Title: Electronic Commerce Business Models and Strategies
1Electronic Commerce Business Models and
- Minder Chen, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Management Information
Systems and Decision Sciences - School of Management, George Mason University
- mchen_at_gmu.edu
- Net Ready, by Amir Hartman and John Sifonis,
McGRaw-Hill, 2000. - Now or Never, by Mary Modahl, Harper Business,
2000 - Designing Systems for Internet Commerce by G.
Winfield Treese, Lawrence C. Stewart (May 1998)
Addison-Wesley Pub Co ISBN 0201571676 - Net Results Web Marketing that Works by Rick E.
Bruner (Editor), Cybernautics, Usweb
Corporation Hayden Books ISBN 1568304145 - E-Business Roadmap for Success by Ravi
Kalakota, Marcia Robinson, Don Tapscott (June
1999) Addison-Wesley Pub Co (C) ISBN
0201604809 - Customers.Com How to Create a Profitable
Business Strategy for the Internet and Beyond by
Patricia B. Seybold (Contributor), R. T. Marshak,
Ronni Marshak 1 Ed edition (November 1998) Times
Books ISBN 0812930371 - Net Success 24 Leaders in Web Commerce Show You
How to Put the Web to Work for Your Business by
Christina Ford Haylock, Len Muscarella, Ron
Schultz, Steve Case (May 1999) Adams Media
Corporation ISBN 1580621147 - Creating the Virtual Store Taking Your Web Site
from Browsing to Buying, by Magdalena Yesil,
Published by John Wiley Sons, November 1, 1996 - Understanding Electronic Commerce (Strategic
Technology Series), by David R. Kosiur, Published
by Microsoft Press, May 1, 1997.
3Cyber-Seminar Outline
- ? EC Introduction
- ? Introduction
- ? The cycle of electronic commerce
- ? EC and Business Process
- ? EC statistics
- ? EC Strategies
- ? 4Cs strategy Customer, Content, Community,
Commerce - ? Revenue streams
- ? EC development process
- ? EC Business Models
- ? B2C Virtual stores physical and digital goods
and services - ? Infomediaries Seller-side
- ? Informediaries Buyer-side
- ? Infomediaries B2B marketspace
4EC Introduction
- Introduction
- The cycle of electronic commerce
- EC and business process
- EC statistics
5Electronic Commerce Introduction
6Electronic Commerce
- Electronic commerce is broadly as the ability to
execute business activities (transactions,
contracts, and partnership) over a computer
network. The execution of these activities lead
to the exchange of goods, services, and money. - Online business activities are changing market
dynamics and structures of various industries. - Electronic commerce adds a new dimension
"information" to business activities involving
information goods, information services, and
electronic money.
7The Low-Friction Market
- "The Internet will carry us into a new world of
low friction, low-overhead capitalism, in which
market information will be plentiful and
transaction costs low." - -- Bill Gates, The Road Ahead
- "Where there is a friction, there is
opportunity!" - -- Net Ready.
8The Cycle of Electronic Commerce
Searches Queries Surfing
Follow-on Sales
Online Ads
Online Orders
Standard Orders
Online soft goods Delivery hard goods
Electronic Customer Support
Source Understanding Electronic Commerce
(Strategic Technology Series), by David R.
Kosiur, Published by Microsoft Press, May 1,
9Components of Electronic Commerce
- Marketing
- Sales
- Payment
- Fulfillment
- Support
- Government
- Merchants
- Manufacturers
- Suppliers
- Consumers
Electronic Commerce
- Intranet
- Extranet
- Internet
Source adapted from David Kosiur, Understanding
Electronic Commerce, Microsoft Press, 1997.
10EC and Business Processes
Phone, fax, e-mail
Send info
Request info
Provide Info Get customer Provide
info Fulfill order Support
Identify need Find source Evaluate
offerings Purchase Maintain,
Repair, Operate
Data sheets, catalogs, demos
Web surfing
Web searches, web ads
Web site
Net communities
Corporate Databases
Demos, reviews
Web site
Credit cards, e-cash
Deliver soft goods electronically
Web site, phone, fax, e-mail, e-mailing list
Source adapted from David Kosiur, Understanding
Electronic Commerce, Microsoft Press, 1997.
