Title: A Vision enabled through Electronic Interface Standards
1A Vision enabled through Electronic Interface
Standards Businesses and Tax Agencies, in concert
with other Agencies, working together to create,
use and exchange information that is useful,
useable and timely
Future world
Current world
- Part of Natural System
- Customised for different businesses
- Timeless
- Bottom Up
- Information supplied not part of natural system
- One solution fits all
- Cost of complying is increasing
- Duplicate information submitted to agencies
Work Collaborative to understand Business Accounti
ng practice
Translation Two worlds growing
together.Government aligning to the standards
adopted by businesses
Use interface standards to make agencies part of
businesses natural systems and accounting practice
2A change of mindset enabled through Electronic
Interface Standards
Forms based reporting
Obligation based reporting
- An Egyptian tax receipt from the
- Ptolemaic period 320 to 32 BC.
- Tax agencies are historically and culturally
fixated around a forms based approach to
gathering information. - Problems
- Less forms more complex to fill in
- More forms what form to use?
- Electronic interfaces provide the ability to
- dynamically obtain information based on a
- clients specific obligations rather than a one
- size fits all approach
- Advantages
- combines information normally collected
- across multiple forms
3Electronic Interface Standards Tax XML
- OASIS is a not-for-profit, global consortium that
drives the development, convergence and adoption
of e-business standards - Tax XML is an OASIS committee that is defining
electronic standards for communicating tax
information. - Goal to reduce interaction costs and enable
improved business models - Membership Observers include
- Tax administrations of Australia, Canada,
Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, UK and US - IBM, Microsoft, SAP, KPMG, PwC
- Joining the initiative ensures that your country
is able to influence and use the standards to
best effect.  Â
4OASIS Tax XML Standards model
Tax XML is trying to develop a standardised way
of communicating electronically with the taxation
community. Below is a model that represents
accounting and taxation standards.
International standards Broad agreement on
accounting standards eg Statements of financial
position and performance Example International
Accounting Standards (IAS) Tax XML are expanding
these standards to cover tax specific information
This is defined in XBRL (XBRL is an electronic
communication language)
National standards
This is not defined
Local standards Very localised, not agreed
specific to company/organisation eg statement
Tax XML and XBRL are based on XML eXtensible
Markup Language, a key enabling technology