Title: Workrelated Stress: Management Awareness
1Work-related Stress Management Awareness
Gordon Thomson - Claims Bureau Manager Geraldine
McFaul - Loss Control Consultant
3A Story...
Once upon a time.. .there was
a. who lived in.. and...
so.. ......then..
The End
- A proven medical disorder for which it is
established in law that damages are recoverable - The injury must have been caused by work or work
related issues - Psychiatric as well as Physical harm included as
- Must take reasonable care to avoid acts or
omissions which you can reasonably foresee would
be likely to injure your neighbour - Must take a person as you find him / her
- Employers owe a duty of care to their employees
- It is negligent to not take reasonable steps to
avoid a risk of injury
- Green v Argyll Bute C - 240,000
- Jones v Sandwell MBC - 157,541
- M v Shropshire CC - 300,000
- Lewis v Taff Ely BC -
45,000 - McLeod v Test Valley BC - 200,000
- Will be time consuming and complex
- Require co-operation of many
- Need to fully understand nature of job
- Require health information
- Risk assessments
- Training details
- Documents
8Work-related Stress Management Awareness
Geraldine McFaul - Loss Control Consultant
H.S.E. DEFINITION- Stress is the reaction
people have to excessive pressures or other types
of demand placed upon them. It arises when they
worry that they cant cope.
Harassment Intimidation Job insecurity Lack of
training New systems Disciplinarians
Relocation Thwarted ambition Discrimination Person
ality clashes Reorganization Perfectionism etc.
Personal/domestic problems E-mail rage 25
suffer from information overload
- Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974
- Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999 - Other non-safety legislation
12HSE - Current Thinking
- Stress is a Health and Safety issue
- Can be tackled in part by existing legislation
- Many research projects completed and ongoing
- Guidance document on good management practices
- Continual work with partners to develop
standards, etc - Better equipping enforcement officers
- Publicity drive for employers
13Understanding the Problem
- This involves
- Understanding what is stress?
- Detecting stress amongst staff
- Look for Symptoms and Warning signs
- Try to identify causes
- Considering all the management styles and
14Stress Policy
- Recognition of Stress at Work
- Have commitment from Senior Management
- Agreed by Trade Unions
- Applies to Everyone
- Outline arrangements for
- Recognition
- Prevention
- Investigation
- Rehabilitation
- Supported by Counselling Services
15Risk Assessment
- A Management tool to assess the risk that
employees (and others) may be exposed to whilst
at work, to analyse these risks and to implement
control measures in attempting to eliminate or
reduce these risks
- Staff Training - Stress Management and other
training - Guidance - Internal and External (H.S.E.)
- Support and Counselling services
- Positive Management and Supervisory Culture
- Communication between key players
- Flexibility in working arrangements
- Sickness Absence recording
- Staff appraisals
- Stress Audits
- Monitor workloads
- Team Briefings
- Intolerance to Harassment/ Bullying
18Continue the Commitment
- Supporting the individual after a period of
illness - Assessing their workloads/needs prior to return
to work - Keeping in contact with the individual
- Returning to work plans
- Remembering to deal with the causes, not treat
the symptoms