Title: Some Cosmological Consequences of Negative Gravitational Field Energy
1Some Cosmological Consequences of Negative
Gravitational Field Energy
- W. J. Wilson
- Department of Engineering and Physics
- University of Central Oklahoma
- Edmond, OK 73034
- wwilson_at_uco.edu
- The Field Energy Problem of for Gravitation
- Analogy of GEM with Maxwell EM Theory
- Gravitational Field Energy in GEM Theory
- Spherical Solution Event Horizon
- Friedman Cosmology Model with Gravitational Field
Energy - Summary/Conclusions
3The Field Energy Problem of GR
- There is no well-defined gravitational field
energy in General Relativity (L. D. Landau and E.
M. Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Fields, Sec.
96) - Standard methods to obtain the energy-momentum
tensor in GR do not work. They yield a
pseudo-tensor that is not unique. - Usually asserted on the basis of the principle of
equivalence that the gravitational energy cannot
be localized. (C. W. Misner, K. S. Thorne and J.
A. Wheeler, Gravitation)
4The Field Energy Problem of GR
- Both standard Newtonian Gravitation and the
Maxwell-form Gravitomagnetic (GEM) theory of
Gravity have a gravitational field energy
(density) - This gravitational field energy has been
discounted because it is negative. - By the E M c2 mass equivalence relation this
gravitational field energy density is equivalent
to the negative mass density
5Negative Sign
Maxwell EM Theory
GEM Theory
Negative Sign
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6Maxwell EM Theory Energy Flow
GEM Theory Energy Flow
Negative Sign
Negative Sign
7Static GEM Theory
Reduces to Newtonian Gravitation (with extra
nonlinear term
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8Spherically Symmetry
For empty space ? 0, so
Look for Spherical symmetric solution
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9Spherically Symmetry (cont)
This has the general solution
Where B is an integration constant. Using the
boundary condition,
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10Event Horizon
This solution
Can be written as
Is the usual Schwarzschild Radius
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11Negative Energy in Cosmological Model
This field
For a mass m at the edge of the universe at R(t)
satisfies the equation of motion
Which has the first integral
Friedman-like equation for expanding universe
cosmology in this model
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12Negative Energy in Cosmological Model
Produces expanding Universe model with positive
radial acceleration
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- Gravitational Field Energy give mechanism
explanation of Hubble expansion of the Universe
with acceleration Dark Energy
Gravitational Field Energy ?? - Can gravitational collapse produce effective
negative mass black holes?
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