Title: Samia Bouchafa
1- Samia Bouchafa
- Bertrand Zavidovique
Vito Di Gesù Cesare Valenti
IEF University of Orsay France
DMA University of Palermo Italy
2Symmetry and perception
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4Computing Symmetry
5Edge Based Computation
Symmetry Axial Transform (SAT) (Blum, Nagel,
Smoothed Local Symmetry (SLS) (Brady, Asada,
Affine transformations and symmetry (Mukhergee,
Zisserman, Brady, Chan, Cipolla, 1995)
Partial occlusion (Sato, Cipolla, 1997)
String oriented approach (Atallah, 1985),
(Bruckstein and Shaked, 1995)
6Gray Levels Approaches
Texture analysis and symmetry measures
(Cheterikov and Haralick, 1995)
Measures based on the Radoms transform (Kiryati
and Gofman, 1996)
Context free attentional operators(Reisfeld,
Wolfson and Yeshurun 1995)
7Symmetry TransformDi Gesù, Valenti, 1994
8Discrete Symmetry Transform
9Points of interest
10Pyramid-DST(Di Gesù,Valenti 1996)
Discrete Fourier Transform of D0 and
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13Tracking problems
14Face analysis
Applicationssecurity systems, criminology.
physical access control, man-machine interactions
15Expression analysis
Neutral, Sadness, Disgust, Happiness, Fear,
Anger, Surprise
16Object recognition systems Chella, Di Gesu,
Infantino, Intravaia, Valenti 1997
- Object Recognition Using Multiple Views
- 3D shape reconstruction from image sequences
17Iterated Object TransformDi Gesù, Zavidovique,
The IOT computes the symmetry transform, T, on
steadily intensity reduced versions of the input
18Contrast change and level lines
- Contrast change definition
- Non-decreasing funtion g
- Level set
- Contrast change impact
- some level sets disappearance
- no geometric deformation
- Motion impact ( noise)
- some new level sets appearance
- Geometric deformation
- level lines crossing
19Detection criteria
- How can we reconstruct the scene S ?
- Possibilities for each line
- 1. The line is present
- no detection
- 2. The line is not present
- Doubt
- Is the reference complete ?
- Is the background uniform ?
- 3. The line crosses another one
- detection
Week Detection
Strong Detection
20Motion detection algorithm
21Level line characterization
Global characterization surface, other moments
of inertia, etc.
Associated level line
Our choice local characterization
- Point detection - No level lines occlusions
22The result of the detection algorithm that is
insensible towards contrast changes.
The original sequence presents some contrast
changes due the automatic gain control of the
camera and to natural scene illumination changes.
In the sequence, only points affected by motion
are displayed
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24Fast Marching Methods and Level Set Methods are
numerical techniques which can follow the
evolution of interfaces. These interfaces can
develop sharp corners, break apart, and merge
together. The techniques have a wide range of
applications, including problems in fluid
mechanics, combustion, manufacturing of computer
chips, computer animation, image processing,
structure of snowflakes, and the shape of soap
bubbles. These are two fundamentally different
approaches to the problem of tracking moving
interfaces, yet they share a common theory and
numerical methodology.
25Edge Based Computation
Symmetry Axial Transform (SAT) (Blum, Nagel,
26Smoothed Local Symmetry (SLS) (Brady, Asada,
Edge based operator Yeshurun
28Face analysis and algorithmsCardaci, Di Gesu,
Intravaia, 1998
- The algorithm is based on an attentive
architecture. - local and global symmetry operators
- Reisfeld, Wolfson,Yeshurun (1995) Di Gesù,
Valenti, Strinati, (1997) - graph theoretical algorithms Zhan (1972)
- facial anatomy (model driven) Russel, (1994)
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30Gelstat clustering (GC)
A relational graph (FG) is then built from the
retrieved FC
Structural information are represented by a
simple Internal Model (IM) based on psycho-visual
correlation between components of face Chen,
Yachida (1996)
A sequence with global contrast changes
Séquence initiale
The same crossing junction but different lighting
Road environment Vehicle/pedestrian detection
and counting Subway environment Stationnary
objects/human detection
Level lines
Reference sequence
Six months before
Grey levels
Gradients orientation
Gradient orientations
Problems with stability and thresholding !