Title: Strathstar
By The Pupils of Strathdon School
2Our Aims
- To create a friendly local newspaper
- To make the newspaper self-funding by selling
advertising space - To provide a way for local businesses to
advertise - To get the latest news to the community
- To create a link between the school and the
community - To help us to acquire skills that may help us in
life later on - To have fun!
3Skills that we will develop
- Typing (keyboard skills)
- Art and Design
- Maths(Fitting advert sizes into A3 page)
- Accounting
- Language skills
- Negotiating
- ICT (Information and communications technology)
- Personal and social skills
- Interviewing techniques
4The Team
5Reporting Team
- Molly Dobson
- Josie Duncan
- Freelance Reporters
- Alexander Wallace
- Roseanna Billany
6Art and Games Department
- Alexander Wallace
- Sean Hicks
- Conner Fullerton
- Ryan Stuart
- Roseanna Billany
- Normie Duncan
- Finlay Wright
- Samantha George
- Steven Eddie
7Editorial Team
- Mark Taylor
- Cicely Lawson
- Rhianna Strachan
- Heather Prince
8How did we do it?
Mrs Field advertised for people to work on the
Strathstar Community Newspaper and we had to
apply by letter for the jobs. We contacted local
businesses to find out if they wanted to
advertise in The newspaper. We offered a design
service at no extra cost. We negotiated the
content and size of the advertisements with the
Businesses. The Reporters collected stories and
news from our community, took photographs and
interviewed lots of people. We made up the pages
of the newspaper by cutting and pasting. The
accountants sent out invoices to all the
businesses who had advertised and we opened a
business account at the Bank of Scotland in
Ballater. Once we were happy with the layout of
each page we started printing. The newspapers
were collated and stapled then we sold them in
our local Spar shop.
- Design of presentation Alexander Wallace and Mrs
Field - Grateful thanks to the class for giving pointers
to make this more interesting - Tritech International and Mr Marsh for telling us
all about how to have a successful business - The Microsoft Office Assistant for letting us
know how to make some of the animations - Microsoft for making Powerpoint so we could do
10The End.. But not quite