Title: Diapositiva 1
1XXVI Physics in Collision 2006 Buzios Brasil
6/9 July 2006
- Nuclear Double Beta Decay
- Neutrino Physics
- Nuclear Matrix Elements
- Experimental Approaches
- Sensitivity
- Experimental Techniques
- Present Situation
- Future Experiments
- Conclusion
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3Nuclear Double Beta Decay
Rare Nuclear Decay (A,Z) ? (A,Z2) 2e- ...
occurs in a number of even-even nuclei in A even
- bb-2n two neutrino mode
- (A, Z) ? (A, Z2) 2e- 2ne
- allowed in Standard Model
- second order weak transition
- bb-0n neutrinoless mode
- (A, Z) ? (A, Z2) 2e-
- not allowed in Standard Model (DL2)
- neutrino is a massive Majorana particle
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4Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (DBD)
Many models beyond SM with lepton number
violation can contribute!
- Left-right symmetric models
- R-parity violating ...
- R-parity conserving supersymmetric models
- ...
- Light neutrinos
Exchange of a virtual neutrino (Racah sequence
Furry 1939) Lepton number violation (DL
2) Helicity mismatch mass mechanism neutrino
must be massive a Majorana particle these
conditions hold even if other mechanisms are
possible and may dominate
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5present knowledge
- neutrino flavour oscillation
- neutrinos mix and have masses
- oscillation experiments measure Dmik2 mi2-mk2
and sin22qik f( Ulk 2) - direct (kinematic) neutrino mass measurements
- mb S Uek2 mk lt 2.2 eV
- cosmology (WMAP2dFGRS...)
- mS 3mn lt 0.7 eV (model dependent...)
- still missing
- absolute mass scale (i.e. mass of the lightest
neutrino) - neutrino mass hierarchy m1 m2 lt m3 or m3 lt
m1 m2 - neutrino nature (Dirac/Majorana)
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6Neutrino mass hierarchy
Quasi-degenerate mlow2 gtgt Dm2atm gtgt Dm2sol
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7Neutrino mass hierarchy
A.Strumia and F.Vissani. hep-ph/0503246
ltmngt eV
ltmngt f( mlow,Uek )
lightest neutrino mass eV
- Quasi degenerate and inverse hierarchy TESTABLE
- Normal hierarchy UNTESTABLE
- ltmngt threshold 10 meV
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8bb-0n decay rates
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9Nuclear Matrix Elements
- phase space G0n(Qbb,Z) can be precisely
evaluated - large uncertainties in NME calculation M0n also
affect ltmngt - about factor of 100 in FN
- of the order of 2-3 in ltmngt
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10Nuclear Matrix Elements (2)
- Different approaches
- Quasi Random Phase Approximation (most used
many versions) - Shell Model
- Operator Expandion Model
- ...
- Large spread of values even within the same
- Democratic approach
- difficult to quantify with absolute confidence
the range of uncertainties in nuclear matrix
elements calculated with different theoretical
models or approximations - it is assumed that the published range of
calculated matrix elements defines a plausible
approximation to the uncertainty in our knowledge
of the matrix elements
Bachall, Murayama and Pena-Garay Phys. Rev. D 70
(2004) 033012
Criticized in V.A.Rodin et al, nucl-th/0503063
which calibrate their model parameters on the
available experimental results for 2n-DBD,
obtaining a lower spread in the final predictions
as a function of different model ingredients
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11Nuclear Matrix Elements (3)
The uncertainty in the calculated NME for
neutrinoless DBD could constitute the principal
obstacle to answering some basic questions about
neutrinos. Comparable efforts and resource
investments are therefore needed both on the
experimental and theoretical frameworks
- Ongoing activities
- International WG on NME calculation
- Sharing of information
- Dedicated resources
- Cross check with the direct measurements
- two neutrino DBD rates
- b/EC decays
- induced reactions
- .
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12Candidate nuclei
- Selection of nuclei for bb-0n experiments
- Mean Nuclear Factor of Merit (FN) as high as
possible - Large transition energy to minimize background
contributions - Large isotopic abundance
- Possibility to enrich nuclei in bb isotope
- Chemical purification of materials available
- ......
