identifying geochemical processes by inverse
modeling of multicomponent reactive transport in
Aquia aquifer, Geosphere, 2006, Vol. 4, Nº 4,
210219. - J. Samper and C. Yang, 2006, Stochastic Analysis
of Transport and Multicomponent Competitive
Cation Exchange, Geosphere, April, Vol. 2,
102-112, 2006. - Dai Z. and J. Samper, 2006, Inverse modeling of
water flow and multicomponent reactive transport
in coastal aquifer systems. J. of Hydrol. Vol.
327, Issues 3-4, 447-461. - Molinero J and J. Samper, Modeling of reactive
solute transport in fracture zones of granitic
bedrocks, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 82
293 318. 2006. - Yllera A., Hernández A., Mingarro M., Quejido A.,
Sedano L. A., Soler J. M., Samper J., Molinero
J., Barcala J. M., Martín P. L., Fernández M.,
Wersin P., Rivas P., Hernán P. (2004) DI-B
Experiment Planning, Design and Performance of
an In Situ Diffusion Experiment. Applied Clay
Science 26, 181-196. . (Revista del SCI) - Molinero Huguet, J. Samper, J. G. Zhang y C.
Yang. Biogeochemical reactive transport model of
the redox zone experiment of the Äspö hard rock
laboratory in Sweden, En Nuclear Technology, Vol
148, pp. 151-165, 2004. - J. Molinero y J. Samper, Groundwater Flow and
Solute Transport in Fracture Zones An Improved
Model for a Large-Scale Field Experiment at Äspö,
J. Hydr. Res. Vol. 42, 2004, Extra Issue,
32Publications (ii)
- Yang, C., S. Jones and J. Samper, 2007, Numerical
modelling of the development of a preferentially
lached layer on feldspar surfaces, Applied
Geochemistry (submitted) - Samper, J., S. Dewonck, L. Zheng, Q. Yang, and A.
Naves, 2008, Normalized sensitivities and
parameter identifiability of in situ DIR
diffusion experiments on Callovo-Oxfordian clay
at Bure site, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
(submitted). - Samper, J., L. Zheng, and L. Montenegro 2008,
Inverse hydrochemical models of aqueous extract
experiments, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
(submitted). - Yang, C, J. Samper and J. Molinero, 2008, Inverse
microbial and geochemical reactive transport
models in porous media, Physics and Chemistry of
the Earth, (submitted). - Yang, C., J. Samper and L. Montenegro, 2008,
CORE2D V4 A Code for water flow, heat and solute
transport, geochemical reactions, and microbial
processes, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth,
(submitted). - Zheng, L. J. Samper, 2008, Coupled THMC model
of FEBEX mock-up test, Physics and Chemistry of
the Earth, (submitted). - Samper, J., C. Lu, L. Montenegro, 2008, Coupled
hydrogeochemical calculations of the interactions
of corrosion products and bentonite, Physics and
Chemistry of the Earth, (submitted). - Zheng, L., J. Samper, L. Montenegro J.C.
Mayor, 2008, Flow and reactive transport model of
a ventilation experiment in opallinus clay,
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, (submitted). - Samper J., C. Lu, and L. Montenegro, 2008,
Reactive transport model of interactions of
corrosion products and bentonite, Physics and
Chemistry of the Earth, (submitted). - Yang C. y J. Samper. 2008, A Subgrid-Scale
Stabilized Finite Element Method for
Multicomponent Reactive Transport through Porous
Media, Advances in Water Resources, (in press). - Samper, L. Zheng, A.M. Fernández and L.
Montenegro, 2008, Inverse modeling of
multicomponent reactive transport through single
and dual porosity media, J Cont Hydrol (in
review). - Samper J., L. Zheng, L. Montenegro, A.M.
Fernández, P. Rivas, 2007, Testing coupled
thermo-hydro-chemical models of compacted
bentonite after dismantling the FEBEX in situ
test, Applied Geochemistry (in press). - Zhang G, J. Samper L. Montenegro, 2007, Coupled
thermo-hydro-bio-geochemical reactive transport
model of the CERBERUS heating and radiation
experiment in Boom clay, Applied Geochemistry (in