Title: Diapositiva 1
1IPY actions in Trento (NE Italy)
Session 39 Climate change from uncertainty to
action, the new roles for science centres in
society 31.05.2008 14.00 15.30 Lavinia Del
Longo, Natural History Museum of Trento Italy
2POLE POSITION Adventure in the polar
regions Trento, 13.06.08 24.05.2009
Genoa Science Festival 25.10
06.11.2007 Città della Scienza,
Naples 23.11.2007 16.02.2008
3the natural environment of the poles
Biodiversity Landscape Adaptation
4the natural environment of the poles
-7 room
nordic people
5physics and climate
ice melting floading
states of matter how much rain and snow?
astronomy and seasons
6physics and climate
Ice core
Earth magnetism
Ozone hole albedo effect greenhouse
Reinhold Messner as testimonial
8polar research programs
dome C research base
91st March 2008
Opening ceremony of IPY Webcasting from
Paris Experiments with ICE Start of the IGLO
10Videoconference 19th October 2007
The Science of IPY One hour live program 3
groups of students talking with the polar
reaserchers in an interactive videoconference
A worldwide project 28 partners all-over 2
NASA satellites 1 week of moments
12Albedo in Trento
100 students 11 16 years old lectures about
satellites, albedo, ice caps measurement of light
13Thank you
Lavinia Del Longo dellongo_at_mtsn.tn.it