Title: Vibrational properties of transition metal surfaces
1Education and Research in Jordan,Challenges
Bothina Hamad , Ph.D. Physics Department Univers
ity of Jordan
MCC, August, 3rd, , 2006
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4Jordan A Quick Introduction
- Population About 5.25 Millions
- Famous sites
- Petra 3 hours south Amman
- Wadi Rum 4 hours south Amman
- Aqaba 4 hours south Amman
- Jerash 1 hour north Amman
- Climate Special climate, cool for most summer
days and rainy in the winter time with many
spectacular sunny days. - Language Arabic is the official language.
English is the second language and is spoken
throughout the country.
5Education In Jordan
- Education is one of the most important things
that the Jordanian government and people care
about. - Jordanian people believe strongly in Education
and they think that is the key for the future. - Most of the Jordanians would do anything to send
their kids to school and then off to the
universities. - The Education system in Jordan is one of the best
systems in the Middle East region. It
concentrates a lot on the person and it tries to
take care of the children to put them on the
right start.
6Higher Education
- Eight public universities with 80,000 students.
- Twelve private universities with 30,000 students.
- Twenty one community colleges with 29,000
students. - 25 of total recurrent costs are recovered in the
public sector. - Spending on education relative to GNP is greatest
in the Arab world. - 1/3 of educational expenditure is given to higher
7- Jordan University
- Yarmouk University
- Science technology
- University
- Al Al-Bayt University
- Heshemea University
- Al Balqa University
- Muuta University
- Maan University
8The University of Jordan
Competence Excellence
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10UJ in Brief
- Established in 1962, UJ is the leading and the
oldest institution of higher education in Jordan.
It is often referred to as the mother
university. - UJ started with the Faculty of Arts with 167
students enrolled 5 faculty members. - Today, it has 18 academic faculties, two
deanships (research and student affairs), 11
centers, and many other facilities, including an
excellent library. The number of faculty members
stands at about 1200 at present. - It has a student population, at both the graduate
and undergraduate levels, of about 38,000.
Undergraduate students 34,000 Graduate
students 4,000. - UJ began with the year system. In 1972-73 it
switched to the credit-hour system. It was the
first in the Arab-World to do so. The faculties
of Medicine, and Dentistry are the only
- It is located in Amman (the white city), the
capital of Jordan, a city of about 2 million
people. Like Rome, originally established on 7
12One-Campus University
- UJ prides itself on the beauty of its
one-campus university. Nestled on a spacious area
of 120 Ha (1,200 dunums) , the landscape is
composed of flat ground and mild slopes covered
with evergreen pines, elms and olive trees.
- UJ is a public university it is
semi-independent, neither totally state-run or
supported, nor privately endowed or invested. -
- UJ is, at once, national, regional, and
14Undergraduate Programs
- Regular Program the Unified Coordination
Admission Bureau coordinates general admission
for all public universities in the Kingdom
according to the regulations of the Higher
Education Council. - 2. Parallel Program for students with
non-Jordanian nationalities/certificates, or for
the students who were not accepted through the
Regular Program.
15Graduate Programs
- Masters Program
- There are two tracks for the Master's degree (36
credit hours) - Non-thesis track, in which students must pass a
comprehensive exam after successfully finishing
the courses required by the program's Study Plan. - Â
- Master's thesis track requires the student, in
addition to successfully finishing the courses
required by the Study Plan, to conduct research,
and subsequently submit and defend a Master's
thesis. - The maximum period is 6 semesters in both tracks.
- TOEFL is required.
16Graduate Programs
- Ph.D. Program
- Maximum of 10 semesters.
- 54 credit hours (36 hours courses, 18 hours
thesis) - Qualifying Exam
- TOEFL Required
- Â
17Faculty members
- The majority of the faculty members are USA and
- Europe graduates. Some are UJ graduates .
- They are chosen in standards of high merits.
18Teaching duties
Rank Hours per week
Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor 12 hours 12 hours 9 hours
19Distribution of Faculty Members at UJ
Humanities Social Sciences Scientific
20A) Overall Gender Distribution of Faculty Members
at UJ
Male Female
21Students Body
- UJ is proud of choosing the top students in
Jordan with high academic achievement and
excellence. -
- Strong international presence more than 77
countries represented on campus, and over 12 are
international students. - Diverse students varieties from the country, the
region, and the globe. Gender, ethnic, race
22A) Overall Gender Distribution of Students at UJ
Male Female
23B) Gender Distribution of Students
Scientific Faculties
Humanities and Social Sciences
Male Female
24Gender Distribution of Graduate Students at UJ
Male Female
25Faculty of Science
- Established in 1965 by departments of
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biological
Sciences with 112 students and 5 faculty members.
