Title: Mark F. Muriello Assistant Director Tunnels, Bridges
1Mark F. MurielloAssistant DirectorTunnels,
Bridges Terminals
Value Toll Pricing at The Port Authority of NY
Value Pricing Regional Workshop
Washington, D.C. June 4, 2003
2The Port Authority of NY NJ
3Congestion A Sense of Urgency
- Annual Cost 10 Billion
- Peak Volumes at Key Links Exceed Capacity
- By 2020 Expect Hours of Delay Up by 60
- Heightened Region-wide Air Quality Concerns
- Overburdened Freight Routes Hurt Competitiveness
4Regions Prosperity at Stake
5Investing in Interstate Mobility
- TBT - Preserve and Stretch Vehicular Capacity
- Intelligent Transportation Systems Technology
- Staten Island Bridges Modernization
- Asset Replacement and State-of-Good-Repair
- PATH - Enhance Reliability and Efficiency
- New, State-of-the-Art Passenger Cars
- Updated Signal System and Automatic Train
Control - Continued Station and Service Improvements
6Investing in Gateway Mobility
- Aviation - Airport System Revitalization
- Rail Access Projects - AirTrain, EWR Monorail,
NEC - Approach and Terminal Roadway Improvements
- Parking Lot Expansion and E-ZPass Fee Collection
- Port - Deep Water (Hub) Port Capability
- Intermodal Terminal Redevelopment and Expansion
- Access Roadway Improvements
- ExpressRail Expansion
7The Overall Goal
Ensure financial self-sufficiency for the
Interstate Transportation Network.
Interstate Network Net Income ( millions)
8Pricing Policy Objectives
- Encourage shifts to off-peak travel to address
peak-period congestion.
9Pricing Policy Objectives
- Increase the E-ZPass market share at Port
Authority crossings.
10Port Authority Passenger Car Toll History
1970 1.00 1975 1.50 1984
2.00 1987 3.00 1991 4.00
11Prior Toll Pricing Structure
TRUCK CASH per axle
TRUCK per axle
HT/LT 3.60 4.00 3.60
4.00 2.70 3.00 GWB 3.60 4.00
3.60 4.00 2.70 3.00 SIB 3.60
4.00 3.60 4.00 2.70 3.00
- Carpool Program 0.50 per trip with E-ZPass and
3 or more people verified in the vehicle. - All Bridges Program 3.00 per trip with E-ZPass
at PA bridges for 20 trips in a 35-day period. - SI Bridges Program 2.00 per trip with E-ZPass
at PA bridges for 20 trips in a 35-day period.
12New Pricing Approach
- High cash toll for all crossings.
- Deep E-ZPass discount for autos in off-peak
- Reduced E-ZPass discount for autos during peak
periods. - Weekdays 6 - 9 a.m. and 4 - 7 p.m.
- Weekends 12 Noon - 8 p.m.
- Deep discounts for truck trips in weekday
overnight period (Midnt. - 6 a.m.)
13Auto Toll Rates
CASH All Hours
Peak Hours
Off-Peak Hours
New Rate 4.00 5.00 6.00 Old
Rate 3.60 3.60 4.00
Discount Programs (available all hours with
special registration through E-ZPass account)
Carpool Program 1.00 per trip for vehicles with
E-ZPass and 3 or more people verified in
vehicle. SI Bridge Program 50 for 20 Trips in
a 35-day period at the Goethals and Bayonne
Bridges and Outerbridge Crossing with E-ZPass.
14Commercial Toll Rates
Truck Tolls
Peak Hours
Off-Peak Hours
Overnight Hours
CASH All Hours
New Rate 5.00 6.00 3.50 6.00
(per axle) Old Rate 3.60 3.60
3.60 4.00 (per axle)
15Stakeholder Outreach
16Public Communication Plan
Wide-ranging customer communications program and
- Web Site
- Toll-free Telephone Information
- Direct Mail
- Advertisements
- In-Lane Materials
- Toll Plaza Handouts
17The Importance of the Media
The importance of using the media effectively
cannot be overstated.
Newspapers, radio, and television stories and
- Ensuring the facts are presented accurately.
- Keeping the program in the public eye.
- Informing the public about the needs and
18Favorable Newspaper Editorials
Outreach to the editorial boards of the major
regional newspapers paid tremendous benefits.
November 18, 2000 The Cost of Crossing the
Hudson Price hikes are inherently painful, but
these are worth applauding, if not demanding, as
a matter of fairness and as a means to fight
Most effective means of educating the public and
shaping opinion.
