1Malcolm Gorton Senior Scientist Environment
Agency Science - Technology Group Lower Bristol
Rd Bath BA2 2QS United Kingdom malcolm.gorton_at_env
2This session will consist of
Part 1 WIYBY
Part 2 Other information services
Part 3 Next Steps
Part 4 Workshop
3the Environment Agency
- Non Departmental Public Body responsible to UK
Governments Department of the Environment -
(Defra) - Wide range of duties and powers relating to
environmental management - 11,000 staff across England and Wales
- 8 Regional Offices, 26 Area Offices
- Approximately100 staff respond to gt350,000
requests - We place a high priority on the provision of
information in achieving environmental goals
4Part 1 WIYBY
5Whats in Your Backyard
Whats in Your Backyard?- (WIYBY) a GIS, Internet
based national web application (www.environment-ag
ency.gov.uk). Users can find information from a
national level, right down to their local
environment locating areas of interest,
displaying data to a chosen scale, formulating
individual queries on the datasets, gaining
background on information of interest, and
downloading data for their own use off line.
6Whats in Your Backyard
51 of map requests are flooding related
7WIYBY One service fits all
Local communities Students Schoolchildren Teachers
Consultants Solicitors Business
8Part 2 Other information services
9Public Registers
Purpose To provide public register
information in a modern electronic manner that
befits the environment, our customers and our
Driver Government modernising targets Defra
Legislative Review group Requirement to operate
openly Reduction of travel to our Area offices
10Public Registers the process
Consultation Responses
Public Register
11Public access does it work?
- Are people aware?
- Are paper files convenient?
- Is the information presented meaningfully?
- Is location in offices convenient?
- Do we reach a wide cross-section of society?
- Could we do better?!
12Property Search our old approach
Customer Contact
Up to 12 functions
Log and track
Distribute for answers
Send out and log
Compile response
Re-allocation of resources
Confirmation of payment
- it costs a lot of time and money
- to provide inconsistent information
- at the wrong time
13Property Search a new approach
Internet Analysis - Mapping
Application Server
Control Logic
Map Services
Feature Services
Geospatial Database
14Property Search system
15Property Search system
16Old Service New Service
Property Search system
- 6 week response 6 minute response
- Adhoc replies Tailored reports
- Resource drain Income stream
- Cost recovery 75 Service charge 37
- 30,000 requests Possible 1M requests
17Environmental Facts and Figures
Aims of EFF
National overview of the whole environment to
meet statutory duty under the Environment Act
1995 Live and up to date state of the environment
reporting on the web Steps back from Agency to
report state of the environment through facts and
18EFF Content
130 pages covering a range of environmental topics
19A brief history of EFF
- 1996 - First release of Snapshot of environment
coincided with launch of the Environment Agency
to meet statutory duty to report on SoE and show
breadth of areas that new Agency covered - 1996 - Snapshot of environment on the web
followed shortly after using view points/stresses
strains framework - 1997 to 2000 - SoE online developed expanded
and Information Scientists take on update/author
role - 2000 - Indicators developed
- 2001 - Environment 2000 Beyond released
- 2001 - Environmental Facts Figures developed
with a simpler structure style and
incorporation of Indicators
20EFF Approach
- Outline the issue
- Plain English based on sound science
- Facts figures not opinion
- Results at top of page
- How it is changing over time
- What is being done, but avoid selling the Agency
- Brief details of legislation (if appropriate)
- Where to find out more
21Intended audience
- Interested lay people
- A-Level/GCSE students
- Undergraduates
- Journalists
- Agency staff
- Local authority officers
- Councillors
- MPs
- Environmental consultants
- Businesses
22Results of a user survey
- Reasons for visiting
- work 36
- personal interest 31
- study 23 (mainly higher education)
- Did you find what you wanted?
- yes fairly easily 59
- no 32
- yes with difficulty 9
23Part 3 Our next steps
24Our Way Forward
- Electronic access to actual documents
- Real time flagging of live decisions
- Research into social aspects of engagement
- Partnerships with local community groups
- Electronic open forums
- Record interests and provide relevant information
- Assess impacts on our own organisation
25Engaging Citizens
- Make information relevant to everyday lives
- Link Information Systems to Participation Systems
- Provide access without effort, where and when
required - Use novel techniques to reach all of society
- (Please tell us how to do it!)
26...from singular information systems
Flood Warning
27...to Integrated Information Services
Company identifier
Education - Whats happening/have your say, local
data to analyse, etc.
Local Government
28 Interoperability Interoperable GIS Data -
Architecture and Standards
29Interoperability - What is it?
- Interoperability
- capability to communicate, execute programs, or
transfer data among various functional units in a
manner that requires the user to have little
knowledge of the unique characteristics of those
units ISO 2382-1
30Interoperability - What is it?
- In other words
- the ability of systems to talk to one another in
an agreed manner - Adoption of standards is the keystone to
interoperability (SOAP, WMS, WFS, SQL, HTML, XML)
31Interoperable GIS - What is it?
- Interoperable GIS
- Spatial components and standards that allow the
communication described above - A standardised manner of discovering, querying,
retrieving, and disseminating digital geographic
32Interoperability-What does this mean
Local Government
Local Maps (ESRI SDE)
Environmental Services
Hazards (Intergraph)
Routes and Timetables (MapInfo)
Registers (ORACLE)
Transport Services
Central Government
33Why do we want interoperable GIS
- Greater access to decision support information.
- Opening-up isolated data islands.
- Better customer/citizen service.
- Real-time access and delivery of a wider range of
data sources and services.
34Why do we want interoperable GIS
- More efficient system implementations
- No re-invention of the wheel
- Reduced reliance on proprietary/vendor specific
platforms, data sources, and components - Ability to swap-out components in best-of-breed
35Drivers - Simple Accessibility
- Interoperability can be the glue that binds
multiple, complex resources into more simple views
36Data - Standards
Data interfaces that conform to defined model
standards allow diverse systems to...
37Part 4 Workshop
38EA/UNEP Project Background
- EA/UNEP collaboration since 2000
- Building upon experience
- Senior Support
39Project Proposal
- Capacity Building
- Develop pilots/proof of concepts
- Deliver a framework
- common requirements
- engender consistency
- identification of funding streams
- identification of user needs
- linked to EU INSPIRE initiative
40Project Current Status
- Seedcorn funding
- Bid to UK FCO funding
- Seeking Partners
- and advice, comments, information ...
41EA/UNEP Project Framework
From Inspiration to practice ...
- Reference Data and Metadata
- Architecture Standards
- Environmental Thematic Data
- Implementation Structures Funding
- Impact Analysis
- Data Policy Legal Issues