- present student enrollment reached more than
2000 undergraduate as well as about 321 graduate
students, and 121 faculty members. - In 1973, the Department of Geology was added .
- Department of Computer Science in 1982 that
becomes King Abdullah II School for Information
Technology in 2000. - In 2002, the Mathematics department added an
Actuarial science program. - In 2004, the Biology department added a Medical
analysis program.
26Physics Department
- The Department has 26 Faculty members engaged in
teaching of about 350 students. - Research in the Physics Department
- Experimental Physics
- Â Nanoscience and nanotechnology
- Â Material Science
- Â Solid State
- Â Research in Medical Imaging
- Â Laser Spectroscopy
- Theoretical Physics
- Â Theory of Condensed Matter Physics
(Bose-Einsten condensation, Quantum field
theory). - Â Computational Physics (Magnetism, catalysis)
27Members of the Physics Department
28Resources of Funds
- Deanship of scientific research.
- The higher council of science technology.
- Mango center.
- These resources are very SMALL as compared to the
real need! - Most of the Jordanian scientists are depending on
external funds external donations.
29Research Challenges at UJ
- Acute shortage of funds ( minor contribution from
UJ). - Non-relevance of programs ( No funds from
industry to create motivated research projects ). - No grants resources to create Postdoc
opportunities. - No resources for Ph.D. scholarships to have full
time Ph.D. students. - No budget to invite scientists.
- Negligible resources for organizing conferences
at UJ. - A very small support for scientists
contributions in international conferences.
30 My Group Members
- Bothina Hamad (Assistant Prof.)
- Hanan Saadi (M.Sc. Student)
- Bilal Al-Qasem (Ph.D. Student)
- Ihsan Ereekat (Ph.D. Student)
- Joining Soon
- Ashraf Fadous (M.Sc. Student)
- Ziad Quda (M.Sc. Student)
- Condition
- If I can find some external resources for
computational power !!!!!
- 4 P4 computers.
- 5 (64 AMD dual opterons) machines.
- A Donation from Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation. - Problems
- Difficulties in setting up the linux cluster.
- No cooling system.
- No UPS .
32Fields of Interests
33Fields of Interests
- (2) Structures and dynamics
- of transition metal surfaces
DFT Interpolations
DFT calculations
34(3) Catalysis
- Oxide formation and oxidation catalysis at
transition metal surfaces (CO oxidation on
transition-metal surfaces). - We have just started
- Â
35(1) MAGNETISM(A) Magnetic structure of
transition-metal surfaces and interfaces
Fe, Co Ni are the only bulk ferromagnetic
materials in nature. Transition metals are good
candidates for fabricating artificial magnetic
structures of materials that are paramagnetic in
their bulk. i.e. (surfaces, overlayers
ultrathin films)
36Magnetic structure of artificial structures is
attributed to the following
- The decrease in the coordination number
2. The increase of the interatomic spacing .
3. The induction of magnetized neighboring atoms .
Density of states near Fermi level increases
satisfying Stoner criterion (Jn(Ef)gt1) that
gives rise to the appearance of magnetism.
37Semi-empirical Calculation
- Iron-Vanadium Systems
- Bulk vanadium is paramagnetic.
- V interfaces exhibit induced magnetism when they
are brought in contact with magnetic materials. - Low dimensional V monolayers exhibit appreciable
local magnetic moments.
40V overlayer in V/Fe(001) Bulk V
Stoner Criterion J n(Ef )gt 1
J v0.5 eV
Local Density of States (States/atom. eV)
Energy (eV)
41The magnetic moment (in Bohr Magnetons) for
surface V atoms and atoms of Mo sublayer in
V/Mo(103) system.
42The average magnetization ( in Bohr magnetons)
for the V/Mo(10 k) stepped structures
43(B) Interlayer Exchange Coupling
Still Magnetism
- The interlayer exchange coupling (IEC) between
magnetic layers separated by a non-magnetic
spacer has attracted considerable interest due to
their interesting properties such as the
oscillation between ferromagnetic (FM) and
antiferomagnetic (AF) coupling, and giant
magnetoresistance (GMR).
44What s GMR?
GMR is the change in electrical resistance in
response to an applied magnetic field .It was
discovered that the application of a magnetic
field to Fe/Cr multilayer resulted in a
significant reduction of the electrical
resistance of the multilayer.
45GMR Applications
46A study of IEC of CoIrn Superlattices
- In order to use such superlattices in GMR
applications and spin injection, the
magnetic-nonmagnetic materials should have band
structure matching. Cobalt-iridium (Co-Ir) system
is an interesting system for studying the IEC due
to the band matching between the two elements.
Investigations are done using FP-LAPW (WIEN2k).
