Title: Maine
1Maines Creative Economy
- Governors Council on Quality of Place
- June 19, 2007
2Arts and culture sectors reflect the uniqueness
of their regions. They are largely place-based
and celebrate the heritage, history, and
landscapes of place in ways that emphasize the
unique features of communities.--Maines
Creative Economy Council
3Where we came from
- Seminal Research
- Commitment by Governor Baldacci
- Blaine House Conference
- Maine Creative Economy Council
4Defining Creative Economy
- Arts and Culture
- Applied Arts
- Crafts
- Education
- Heritage
- Independent Artists
- Literary Arts
- Media
- Performing Arts
- Visual Arts
- Technology
- Advanced Materials
- Agriculture and Forest Products
- Biotechnology
- Information Technology
- Marine Technology and Aquaculture
- Precision Manufacturing
5Economic Impact of Creative Economy
- Total creative economy employment only slightly
smaller than Maines manufacturing sector - More employees in arts and culture sector than
wood products manufacturing - Arts and culture sector is growing fastest in
rural counties - Creative economy is a large and important part of
Maines economy!
6Challenges to Maines Creative Economy Effort
- How to effectively integrate arts and culture and
technology - How to foster connections
- How to sustain it
7Challenge integrating arts and culture and
- Arts and culture businesses have become
technology entrepreneurs - Both rely on highly-skilled, creative workers
- Creative workers are attracted by quality of
place, but need jobs too! - Conclusion Maines creative economy work needs
to embrace the technology sector and arts and
culture sector must expand to provide the
amenities creative workers desire
8Challenge fostering connections
- Creative sector tends to be dispersed
- Clusters foster innovation and attract new
businesses - Artisan-based manufacturers may be ripe
- Conclusion Maine needs to exploit the
opportunities created by artisan-based businesses
and foster connections, collaboration, and
9Challenge - sustaining Maines creative economy
- Programs are dispersed
- Momentum slows over time
- Need community leaders to sustain Maines
creative economy - Conclusion Maine needs a coordinating mechanism
to build and sustain creative communities
- Foster cluster-like connections for artisan-based
manufacturers - Bring in the technology sector
- Support networking opportunities
- Consider university CENTRO model
- Support the development of creative communities
- Invest in and expand Maine Downtown Center
- Provide special events grants to communities
- Develop model ordinance language for mixed-use
- Creative economy is a large and growing part of
Maines economy - Maines creative economy is integral to quality
of place - Council should build creative economy strategies
into its action plan