Title: Greek Theater
1Greek Theater
2Overview of Greek Theater
3The Land
- Greece has thousands of inhabited islands and
dramatic mountain ranges
4The Land
- Greece has a rich culture and history
5The Land
- Democracy was founded in Greece
6The Land
- Patriarchal (male dominated) society
7The Land
- Philosophy, as a practice, began in Greece
(Socrates, Plato, Aristotle)
8The Land
- Located in Europe in the Aegean Sea
9The Land
10The Land
11Overview of Greek Theater
12The Theater
13The Theater
Six Main Portions of Greek Theater Theatron
Seating for audience
14The Theater
Six Main Portions of Greek Theater Orchestra
Dancing Place where chorus sang to the audience
15The Theater
Six Main Portions of Greek Theater Thymele
altar to Dionysus in center of orchestra where
sacrifices were made
16The Theater
Six Main Portions of Greek Theater Skene
wooden scene building used as a dressing room.
17The Theater
Six Main Portions of Greek Theater Parados
entrance to the theater used by the Chorus
18The Theater
Six Main Portions of Greek Theater Proskenion
where most of the action took place also served
as a backdrop
19The Stage
- God of Wine and Partying (Revelry)
21The Theater
- Greek plays were performed during religious
ceremonies held in honor of Dionysus, the Greek
god of wine and revelry (altars generally on
22The Theater
- Business would shut down for days, people would
travel from all around to see the drama
competitionseven prisoners were temporarily
released to see the plays
23The Theater
- Tragedy means goat song (relates to Dionysian
24The Theater
25Where and how were the dramas performed?
In an amphitheatre
26Where and how were the dramas performed?
With a chorus who described most of the
27Where and how were the dramas performed?
With masks
28Where and how were the dramas performed?
Each morning, one of the playwrights presented
three tragedies and a satyr play.
29Where and how were the dramas performed?
That afternoon, another playwright presented a
30Where and how were the dramas performed?
This went on for three days and then a winner
was chosen.
31Major Greek Dramatists
32 How were the dramas developed?
- Thespis was the first playwright to tell a story.
He had one chorus member step away from the
others to play the part of a hero or god.
33How were the dramas developed?
- Aeschylus added a second individual actor to the
performance, thus creating the possibility of
34How were the dramas developed?
- Sophocles adds a third actor now we have
full-blown drama.
35Overview of Greek Theatre
36Sophocles Antigone
- Is based on the myth of Oedipus
37Sophocles Antigone
- Oedipus is given away by his parents, Laios and
Jocasta when they learn from an oracle that their
son would kill his father and marry his mother.
38- The ancient citizens of Greece would sacrifice
and pray to an ORACLE. - An oracle was a priest or priestess who would
send a message from the gods to mortals who
brought their requests.
39The Oracle at Delphi
Most famous oracle in Greek mythology.
40Sophocles Antigone
- Oedipus learns of the oracle and believing the
king and queen of Corinth are his parents, he
leaves to avoid the oracle.
41Sophocles Antigone
- Oedipus travels to Thebes, killing Laios on the
way. He saves the city from a terrible monster,
the Sphinx.
42Sophocles Antigone
- Thebes reward him by making him king and giving
him the queen to marry.
43Sophocles Antigone
- A plague hits the city and the oracle warns that
it wont go away until the killer of King Laios
is punished.
44Sophocles Antigone
- Oedipus investigates and finds out he killed his
father and married his mother.
45Sophocles Antigone
- Oedipus blinds himself and Jocasta kills herself.
46Sophocles Antigone
- Set in Thebes (a city in ancient Greece)
47Sophocles Antigone
- Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta.
48Sophocles Antigone
- Antigones brothers, Eteokles and Polyneces, were
to rule in alternate years.
49Sophocles Antigone
- Eteokles refused to give up the throne for
Polyneces at the end of his year.
50Sophocles Antigone
- Polyneces went to Argos and raised an army to
gain the throne.
51Sophocles Antigone
- Eteokles and Polyneces killed each other in
52Sophocles Antigone
- Antigones uncle, Creon, became king of Thebes.
53Sophocles Antigone
- Antigones uncle, Creon, gives Eteokles, his
ally, a heros burial and issues a decree against
burying Polyneces.
54Sophocles Antigone
- Antigone believes that he is wrong and that both
of her brothers should be buried with honor.
55Sophocles Antigone
- The conflict between Antigone and Creon is the
basis for the play.
56Copy Only The Boxed Portion!
57The End
58Euripides Medea
- Medea is a princess from Colchis
- Medea marries Jason, who is in Colchis on a quest
for the Golden Fleece - Medea betrays her father and murders her brother
for her love of Jason - Medea has magical powers
- Jason takes Medea back to his homeland, Corinth,
where they have children - Jason takes another wife, the king of Corinths
59Jasons Voyage on the Argo
Jason and Medea meet
Corinth Where Jason and Medea settle down
60Myths played a key rolein Greek drama
61The Myths Why they were written
- Explained the unexplainable
- Justified religious practices
- Gave credibility to leaders
- Gave hope
- Polytheistic (more than one god)
- Centered around the twelve Olympians (primary
Greek gods)
62Explained the Unexplainable
- When Echo tried to get Narcissus to love her, she
was denied. - Saddened, she shriveled to nothing, her existence
melting into a rock. - Only her voice remained.
- Hence, the echo!
63To justify religious practices
- Dionysian cults in ancient Greece were founded to
worship Dionysus, god of grapes, vegetation, and
64To give credibility to leaders
- The Romans used myths to create family trees for
their leaders, enforcing the made-up idea that
the emperors were related to the gods and were,
then, demigods.
65Mount Olympus
Where the Olympians lived. Who are
the Olympians?
66The Olympians Are the 12 Main Gods
67Temperaments of the Olympians
- King of gods
- Heaven
- Storms
- Thunder
- lightning
- Zeuss brother
- King of the sea
- Earthquakes
- Horses
- Brother to Zeus and Poseidon
- King of the Underworld (Tartarus)
- Husband of Persphone
- God of fire
- Craftspeople
- Metalworkers
- Artisans
- God of the sun
- Music
- Poetry
- Fine arts
- Medicine
- Messenger to the gods
- Trade
- Commerce
- Travelers
- Thieves scoundrels
- Queen of gods
- Women
- Marriage
- Childbirth
- Goddess of Harvest
- Agriculture
- Fertility
- Fruitfulness
- Mom to Persephone
- Goddess of Hearth
- Home
- Community
- Goddess of wisdom
- Practical arts
- War
- Goddess of love and beauty
- Goddess of hunting and the moon.