Co-spin up
482nd volume optimization (constant c/a) c/a Ratio (constant volune) 1st volume optimization (constant c/a) Structure
49Interlayer Exchange coupling (IEC)
d is the thickness of the spacer layer
total energies of
50IEC using LSDA
51IEC using GGA
--The IEC flips from ferromagnetic to
antiferromagnetic at 4.94 Ã… and 10.25 Ã….
--The period of oscillation is found to be 5.31
Ã… for the LSDA as well as the GGA
approximation in agreement with experiment.
53Magnetic moments (in Bohr magnetons) for each
layer in the Co/Ir unit cell using GGA
approximation. Results are shown for one Co
layer on top of up to 7 Ir layers.
Co Ir1 Ir2 Ir3 Ir4 Ir5 Ir6 Ir7
0.97993 0.134
1.42499 0.026 0.026
1.65864 0.129 -0.079 0.129
1.67722 0.169 -0.046 -0.046 0.169
1.65462 0.127 -0.043 -0.020 -0.043 0.127
1.70254 0.135 -0.055 -0.001 -0.001 -0.055 0.135
1.69909 0.145 -0.045 -0.008 0.028 -0.008 -0.045 0.145
54Magnetic moments (in Bohr magnetons) for each
layer in the Co/Ir unit cell using LSDA
approximation. Results are shown for one Co
layer on top of up to 7 Ir layers.
Co Ir1 Ir2 Ir3 Ir4 Ir5 Ir6 Ir7
0.8888 0.110
1.26837 0.021 0.021
1.53664 0.114 -0.063 0.114
1.53591 0.136 -0.036 -0.036 0.136
1.51666 0.105 -0.035 -0.016 -0.035 0.105
1.57306 0.113 -0.041 0.000 0.000 -0.041 0.113
1.56612 0.117 -0.038 -0.006 0.021 -0.006 -0.038 0.117
55Magnetic moments on Co atoms in CoIrn multilayers
as a function of Ir spacer layer using GGA
- We obtained an oscillatory behavior for the
interlayer exchange coupling with a period of 5.3
Ã… for both LSDA as well as GGA. - The induced magnetism exhibit an AF interlayer
coupling in Ir spacer. - The local magnetic moment on Co layers increases
as a function of spacer thickness until it
- 1. IEC energies are of the order of (0.1 to 1
meV) per unit cell, i.e., considerably smaller
than the total energy of the system, this makes
numerical convergence of the calculations a
tedious problem. - 2. Computational time increases rapidly with the
size of the unit cell, which makes the
investigation of long-period oscillations
58(2) Structural and Dynamical Properties of
Ru(0001) surface
Motivation The debate between theory and
experiment about the first layer
relaxation. Experiment d12-2 Theory d12-4
59- Is this discrepancy due to
- a temperature effect?
- surface vibrations that are approximated by bulk
values in LEED calculations? - a defect in the DFT calculations?
60The recipe to resolve this dispute?
1. Molecular Dynamics Simulations to test the
effect of temperature (T gt 0).
2. Test of the effect of vibrations on LEED
2. Thorough DFT calculations of clean Ru(0001)
surface with well-converged basis set different
XC functionals.
611. Molecular Dynamics Simulations
DFT calculations T 0K LEED measurements
Is it a temperature effect?
A scheme using DFT combined with classical MD
simulations is performed.
62DFT Calculations
114 DFT energy points for Ru(0001) using -
WIEN2K (APWlo) - GGA for functional -
Surface described by a supercell of 6 atomic
layers 13Ã… vacuum.
Interpolation Using 2D Thin-Plate Splines
Classical MD Simulations Using Velocity-Verlet
method Time step dt 0.1f s Total time
50 ps
63RecipeChoose an initial point (structural
configuration) defined by(x, y) coordinates
corresponding to the relaxation(d12 and d23 of
the 1st and 2nd layers.
64MD Simulations
U (Potential Energy)
Time step dt 0.1f s Total time 50 ps
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67Ru(0001), MD simulation
682. Test of the effect of vibrations on LEED
A test of the effect of vibrations on the IV LEED
curves for surfaces compare with the effect of
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70No effect of vibration
713. Is it an XC Problem?
BUT, are these XC functional reliable for Ru
72L. Wang D. Johnson, J. Phys. Chem.109, 23113
Most probably our problem is related to the XC
- We are looking forward to achieve the following
goals - Establishing long-term collaborations with
colleagues all over the world. - Looking for grants and Joint projects that help
Jordanian scientists to cover Ph.D. scholarships,
inviting scientists etc. - Creating a program of exchange visits for the
graduate students from USA and Jordan. - Searching for resources to organize conferences,
workshops and summer schools at UJ. - Searching for possible CPU time slots in
supercomputers centers to help Jordanian
scientists to peruse the state of the art
74Website www.ju.edu.jo
Thank you for your attention