Title: Document 3: Website Focus Group Discussions
1Document 3 Website Focus Group Discussions
- A Summary of Our Findings
2Purpose of the Study
- 1. To gather student, faculty and staff input on
what their needs and expectations are when
seeking information in an online environment.
- 2. To find out what types of design structures
and aesthetics users prefer when seeking
information in an online environment.
3Purpose cont.
- 3. To obtain user input on their needs and
expectations when using the librarys website.
- 4. To find out what types of information (staff,
hours, services etc), research tools, and
instructional tools users would find useful when
seeking information using the librarys website.
- The information gathered will be used to create a
library website that is centered on the research
needs and expectations of Blinn College students,
faculty and staff.
- Series of discussion led by moderator
- A revised version of a pre-tested script was
- Four student discussions (2 in Brenham, 2 in
Bryan) with 17 total participants
- Two faculty/staff discussions (1 in Brenham, 1 in
Bryan) with 10 total participants
5Part One Searching the Internet
- When students use the Internet to find
information, the majority go to search engines
- Yahoo and Google were mentioned most frequently
- Ask Jeeves, Excite, MSN and Alta Vista were also
mentioned several times
6What students like about search engines
- Fast
- Straightforward
- No Boolean searching
- Efficiency (Just type in a question and it
answers you.)
- Broad variety of information
- One stop shopping
- Doesnt give impertinent information
- Take you directly to what you need
- Theres nothing you cant find
7Types of information students are looking for on
the internet
- Recreational information movie times, band
sites, sports
- Services online banking, job searching,
apartment searching
- Newspapers and news resources
- Images
- Government information and government news
8Opinions on the sites they use
- Things students like
- Attractive
- Colorful
- Contain a lot of information
- Contain graphics and images
- Things students dont like
- Sites without graphics
- Sites without color
- Too much text
9Part Two Discussion of the Librarys Current
- A Compilation of Student, Faculty and Staff
10Student Quiz
- A short quiz was administered to the students to
assess how easy it is to find information using
the librarys website
11Student Quiz
- The Bad News
- 38 of students are confusing the Periodicals
link with the Electronic Resources link
- Only 48 of students were able to locate
information on library services
- Only 27 of students were able to locate
instructional information
12Student Quiz
- The good news
- 88 of students were able to identify the online
catalog as the place to search for books
13Ease of Use Student and Faculty Perceptions
- Most students find the site fairly easyor
moderately easy to use.
- Most of the faculty find the site easy to use
- Many students find the site difficult to use.
- Many of the faculty find the site somewhat
- All faculty members agree that students have
difficulty navigating the site
14Why Students and Faculty are using the site
- The majority of students use the site for
research related to their classes
- The majority of students do not use the site for
personal reasons
- 5 out of 7 faculty assign library research
projects to their classes (71)
- 3 out of 10 faculty/staff use the site for
personal research (30)
15Issues with the design of the site
- The white background is sterile and unwelcoming
- Layout of homepage and second tier pages are
overcrowded, confusing and too busy
- The site contains too much text.
- Information on second tier pages is too buried
16Navigation Issues
- Many students have difficulty navigating the
- Many students have difficulty navigating through
the electronic resources
17Suggestions for Improving the Design of the Site
- Simplify
- Background color
- Images
- Graphical icons
- Mouse over menus
- Buttons
- No scrolling
- Consistent menus
- Remove bullets
- More white space
- Group links into 4 or 5 main categories
- Dont use all caps for words
- Make page more inviting
18Suggestions for Improving the Content of the Site
- Links to Blinn Campus Resources
- Blinn Log
- Boris
- WebCT
19Suggestions for Improving the Content of the Site
- Instructional Information
- Electronic Resources
- Citing Sources
- Selecting Search Terms/Constructing Searches
20Suggestions for Improving the Content of the Site
- Prominent display of
- library hours
- library news and announcements
- email link for contacting the library
- online renewals
- news links
- Meta search feature on the homepage
21Part Three Opinions of the Website Demos
- Students were shown two alternative versions of
the librarys website
- http//Blackbeard/Library/LibraryDemo/Homepage/Ind
- http//Blackbeard/Library/homepagedemo/index.htm
22Blue Demo Positive Aspects
- Names of links are clear, easy to read
- Not a lot of text
- Simple to understand
- Categories are easy to understand and see
- Categories are broken down
- Looks easier to operate
- Meat of the site in center of page
- Contains a lot of space
- Aesthetically pleasing
- Dummy proof
- Inviting
- Looks like a homepage
23Blue Demo Suggestions for Improvement
- Change the font color
- Bolder links and higher contrast
- Add the Blinn logo
- More contrast in colors
- Incorporation of mouse over menus
24Yellow Demo Positive Aspects
- Prominent display of library news and
- Contrasting colors
- Separated into categories
- The layout of the sections
- The structure of the page
- Appears to contain more information
- Prominent display of the librarys hours
- Colorful
25Yellow Demo Suggestions for Improvement
- Many students felt the page had to much stuff on
- Several students suggested changing the yellow
26Version of the homepage preferred overall
- The majority of participants said both demo sites
are improvements over the present homepage
- The majority of participants suggested merging
the strengths of the demo sites an incorporating
mouse over menus
- Simplicity, categories and groupings of blue
- Prominent news and announcements and library
hours of Yellow site