11World Wide Internet Commerce
Forester Research, Inc. June 1999
12Business Internet Commerce Trends
B2C Business to Consumer B2B Business to
Reference http//cyberatlas.internet.com/
13Business-to-Business E-Commerce
- International Data Corporation forecasts that
business-to-business e-commerce revenue will jump
from 80 billion worldwide in 1998 to 1.1
trillion in 2003. Forrester Research believes
that number will go even higher to 1.3 trillion
by 2003. - Business-to-Business -- Vertical Industries
- Computing and Electronics For this year,
businesses will invest 50 billion in computers
and other electronic equipment online. Increase
to 319 billion by 2002. - Motor vehicles Companies will spend 9 billion
online to purchase fleets of cars and trucks this
year. 2002grow to 114 billionmore than a 1000
increase. - Online utilities Online trades of 15 billion in
1999 will grow to 110 billion by 2002. - Food and agriculture Expected to be about 3
billion in 1999--20 billion by 2002. - Pharmaceutical and medical Forecasted 1 billion
this year. Increase 20-fold by 2002. - Source Business 2.0, March, 1999 re Forrester
- Holiday Season 1998
- 2.1 million households shopped online for the
first time - Generated 2.3 billion
- Virtually all (98) of AOL shoppers said they
would shop online again in the next 6 months
(Source Jupiter Communications) - By 2003 . . .
- Consumers on the Web will spend more than 177
billion worldwide. - There will be an eight-fold increase in Web
buyers worldwide to 143 million (International
Data Corporation, March 1999) - In Europe, 43 million households will be online.
(Source Nua Internet Surveys 12/98 re
DataMonitor) - In Japan, buyers will spend one trillion Yen
online. (Source Nikkei Multimedia, 12/98) - 1 of 5 million US merchants are able to collect
payments via the Internet in 1999. - 10 E-merchants by year 2003.
15Retailing Trends
1950s 1960s-1970s 1980s 1990s
Main street
- Home Depot
- CompUSA
- Barnes and Nobles
- Border
16AOL Findings
- Buy brands
- Seek convenience
- Are increasingly time-starving
- Are not solely motivated by price
- Require simplicity
Source America Online, 1999
17Net Economy
- 1940s - 1980s
- Manufacturing to information economy
- Local - regional - national - multinational
- Tangible brick-and-mortar assets offices, shops,
service centers, and warehouse - 1990s - 21st Century
- Net economy
- Information Knowledge
- Communication and interactions
- Global and virtual
- Business Focus Information, channel, flow,
customer loyalty, reliable service, relationship - Intangible assets Knowledge, experiences,
18Internet Economy Driving Forces
- Changing customer demands
- Globalization
- Internet ubiquity
- New technology
- New marketplace and intermediacies
19Selling Points of Virtual Stores
- "The Internet is going to become a channel of
distribution." -- The president of a major U.S.
advertising agency - Another firm advertise its virtual store as "The
parking is easy, there are no checkout lines, we
are open 24 hours a day, and we deliver right to
your door." - The trend toward point-of-sale moving into the
home is accelerating.
20Benefits to the Merchants
- Increased sales of existing products to generate
additional revenues - Use the web to target their offers to a niche
market - "The store is always open!"
- Establish better relationships with customers.
- Low cost information distribution
- Increased speed to market
- Expanded delivery channels
- Global exposure and reach
21Benefits to the Consumers
- Convenience
- Informative
- Value presented upfront Demo and free download
- No long wait times
- Easy flow and navigation
- Search capabilities
- Engaging presentation
- Constant updates
- Easy to buy
22All 3 Steps in One Medium
- Web and EC allows you to integrate three major
steps of markting and sales in one medium.
