Title: Medical Guidelines for Travelers
1Medical Guidelines for Travelers
A. J. Parmet, MD, MPHMedical Director, Trans
World Airlines
2The Environment of Flight
- Altitude
- 8000 ft cabin altitude/500 mmHg
- 21 Oxygen
- Humidity 5-20
- Air Quality
- Low biologic content
- ETS/dander
- Restricted Movement
- Motion
- Circadian Desynchron
3The Disabled Traveler
- ADA/Airline Passenger Access Act
- 48 hour notification
- Special seating
- Oxygen
4Medical Conditions Affected by Travel
- 650,000,000 US Airline Passengers/Year
- 1/350,000 Passengers has major medical event
- Not every event is due to travel.
- 1/3,500,000 Passengers dies
5Cardiovascular I
- Use of O2 on the ground
- NYHA Class III-IV, PaO2lt70 mmHg
- Angina Class III-IV
- Cyanotic heart disease
- Pulmonary hypertension
6Cardiovascular II
- Myocardial Infarction
- Uncomplicated10 to 20 days
- Complications6 weeks
- Unstable Angina
- Congestive Failure
- CABG2 weeks
- Uncontrolled dysrhthmias
- Need for Oxygen?
- Practical test Can patient walk 50 yards or
climb one flight of stairs without severe
dyspnea? - Consider a pulse oximeter
- Asthma is the most common medical emergency
- Deep Venous Thrombosis
- Travel during pregnancy is safe, but
- Is this trip really necessary?
- 27-32-36 Weeks
- Bring shoelaces
- Passengers should get up
and walk every hour - Radiation
9Obstetrics II - Crew Issues
- US Fly to 27th week
- Europe
- Pilots fly 2nd Trimester
- F/A ground on declaration
- Newborns-safe at one week
- Small children should suck or drink on descent
11Ear, Nose and Throat
- Any condition affecting the ability to
equilibrate air pressure in the middle ear and
sinuses - Dont fly with a cold!
- Recent surgery of middle and
inner ear - Dental abscess
- Intestinal gas expands by 25-50
- colostomies produce more fecal output
- Trapped gas- eye and brain
- Spinal anesthesia
- Pulmonary atelectasis
- CVA-delay 2 weeks
- Seizures are second most common events-usually
due to failure to medicate - Alzheimers/Sundowner Syndrome
- Unpredictable behavior or threats to the health
and safety of themselves and others - Claustrophobia and Agoraphobia
- Drug and Alcohol abuse-detox first
15Diabetes-Eastbound (6 Time Zones)
- Single dose
- Usual dose on morning of departure
- 1st morning at destination 2/3 usual dose
- 10 hours later, test glucose and give 1/3 of AM
dose if glcgt - 2nd morning, resume usual schedule
- Two dose
- Usual morning and evening doses
- Same procedure as for Single dose
16Diabetes-Westbound (6 Time Zones)
- Single dose
- Usual dose on morning of departure
- 18 hours later, test glucose, give 1/3 AM dose
and snack if glclt - Next day, usual dose
- Two dose
- Usual morning and evening doses
- 18 hours later, test glucose, give 1/3 AM dose
and snack if glclt - Next day, resume usual schedule
- Add Insulin to IV
- 0.1 U/g Dextrose
- 5U to 1 L D5W
18Economy Class Syndrome or Vehicular DVT
- Preexisting DVT, usually two weeks prior to
travel - Clot propagation occurs with prolonged inactivity
(not just in tourist seats, any vehicle) - Embolism occurs with debarkation
- Prevention by hydration and hourly in seat
exercises or get up and walk
- Tuberculosis
- Other Infectious Diseases
- Carry Your Medications with You!
- Prescription Lables on Bottles, particularly for
controlled substances - Dont Import Medications to the US
- Diphenhydramine
- Meclizine
- Transdermal scopalamine
21Decompression Sickness
- Wait 12 hours after a single scuba dive
- Wait 24 hours or longer after multiple dives,
multiple days
- Yellow Fever is the only mandatory vaccine
- Basic MMR, Td, Hep A, TBtine
- Consider Cpx, Hep B, Typhoid, Flu, Pneumonia
- Poor Cholera, Plague
- Consult http//www.cdc.gov
23Emergency Treatment
- Aircraft
- Land at nearest airport
- Oxygen
- Minimal Medical Kit
- Advanced Medical Kit
- Cruise Ships
- Ships doctor
- Larger medical kit
- Ship inspections available at www.cdc.gov
- Medical Guidelines for Airline Travel, Air
Transport Committee of the Aerospace Medical
Association, Alexandria VA, 1997
25Pack for your Trip?
- You return from vacation with the local rum.
Which of the following is not allowed on the
aircraft? - A. Spiced Rum (65 Alcohol)
- B. Dark and Hot Rum (70 Alcohol)
- C. 151 Rum (75 Alcohol)
26You are going hunting and plan to carry your own
weapons and ammunition. Which is allowed?
- A. Check 11 pounds net weight of ammo and weapon,
complete NOTICE TO ARMED INDIVIDUAL FORM - B. Check 21 pounds of ammunition in original
manufactures cartons. - C. Check 11 pounds gross weight of ammunition in
a sturdy carton.
27Can you carry mace or pepper spray as long as it
is on your person?
28Which of the following can be carried as checked
- A. Full Scuba Tanks
- B. Propane and CO2 Cartridges
- C. Fireworks
- D. Self-inflating life rafts
- E. Dry ice up to 4.4 pounds