Nicholas A. Davis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nicholas A. Davis


... into an unintelligible form of data, with the aim of ensuring confidentiality ... Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Novell Groupwise, and are all ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nicholas A. Davis

  • Nicholas A. Davis
  • DoIT Middleware
  • September 29, 2005

  • AuthN/Z at UW-Madison
  • What is PKI?
  • How can PKI be used?
  • Why should PKI be used?
  • Who can use PKI?
  • Where can I get my own UW-Madison digital
  • When can I start using PKI?
  • QA session

AuthN/Z Coordinating Team
  • Founded in 2003
  • Campus DoIT collaboration
  • Goals
  • Develop, maintain, publish and publicize
    UW-Madison AuthNZ Roadmap
  • Solicit and document campus requirements for
    shared AuthNZ services
  • Recommend products and technologies based on an
    evaluation of candidates against functional and
    architectural requirements

Communities to be served
AuthN/Z Roadmap
  • Implementation process
  • Go to campus requirements
  • Release RFI and evaluate available technologies
    against requirements
  • Get approval from DoIT management to proceed with
    a specific, defined implementation.
  • Determine service implementation plan
  • Web-ISO Service
  • PKI Service
  • Next in the queue
  • Kerberos
  • Attribute delivery requirements gathering
  • Federated AuthN/Z

DoITs PKI activity
What is PKI?
  • PKI is the acronym for Public Key Infrastructure.
  • The PKI system ensures confidentiality,
    authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation of
    electronic data.
  • Principles of public key cryptography and the
    public-private key relationship are the basis for
    any PKI
  • The Infrastructure part of PKI is the underlying
    system needed to issue keys and certificates and
    to publish public information.

Confidentiality, Authenticity, Integrity, and
  • As the wired world progresses, we will
    become increasingly reliant upon electronic
    communication both within and outside of the
    UW-Madison campus network. We want to be careful
    to protect our online identity and confidential
    information. PKI can help us with this.

  • Means that the information contained in the
    message is kept private and only the sender and
    the intended recipient will be able to read it

  • Verification that the people with whom we are
    corresponding actually are who they claim to be

  • Verification that the information contained in
    the message is not tampered with, accidentally or
    deliberately, during transmission

  • There can be no denial on the part of the
    sender of having sent a message that is digitally

How does PKI accomplish all of these things?
  • Data Encryption
  • Digital Signature
  • Root Authorities

  • Encryption refers to the conversion of a message
    into an unintelligible form of data, with the aim
    of ensuring confidentiality
  • Decryption is the reversal of encryption it is
    the process of transforming encrypted data back
    into an intelligible message
  • In public key cryptography, encryption and
    decryption are performed with the use of a pair
    of public and private keys

  • The public and private key pair is comprised of
    two distinct and uniquely matched strings of
  • The public key is available to everyone and a
    private key is personal and confidential, known
    to and maintained by the designated owner.
  • Although related, it is computationally
    infeasible to derive the private key from the
    public key and vice-versa. When one of the keys
    in the key pair is used for encryption, the other
    key has to be used for decryption.

  • This relationship of public to private keys not
    only enables protection of data confidentiality,
    but also provides for the creation of a digital
    signature, which serves to ensure the
    authenticity and integrity of the message as well
    as its non-repudiation by the sender

  • Digital SignatureAddresses the issues of
    authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation. Like
    its hand-written counterpart, a digital signature
    proves authorship of a particular message.
    Technically, a digital signature is derived from
    the content of the sender's message in
    combination with his private key, and can be
    verified by the recipient using the sender's
    public key to perform a verification operation.

Digital Certificates and Certificate Authorities
  • A digital certificate is a digital document that
    proves the relationship between the identity of
    the holder of the digital certificate and the
    public key contained in the digital certificate.
    It is issued by a trusted third party called a
    Certificate Authority (CA.) Our digital
    certificate contains our public key and other
    attributes that can identify us.

  • When a person sends a digitally signed message
    to another person, the recipient may verify the
    validity of the signature via a mathematical
    operation, using the senders chained public key
    to verify the digital signature created by the

How is a certificate issued?
  • When a person applies for a digital
    certificate from a CA, the CA usually checks the
    person's identity and then generates the key pair
    on the users computer. Alternatively, the CA may
    generate the key pair for the person and deliver
    the private key to the person via secure means.
    The private key is kept by the person (stored on
    the person's computer or possibly on a smart

Encryption Example
  • Peter wants to send Ann his super secret resume.