F.T. Avignone II et al., New Journal of Physics 7
(2005) 6
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13Experimental approach inhomogeneous
- Source ? detector
- source in thin foils
- electron energies and track analyzed
- topology (background rejection)
- angular correlation
- single electron energies
- any isotopes with solid form possible
- relatively small amount of material
- poor efficiency
- enriched materials needed
- (generally) poor energy resolution
- Detector types
- scintillators
- drift chambers
- semiconductor detectors
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14Experimental approach homogeneous
- Source detector (calorimetry)
- detector measures sum energy E Ee1 Ee2
- bb-0n signature a peak at Qbb
- scintillators, bolometers, semiconductors, gas
chambers - large masses
- high efficiency
- many isotopes possible
- no blanks
- depending on technique
- high energy resolution (bolometers,
semiconductors) - moderate topology recognition (Xe TPCs,
- Other approaches (geochemical, milking)
- do not separate bb-0n and bb-2n (inclusive
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15Experimental sensitivity
Experimental sensitivity to t½0n with no bb-0n
decay observed Nbb (bkgDE M tmeas)½ at 1s
We need very massive detectors (1 ton scale)
We need enriched materials
We need very low radioactive background
We need high energy resolution detectors
(critical also for background)
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16Background sources
- their relevance depends on adopted technique
- all experiments are somehow affected by them
- possible background sources
- internal to source (and detector for
calorimeters) - primordials (238U, 232Th, 40K)
- cosmogenic activation
- external
- primordials in surrounding materials
- neutrons
- cosmic rays
- specific
- quenched a's for scintillators
- primordials on surface for bolometers
For future experiments we need material
contamination lt 10-12 g/g U and Th (?10-14 g/g)
Experiments made in deep underground Labs
New and different approaches to validate
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17bb-2n background
116Cd measured with scintillator CdWO4
- bb-2n is a background source
- detector energy resolution critical
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18bb-2n background
bb 76Ge ? HPGe diodes
bb 100Mo ? Tracking exp
bb 116Cd ? CdWO4 scintillators
bb 130Te ? TeO2 bolometers
bb 136Xe ? Xe TPCs
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19Present/past experimental situation
- positive result
- running experiments
s scintillation i ionization t tracking b
Range of uncertainties in NME
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20Heidelberg/Moscow 76Ge
- 5 HP-Ge crystals, enriched to 87 in 76Ge
- total active mass of 10.96 kg ? 125.5 moles of
76Ge - run from 1990 to 2003 in Gran Sasso Underground
Laboratory - total statistics 71.7 kgy
- 820 molesy
- main background from U/Th in the set-up
- b0.11 c/keV/kg/y at Qbb
21Heidelberg/Moscow 76Ge 0n-DBD evidence
- First claim in January 2002 (Klapdor-Kleingrothaus
HV et al. hep-ph/0201231) with a statistics of
55 kg y and a 2.2-3.1 statistical significance - claim confirmed in 2004 with the addition of a
significant (1/4) new statistics
1990 2003 data, all 5 detectors exposure 71.7
kgy t½0n 1.2 1025 years ltmngt 0.44 eV
H.V.Klapdor-Kleingrothaus et al., Phys. Lett. B
586 (2004) 198
- The claim has drawn criticism and has been
refuted by other members of the HM coll. - signal is still faint (4 s) to be blindly
accepted as unquestionable evidence - still some weak points in the published analysis
- presence of not understood peaks around the
signal (comparable significance) - impossibility to check an energy window larger
than the published one - disagreement on the evaluated significance level
- all future experiment will certainly have to
check this result
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22Low Temperature Detectors (LTD)
Detection Principle DTE/C C thermal
capacity low C low T (i.e. Tlt1K) dielectrics,
superconductors ultimate limit to E
resolution statistical fluctuation of internal
energy UltDU 2gt kBT 2C
Thermal coupling
- Thermal Detectors Properties
- good energy resolution
- wide choice of absorber materials
- true calorimeters
- slow tC/G1103 ms
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Installed in Hall A _at_ LNGS
- TeO2 thermal calorimeters
- Active isotope 130Te
- natural abundance a.i. 33.9
- transition energy Q?? 2533 keV
- encouraging predicted half lifeltm?gt0.3 eV ?
?1/20?1025 years - Absorber material TeO2
- low heat capacity
- large crystals available
- radiopure
Cuoricino tower 62 TeO2 crystals
- intermediate size bb experiment
- important test for
- radioactivity
- performance of large LTD arrays
24CUORICINO results
- total statistics 8.3 kgy (duty cycle 64)
- energy resolution FWHM ?E 7.5 keV at Qbb
- anticoincidence applied to reduce surface U/Th
background and external ?s - background mainly from U/Th on Cu and TeO2
surfaces (? and b) - b0.18 0.02 c/keV/kg/y at Qbb
anticoincidence sum spectrum 8.33 kgy ?1/2 ?
2.41024 years at 90 C.L. ltm?gt 0.2 1.0 eV
- experiment still running
- 3 y sensitivity
- t1/2 6.11024 y
- ltmngt 0.1 0.6 eV
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25NEMO3 100Mo and 82Se
- Tracking detector for bb-2n and bb-0n
- at Frejus (4800 m.w.e.)