23Internet Industry
Sports Malls Entertainment Newsfeed Publications
Commerce Instruments Portals Commerce Servers
Content and Activity
Electronic Commerce Infrastructure
Client/Server Software
Internet Economy
System Integration and Design
Browsers Web Server Application
Servers Security Tools
Backbone Router Access Equipment Server Computers
ISP Network Services
Internet Equipment
Internet Service Consumer Services Carriers
24EC Strategies
- 4Cs Strategy
- Customer
- Content
- Community
- Commerce
- Revenue Streams
- EC Development Process
25New Competition From Surprising Places
- Most Visited Retailers
- 1. Bluemountainarts.com
- 2. Amazon.com
- 3. AOL.com
- 4. Ebay.com
- 5. Etoys.com
- 6. Barnesandnoble.com
- 7. CNet.com (software)
- 8. Egghead.com
- 9. CDNow.com
- 10. Musicblvd.com
- 11. ColumbiaHouse.com
- 12. Classifieds2000.com
- 13. Beyond.com
- 14. Coolsavings.com
- 15. Valupage.com
- Not in Top 25
- Towerrecords.com
- Borders.com
- Toysrus.com
- Target.com
- Gap.com
- Macys.com
- Sears.com
- WalMart.com
- BigCompany.com
- YourCompany.com??
26Moving Your Business Online
- Companies are motivated by either fear or greed
to move to their businesses to the net. - To .com your company is becoming an imperative.
- They have to obsolete their current business
models and work very hard to search a new
business model.
Your competitor is just one-click away
27Electronic Commerce Applications and the Cycle of
Seller's Cycle of Commerce
28Electronic Commerce Applications and the Cycle of
Buyer's Cycle of Commerce
29EC Strategies 4 Cs
- Obsess over your customers
- Remember that the Web is an infant
- What do you have to offer that the physical world
cannot in order to attract customers? - If you make one customer unhappy, he won't tell
five friends -- he'll tell 5,000 on newsgroups,
list servers, and so on. - "Word of mouth" factor gets amplified on the Net
- The shifts of balance of power away from business
and toward customer. - - Jeff Bezos
31Self Assessment Customer Caring
325 Steps to Success in EC
- Set strategy
- Make it easy for customers to do business with
you! - Focus on the end-customer
- Identify end-customers and their needs
- Distinguish from channel partners
- Identify other internal and external stakeholders
- Redesign customer-facing business processes
- Wire your company for profit and success
- Foster customer loyalty
- Determine and prioritize objectives
- Decide what to measure and how to measure
- Measure profitability and other critical success
Source Adapted from Customer.com by Patricia
Seybold, 1998
33Foster Customer Loyalty
- The key to profitability in EC
- Achieving higher revenues via customer
acquisition and customer retention - Acquisition costs
- Base profit
- Revenue growth
- Cost savings
- Referrals
- Price premium
- Benefits
- No-cost acquisition
- Experienced customer
- Strategies
- Increase customer "inventory"
- Increase customer "tenure"
348 Critical Success Factors
- Target the right customers
- Own customer's total experience
- Streamline business processes that impact the
customer - Provide a 360-degree view of relationships with
your customers - Let customers help themselves
- Help customers do their jobs
- Deliver personalized services
- Foster community
35Target the Right Customers
- Know who your customers and prospects are
- Find out which customers are profitable
- Decide which customers you want to attract (or
keep from losing) - Decide which customers influence key purchases
- Find out which customers generate referrals
- Don't confuse customers, partners, and
36Own the Customer's Total Experience
- Deliver a consist and branded experience
- Focus on saving customer time and irritation
- Offer a peace of mind
- Work with partner to deliver consistent service
and quality - Respect the customer individuality
- Give customers control over their experience
37Creating Sustainable Value in EC
- Develop a brand based on consumer experiences
- The brand emerges as the two-way communication on
the net and off the net. - Develop superior physical distribution
- Physical distribution is a choke point in EC
- Leverage customer information
- Use personal information to more convenience
shopping and customized services - Privacy issue
- Ask customer explicitly for such data
- Require a more subtle approach
- Use collective data
- Use it to adjust pricing, product offering, and
target market
38Virtual Communities
Virtual Community
- Content
- Hard goods
- Games
- Services
- Money
- Content
- Demographics
Other Websites
39Consumers' Needs for Community
- Communities of transaction Facilitate the buying
and selling of products and services and deliver
information related to those transactions. - Bring in a critical mass of sellers and buyers to
facilitate certain types of transactions. - Virtual Vineyards (wine.com)
- Communities of Interest Bring together
participants who interact extensively with one
another on specific topics. - Higher degree of interpersonal communication.