Encrypting an email (continued)
  • Peter encrypts using Anns public key
  • Ann decrypts using her private key

Encryption (Continued)
  • If Ann wishes to send Peter a confidential
    reply, she encrypts her message using Peter's
    public key. Peter then uses his private key to
    decrypt and read Ann's reply. 

Digital Signature Example
  • Ann signs the email with her private key
  • Peter verifies Anns signature by running an
    operation of the digital signature against her
    public key.

The UW-Madison Branded PKI
  • Requirements gathering effort conducted in
    Summer/Fall 2004
  • Request For Information (RFI) developed by DoIT
    staff in Fall, 2004.
  • Replies from commercial PKI vendors and DoIT
    internal staff (for Open Source solution)
    solicited in Fall, 2004
  • RFI results presentation delivered to DoIT CIOs
    in Winter, 2005
  • Decision to proceed with a specific solution made
    by DoIT CIOs Office in Spring, 2005
  • Contract negotiations in Summer, 2005
  • Pilot Rollout, Fall 2005

UW-MSN Use Cases
  • University Health Services (Theresa Regge)
  • PKI alternative to firewall and VPN for UHS
  • Computer Sciences Department (Ian Alderman)
  • PKI use in grid computing
  • Graduate School (Pat Noordsij)
  • NSF Fastlane grant submission    

PKI System is Co-Managed
  • The U.W.-Madison PKI is co-managed by a vendor
    named Geotrust, for several reasons
  • Time to implement was less than an in-house
  • Initial implementation costs were less than
    in-house solution
  • Off site key backup provides enhanced security
  • The Geotrust Root certificate is pre-installed in
    99 of all Internet browsers in use today.

Where is my Certificate Stored?
  • You digital certificate is stored either on your
    machine or on a cryptographic USB hardware device
  • Dual factor authentication

How can this certificate protect my data?
  • You can encrypt sensitive email and attachments
    sent to co-workers and friends.
  • You can use Microsoft Office (Word, Excel,
    Powerpoint, Access) as well as other PKI enabled
    applications to protect data which you store on
    your local hard drive and on any network drive.
  • Comply with HIPAA, FERPA, protect your privacy as
    well as the privacy of others who you do business
  • Provide assurance to others that you are indeed
    who you claim to be.

Supported OS and Applications on the UW-Madison
  • Both Windows and Macintosh are supported.
  • Macintosh users can store their certificate in
    encrypted form on their hard disk
  • Windows users have the additional option of
    storing their certificate on a hardware token.
  • Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Novell
    Groupwise, and are all supported email
  • Microsoft Office applications are supported for
    encrypting and digitally signing documents,
    spreadsheets, etc.

What does it actually look like in practice?
What does it actually look like in practice
(unlocking my private key)-sending-
What does it actually look like in
practice?-receiving- (decrypted)
Digitally signed and verified Encrypted
What does it actually look like in
practice?-receiving- (intercepted)
Summary Points
  • Digital Signatures can
  • Provide verified assurance to the recipient of
    your email or document that you are indeed a
    member of the UW-Madison community
  • Prove that the contents of an email or a document
    have not been altered from their original form
  • Provide certified proof that you did indeed send
    a specific email or author a specific document.

Summary Points
  • PKI based encryption allows you to
  • Encrypt email and files for others so that they
    are protected end to end while in transit
  • Maintain protection of email and files in storage
    on your local computer hard drive, or on any
    network drive.
  • Assist in complying with HIPAA, FERPA and other
    such government regulations.

Summary Points
  • PKI provides official verification of your status
    as a current member of the UW-Madison community.
  • It is supported in both the Windows and Macintosh
    environments, in popular email software and
    Microsoft Office.
  • PKI is available either by contacting Nicholas
    Davis directly (now), or by visiting the DoIT
    Tech Store (end of October.)

How to get started
  • You must have a valid UW-Madison ID to become a
    PKI user
  • Sign up today to have your certificate delivered
    to you automatically.
  • Feel free to set up a meeting with me if you need
    assistance getting setup with PKI

Question and Answer
  • As you seek to find the truth, dont forget to
    protect your information!
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