Title: Stress Management Classes Toronto ON
2About Us Elemental started off as a dream. An
environment for people to find themselves,
explore their own consciousness, improve and
optimize their wellbeing, to learn, share and
grow. This concept felt amazing in theory and
after sharing this vision with others we felt
very strongly that it was something that needed
to be created.
3At Elemental Wellness Studio we believe that in
order to become the best version of yourself, to
be fully optimized in life, you need to build a
strong foundation. Just experiencing the
technology alone will bring incredible results
and improvements to many areas of your life
however its just one end of the spectrum.
4Join Patti as she guides you through a mindful
meditation that offers many benefits for you mind
body and soul. Meditation increases self
awareness, happiness and acceptance. It also
decreases stress and anxiety. Patti uses
essential oils, reiki and massage at times
throughout the meditation to make it an
incredible and relaxing experience.
5Tel 905-669-4222 Email connect_at_goelemental.ca Ad
dress 999 Edgeley Blvd Unit 3 Vaughan ON L4K
5Z4 https//goelemental.ca/
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