- 10 kg of enriched material in foils
- 6180 geiger cells ? drift wire chamber
- 1940 plastic scintillators PMTs
- iron (g) water with B (n) shielding anti-Rn
box - e, e, g and a identification
sources in foils
- 100Mo (6.9 kg)
- 82Se (0.9 kg)
- 130Te (0.45 kg)
- 116Cd (0.4 kg)
- 150Nd (37g)96Zr (9.4 g)48Ca (7.0g)
- natTe (0.5 kg)
- Cu (0.6 kg)
calorimeter (scintillators)
tracking volume (drit wire chamber)
26NEMO3 100Mo and 82Se results
2 neutrinos DBD
2 neutrinos DBD
T1/2 7.11 0.02 (stat) 0.54 (syst) ? 1018
y Phys Rev Lett 95, 182302 (2005)
T1/2 9.6 0.3 (stat) 1.0 (syst) ? 1019
y Phys Rev Lett 95, 182302 (2005)
Neutrinoless DBD
Neutrinoless DBD
T1/2gt5.81023 y mnlt0.6-1.0 eV
T1/2gt2.11023 y mnlt1.2-2.5 eV
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27Next generation bb-0n experiments
- sensitivities of few 0.01 eV on ltmngt
- hierarchy problem solution
- good chances to observe bb-0n (LNV, Majorana n's)
- confirmation/rejection of the 76Ge result
- confirmation sensitivities of few 100 meV on
ltmngt are enough check different isotopes - rejection much better sensitivities on ltmngt
must be achieved - new results on 76Ge crucial
- How?
- promote as many as possible experiments on
different isotopes - reduce uncertainties in nuclear matrix FN
- increase sensitivity
- ? experimental masses
- ? detector resolutions
- ? isotopic abundances
- ? radioactive backgrounds
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28Next generation bb-0n experiment sensitivities
s scintillation i ionization t tracking b
, i
latest experimental results
nuclear matrix elements FN selected by Elliott
S.R. Elliott P. Vogel, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part.
Sci. 52 (2002) 115
ltmngt range with selected FN elements
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29Next generation proposed projects
projected experimental parameters
nuclear matrix elements FN selected by Elliott
- projected background levels
- large spread
- too large gap with respect to present
ltmngt evaluated according to staudt et al
Europhys. Lett. 13 (1990) 31
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30Calorimetric experiments ionization detetors
- Germanium diode experiments
- well known technique
- high energy resolution
- large masses
- segmentation and PSD to reduce background
- cost of enrichment
- standard cooling in ultra low background
cryostats - Majorana experiment
- naked crystals in cryogenic liquids
(scintillating) - GERDA or Genius/GEM
- CdTe or CdZnTe diode experiments (COBRA)
- many isotopes at once
- segmentation (tracking) to reduce background
- new technique, still poor energy resolution and
small masses - COBRA K. Zuber, Phys. Lett. B 519 (2001) 1,First
results H.Kiel, D. Münstermann, K. Zuber, Nucl.
Phys. A 723,499 (2003). 40x40x40 cm box 370 kg
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Proposal hep-ex/0404039
- goal analise HM evidence in a short timeusing
existing 76Ge enriched detectors (HM, Igex) - experimental approach
- naked Ge crystals in LN2 or LAr
- radioactive shildigs
- 1.5 m LN2(LAr) 10 cm Pb 2 m water
- 2-3 orders of magnitude better bkg than
present Status-of-the-Art - active shielding with LAr scintillation
- 3 phases experiment
- Phase I
- radioactivity tests
- 20 kg 76Ge from HM and Igex
- expected bkg 0.01 c/keV/kg/y (intrinsic)
- check at 5s HM evidence
- 15 kgy ? 61 bb events on 0.5 bkg events
- Phase II
- add new enriched segmented detectors with
special care for activation (38 kg) - expected background 0.001 c/keV/kg/y
- t1/2 gt 21026 y with 100 kgy
- ltmngt lt 0.09 0.29 eV
- Approved by LNGS S.C.