- GardenWeb www.gardenweb.com
- Motley Fool created by David and Tom Gardners on
AOL (fool.com) - Parents Place www.parentsplace.com
- Communities of Fantasy
- Chat rooms Red Dragon Inn
- Virtual Team competition at ESPNet
espnet.sportszone.com - Communities of Relationship People come together
around certain life experiences that are very
intense and can lead to the formation of deep
personal connections. - Cancer Forum on CompuServe
42Geocities www.geocities.com
- This collection of themes cyberhoods is populated
by a half-million "homesteaders" who get free
home pages.
43Quick Test for Technographics
More Men More Women
More Educated Less Educated
High Income
Low Income
Have Children No Children
Younger Age Older
Number of new users
Early Adopter
Source Now or Never, 2000
44Technology-Fit Customer and Product
Earlier Adopter
Second Wave
AA FedExp Microsoft
Jenny Craig Chrysler
Customer Need for Product Information
Second Wave
Web Laggards
Nike Pepsi
Tide Denny's
Customer Demographics Match
Source Forrester Research
- Consumers Everything on the Internet should to
be free. - Merchant How can I make a profit if everything
is free. - Examples
- Free web browsers Netscape Communicator and
Internet Explorer - Free email Juno, mail.yahoo.com and hotmail.com
- Free Internet Access Freeserve in Britain
- Free PC eMachine and CompuServe Free-PC
- Free web hosting Geocities, Angelfire, Zoom
- Free ...
All tangible and intangible items that can be
copied adhere to the law of inverted pricing and
become cheaper as they improve. Anticipate this
cheapness in your pricing strategy and
product/service development strategy
Gilder's Law
Cost of a 3-minute Long Distance Call
46Revenue Streams
- Advertising / Sponsorship
- Transaction
- Subscription / Listing Fee
- Value-added services
47Multifaceted Model for Web-Based EC Design
- Communities of interest
- Changing topics for repeat customers
- Features that encourage customers to explore
- ENGAGE Leads
- Special areas encourage customer to register
(i.e. selection of articles customized for
visitors interests) - PARTICIPATE Sales revenue
- Free download (video, audio, software)
- Shopping
- Chat and News
- Subscription
- JUMP Advertising revenue
- Other products of interest to customer
- Other sites of interest to customer
Adapted from Netscape Communications Inc., 1996.
48EC Companies Transform the Revenue Mix
The mix Who pays for what and how much.
New Pricing
New Values
New Customers
Highly interrelated!
Source Now or Never, 2000
49What To Do Now
- 1. Define your eBusiness strategy FAST
- 2. Assess readiness
- customers
- products/services
- organization
- technology
- infrastructure
Rapid innovation
50What To Do Now
- 3. Identify the target
- Business objectives
- Customer segment
- Application area
- 4. Build it in less than 6 months
- -- Flexibility
- -- Scalability
- -- Extendibility
- 5. Keep extending the function -- new products
and services, new customer interfaces, enhance
performance, security and capability - 6. START NOW !
- You are never done!
51Four Strategies to Start Online Business
- Integration
- Subsidiary
- Partnership
- Buyout
Time to Market
52Top Three Concerns
- Retailers
- Conflict with investment in physical stores
- Technology issues and
- Lack of distribution and fulfillment network.
- Manufacturers
- Products not appropriate for online sales
- Potential risk to channel relationships and
- Consumers wont buy online
- Many manufacturers simply weren't capable of
shipping a single box of Tide or a bottle of
Advil. They had no experience in dealing directly
with consumers.
53Becoming Virtual
- Egghead to Egghead.com
- Computer Literacy to Fatbrain.com
- Romac International to KForce.com
Kinder Toys is Moving to www.toydomain.com (Find
us on the web after June 1st)
54Your 3 Biggest Problems/Opportunities
- What should our strategy be?
- How do we build it in 3 to 6 months?
- How do we stay on the edge of innovation for
55Web Experiences for Consumers
- A many-to-many rather a one-to-many experience
- Fresh content
- Access to detail information
- Communities unbounded by space and time
- The multimedia appeal of TV
- A redefinition of privacy and identity
- Hyper-impulsivity The web permits a closer
conjunction of desire, transaction, and payment
than any other environment.