January 18, 2001 The Case for Hikes (The Port
Authority) has devised a rate change designed to
prevent a web of traffic jams from strangling
bistate commerce.
January 29, 2001 As good as could be The
increases across the board are manageable, and
its reasonable that after a 10-year hiatus, a
toll increase was due.
19Public Communication Plan
The importance of using the media effectively
cannot be overstated.
November 18, 2000 The Cost of Crossing the
Hudson Price hikes are inherently painful, but
these are worth applauding, if not demanding, as
a matter of fairness and as a means to fight
Wide-ranging customer communications
- Public Hearings
- Web Site
- Direct Mail
- Advertisements
- In-Lane Materials
- Plaza Handouts
- Using Employees as Ambassadors
20The Value Pricing Era
Toll Revenue
The Static Pricing Years
21Incremental Revenue Projections
Incremental Annual Revenue Projection 150
- Model based on price elasticities derived from
mid-1990s research. - E-ZPass participation estimated through price
E-ZPass market share projected was approximately
4 greater than actual experience.
- Growth in E-ZPass transactions realized more
slowly. - Revenue generation greater than expected.
22Toll Revenue Comparisons
Toll Revenue (in millions)
23Value Pricing
Future Revenue Enhancement
- Current toll structure provides authority to
change peak and off-peak hours.
- Future strategies to adjust pricing in smaller
- Time of Day
- Travel Corridor
- Vehicle Type
- Managed Roadway
- Potentially less complicated to advance.
- Opportunity for smoother revenue infusion to
sustain interstate transportation network.
24Value Pricing
Regional Coordination
Regional coordination of pricing in the future
will ensure optimal traffic management benefits.
- Coordinated hours for maximum impact.
- Jointly targeted market segments (auto, trucks)
to manage demand. - Coordinated E-ZPass Customer Service statements
to encourage behavioral change.
25Roadway Pricing and
Corridor Management
Relationships exist and benefits will be realized.
26Mark F. MurielloAssistant DirectorTunnels,
Bridges Terminals
Value Toll Pricing at The Port Authority of NY
Value Pricing Regional Workshop
Washington, D.C. June 4, 2003
27Value Pricing
The Initial Experience
Encourage shifts to less congested periods.
2nd Qtr
5-10 AM Pctg. Traffic Distribution
Does Not Include Holland Tunnel
28Value Pricing
The Early Experience
Encourage shifts to less congested periods.
5-10 AM Pctg. Traffic Distribution
5-6 AM Total Traffic
29Value Pricing
The Initial Experience
Encourage shifts to less congested periods.
5-10 AM Pctg. Traffic Distribution
6-7 AM Total Traffic
30Value Pricing
The Initial Experience
Encourage shifts to less congested periods.
5-10 AM Pctg. Traffic Distribution
6-7 AM Total Traffic
5-6 AM Total Traffic
31Value Pricing
The Initial Experience
Encourage shifts to less congested periods.
5-10 AM Pctg. Traffic Distribution
5-6 AM Holland Tunnel
32Value Pricing
The Initial Experience
Encourage shifts to less congested periods.
5-10 AM Pctg. Traffic Distribution
6-7 AM Holland Tunnel
33Value Pricing
The Initial Experience
Encourage shifts to less congested periods.
5-10 AM Pctg. Traffic Distribution
6-7 AM Holland Tunnel
5-6 AM Holland Tunnel
34Value Pricing
The Initial Experience
Encourage shifts to less congested periods.
2nd Qtr
3-8 PM Pctg. Traffic Distribution
Includes Holland Tunnel
35Value Pricing
The Initial Experience
Create commercial vehicle incentives.
2nd Quarter
Midnight - 6 a.m. Pctg. Truck Traffic Distribution
36Value Pricing
The Early Experience
Encourage shifts to less congested periods.
Weekends 24 Hour Pctg. Traffic Distribution
37Value Pricing
The Early Experience
Encourage shifts to less congested periods.
Weekends 10 a.m. 10 p.m. Traffic Distribution
38Value Pricing
The Initial Experience
Encourage shifts to less congested periods.
3-8 PM Pctg. Traffic Distribution
6-7 PM Total Traffic
39Value Pricing
The Initial Experience
Encourage shifts to less congested periods.
3-8 PM Pctg. Traffic Distribution
7-8 PM Total Traffic
40Value Pricing
The Initial Experience
Encourage shifts to less congested periods.
3-8 PM Pctg. Traffic Distribution
7-8 PM Total Traffic
6-7 PM Total Traffic
41 Value Pricing
The Initial Experience
Increase E-ZPass market share at PA crossings.
Weekday E-ZPass Market Share