56E-Business Creation Process
- Customer feedback
- Benchmark data
- Competitive analysis
- Market forces
- Usage statistics
- Customer needs
- Current capabilities
- Personalization
- Profiling
- Segmentation
- Experience modeling
- Expanded business opportunities
- Systems and networks
- Web architecture
- Business infrastructure
- Technology components
- Web technology strategy
Business Drivers
Technology Drivers
Rapid Implementation
E-Business Strategy
Source Adapted from Digital Transformation, 2000
57EC Development Process
- Knowledge building and market evaluation to
identify a need and a niche - Competitive and capability analysis
- EC Business model design and feature
identification - Determine what you have to offer (merchandizing)
- Set your e-business goals and priorities
- Design your EC architecture
- Assemble your EC teams
- Build your web site
- Set up a system to handle sales
- Provide customer services
- Advertise your online business (online and
offline) - Evaluate your performance and moving on
58Popularity Adds Value in a Network
Virtuous cycle
Positive Network Externality
Vicious cycle
Value to User
- Networks
- Real LAN, Internet, Fax
- Virtual Virtual community, Chat room, Instant
Number of Compatible User
59Keys to Long Term Success
- Fast deployment
- Evolutionary implementation
- First mover advantages
- Promotion, promotion, promotion
- Customer focus and services
- Interaction with customers
- Integrating emerging technologies
- Redefining and redesigning business models
- Comprehensive database and data warehouse design
- Integrating back office operations with the
virtual store fronts -
60EC Business Models
- Virtual stores physical and digital goods and
services - Infomediaries Seller-side
- Informediaries Buyer-side
- Infomediaries B2B marketspace
61Types of Virtual Stores
- Hard goods
- Food
- Clothes
- Computer hardware and Electronics
- Packaged software
- Soft goods (Bits delivered on-line)
- Information
- Database
- Publishing
- Research
- Software
- Computer games
- Java applets
- Application software
- Services
- Selling time
- Computer game play
- Consulting
- Legal and medical services
62Is EC Appropriate for You?
Industries who set up virtual storefronts
63What Consumers Are Buying Online
- Computer-related products 49
- Books 35
- Consumer electronics 34
- Travel Reservations 28
- Cars, boats 19
- Clothing and apparel 18
- Recorded music, CDs 18
- Larger household goods (furniture, major
appliances) 15 - Filmed entertainment, videos 13
- Gifts delivered by mail (flowers, candy) 12
- Publication subscriptions 8
- Investment or financial services 8
- Food and drink 8
- Artwork, poster, etc 4
- Other 13
- Source Ernst Young Internet Shopping Study
64EC Business Models
- Payment direction
- Buy-side
- Sell-side
- Marketspace Business is being transacted with
both suppliers and customers. - Trading parties Most analysts predict the B2B
model will have a more rapid adoption rate, but
that the volume of transactions in the B2C model
will, in the long run, greatly surpass that of
B2B. - Business to Business
- Business to Consumer
- Type of product or service that is being
provided. - Physical goods and services
- Digital goods (contents)
- Digital services
65Sell-Side E-Commerce Model
Buyer A
Selling Merchant
Buyer B
HTML Forms
Consumer or Business
Online Selling
Buyer C
66Sell-Side Storefront
- Primary model used in current business-to-consumer
scenarios - Single seller, typically a distributor,
constructs a Web storefront to sell to many
consumers (i.e. Amazon.com) - Unless a single distributor can aggregate all the
suppliers in a given industry, the buyer remains
responsible for comparison shopping between
stores - Expensive for buyer does not meet the needs of
corporate procurement organizations.
67Buy-Side E-Commerce Model
Seller A
Seller B
HTML Forms
Online Procurement
Seller C
68Buy-Side eProcurement
- Buy-side applications generally consisting of a
browser-based self-service front end to ERP and
legacy purchasing systems - Corporate procurement aggregates many supplier
catalogs into a single universal catalog and
allows end-user requisitioning from the desktop,
facilitating standard procurement for the
organization and cutting down on maverick
purchasing - Purchases made through this system are linked to
the back-office ERP or accounting system, cutting
time and expense from the transaction and
avoiding potential bookkeeping errors - Model yields reduced transaction costs but not
lower purchase costs no impact on size of
supplier base, no enablement of dynamic trade
buying organizations must set-up and maintain
catalogs for each of their suppliers too costly
and technically demanding for most medium and
small-sized businesses.
69Marketplace E-Commerce Model
Buyer A
Seller A
Buyer B
Seller B
Virtual Marketspace
HTML Forms
HTML Forms
Buyer C
Seller C
Infomediacy (Content Aggregator)
- eBay.com
- Pricelines.com
- Egghead.com
- Amazom.com Auction
- www.chemdex.com
70Business-to-Business vs. Business-to-Consumer
- No vendor loyally
- No switching costs
- Time-insensitive
- Short-term
- Casual
- Many vendors
- Products differentiated on price, image
- Relationship-based
- Very high switching costs
- Extremely time-sensitive
- Long-term
- Mission-critical
- Few partners
- Partners differentiated on reliability,
71B2B Marketspace
- Latest evolution of B2B eCommerce, enabling a
many-to-many relationship between buyers and
suppliers - Buyers and suppliers leverage economies of scale
in their trading relationships and access a more
liquid marketplace - Sellers find buyers for their goods, buyers find
suppliers with goods to sell - Many-to-many liquidity allows the use of dynamic
pricing models such as auctions and exchanges,
further improving the economic efficiency of the
market. - Examples
- E-Steel.com
- verticalnet.com
72Channel Conflict How About the Distributors
- The concept of complete dis-intermediation - the
elimination of the middleman - remains a theory.
New intermediaries are emerging. - Cisco System has 2 billion dollars annual sales
on the Web. - 70 of Cisco online business comes from VARs and
distributors. - Fruit of Loom Inc. has 31 of its 55 distributors
up on its extranet called Activewear Online.
Distributors have to do lot of value-add and
customer support to survive.
73Retailers and Manufacturers Co-exist on the Web
- US retail sales revenues 1998
- Brick-and-mortar stores 93
- Catalog sales 6
- E-commerce 1
- Cases
- Levi Strauss sells jeans at www.levis.com but
won't allow retailers to sell them online. - Estee Lauder sells Clinique cosmetics at
www.clinque.com but doesn't offer retail
promotion. - Waterford sells a limited selection at
www.waterford.com like chandeliers and corporate
gifts. - Strategies
- Manufacturers want to maintain channels while
stay in direct touch with their customers. - Provide online dealer locators.
- Share customers information back and forth.
- Clicks-and-mortar has become the new buzzword in
retailing circles. - It means having an integrated, multi-touchpoint
strategy that takes advantage of your physical
retail outlets and integrates them seamlessly
into your Web strategy. - A good clicks-and-mortar strategy uses the Web to
drive traffic to your stores and uses your stores
to drive traffic to the Web.
75Business Channel Multi-Channel Presence
- Brick-and-mortar
- Face-to-Face
- Mail order
- Mail
- Printed catalog
- Phone order
- Telex
- Phone
- Fax
- Electronic commerce
- Email
- Web
Click and Mortar
Pure Play
Multi-channel plays will have extraordinary power
if companies elegantly blend and synchronize
those channels.
76Business Models Based on the Value Chain in the
Raw material producer
New Middleman
- B2B Vericalnet.com
- B2C Amazon.com
- C2B Priceline.com
- C2C eBay.com
77Business Models Multiple Dimensions
- Buy-sell direction Buyer-side, seller side, and
marketplace - Industry covered single vs. multiple (Vertical
vs. Horizontal) - Ownership Buyer, seller, independent, software
vendor, consortia - Service Core vs. extended services
- Products Core vs. MRO Direct vs. Indirect
- Pricing Fixed price, Auction, Reversed auction,
negotiated - Timing of purchase Contact vs. spot vs. ad hoc
78Portfolio of Buying Selling Strategies
Size of Buyers and Seller
Big Supplier
Direct Sales
Big Buyer
Small Buyers
Small Buyers
79Number of Sellers and Buyers
80The GoldmanSachs B2B Windmill in the Age of