- site Hall A northern wing
- 38 kg enriched 76Ge for phase II ready for
crystallization - aggressive time schedule
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White paper nucl-ex/0311013
- concept cosmogenics main background source
(IGEX) - 500 kg Ge crystals in ultra low background
cryostats - electroforming copper with lt10-14 g/g U and Th
- segmentation and PSD to reduce bkg
- 2 experimental phases 180 kg - 500 kg
- Phase I
- 180 kg 86 76Ge (centrifugation)
- Modules with 57 crystals each (40 cm x 40 cm
Cryostat) - Three modules for 180 kg
- Eight modules for 500 kg (phase II)
- Maximal use of copper electroformed underground
- Background rejection methods
- Granularity
- Pulse Shape Discrimination
- Single Site Time Correlation
- Detector Segmentation
- Underground Lab
- 6000 mwe
- Class 1000
- (9 years from start in 2006)
- expected bkg 1.21 c/ton/y in ROI
- mainly Th from Cu structure
- t1/2 gt 4 1026 y in 3 years
- ltmngt lt 0.07 0.21 eV
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33Majorana (2)
57 crystal module
segmentation concept
shield design
34Calorimetric experiments bolometers
- true calorimeters
- wide isotopes choice 48Ca, 76Ge, 100Mo, 116Cd,
130Te, 150Nd - high energy resolution
- large masses
- segmentation to reduce background
- fully sensitive to surface radioactivity
- difficult to reduce the amount of close
materials (holders, wires, cryostats,...) - very slow detectors
- hybrid detectors can do particle identification
(i.e. e/g - a) - heat scintillation detection
- heat ionization detection (with PSD
segmentation) - CUORE (130Te)
- Edelweiss (76Ge) G.Chardin NIM A 520 (2004) 145
- MOON (100Mo)???
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Proposal hep-ex/0501010
- Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events
- array of 988 TeO2 crystals 555 cm3 (750 g)
- 741 kg TeO2 granular calorimeter
- 600 kg Te 203 kg 130Te
- bb-0n, Cold Dark Matter, Axions searches
single dilution refrigerator ( 10 mK)
Crystals grouped in a cylindrical matrix of 19
Single tower thirteen (4 crystal) modules
36CUORE (2)
- enrichment still open option full detector /
only core (2nd phase) - compact and granular self shielding detector
- work in progress to reduce surface radioactivity
- advanced cleaning techniques
- new surface sensitive detectors for active bkg
rejection under test - Present status
- approved LNGS S.C. Site Hall A southern wing
- approved and funded by INFN for the Italian part
- proposal to DOE and NuSAG for the American part
- positive NuSAG report
- underground building is designed and under
construction - dilution refrigerator funded tender in progress
- material selection and cleaning procedure
settling - Full experiment
- CUORE experiment due to start data taking in
01/01/2010 _at_ LNGS
5 y sensitivities
37Calorimetric experiments scintillators
- large masses (solid or liquid)
- well known simple techniques
- wide isotopes choice 48Ca, 100Mo116Cd, 136Xe,
160Gd - immersion in clean liquids to reduce background
(Borexino, SNO...) - PSD to reduce background
- poor energy resolution
- in some cases difficult to have radiopure
crystals - background from PMTs
- CAMEO (116Cd)
- CANDLES (48Ca)
- XMASS (136Xe)
- Xenon in Borex (or SNO) (136Xe) B.Caccianiga
Astropart. Phys. 14 (2000) 15 - nanocrystals in SNOlab (48Ca, 82Se, 96Zr, 116Cd,
130Te, 150Nd) SNO - Corea project CaMoO4, PbMoO4, SrMoO4
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38Xe scintillators
- XMASS (Xenon MASSive detector) _at_ KAMIOKA
- concept a self shielding detector for DM, ??
bb - presently running 100 kg prototype (with light
guide) - 10 t natural LXe
- considering only bb-2n bkg
- ltmngt lt 0.01 0.02 eV in 5 years
- but self shielding at 3 MeV is not effective
- PMT bkg limits bb-0n sensitivity
- ongoing
- Background reduction
- 3ppt in 85Kr, 10-14 g/g in U/Th
- RD for a 800 kg detector
- design and development of new PMT
- Primary goal still WIMP detection
Proposals for inclusion of large 136Xe samples in
radioclean environments such as SNO or
BOREX have also been submitted
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39Tracking experiments
- background reduction by vertex and track
reconstructrion - mass mechanism demonstration by electron angular
correlation - poor energy resolution
- small masses enrichment necessary
- MOON (100Mo)
- DCBA (82Se, 150Nd)
- SuperNEMO (82Se, 150Nd)
- EXO, calorimeter tracking (136Xe)
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- concept scale NEMO setup
- tracking calorimeter
- already tested technology (NEMO)
- event topology (Detection of the 2 electrons)
- single and sum energy angular correlation
- particle identification
- Background control
- source purification
- background level measurement
- external background reduction (Rn)
- Isotope selection 82Se
- transition energy 2 995 keV
- natural i.a. 8.7
- bb-2n 0.9 1020 y
- Planar geometry
- source (40 mg/cm2) 12m2
- tracking volume 3000 channels
- calorimeter 1000 PMT
- Modular
- 5 kg of enriched isotope/module
- 100 kg 20 modules
- 60 000 channels for drift chamber
- 20 000 PMT
- energy resolution DE 2.6 _at_ 3 MeV
- efficiency 40
- Canfranc-Spain (LNGS/LSM)
2006-2008 RD 2009 first module 2011 all
modules 2016 final results
3 years RD aiming at a 50 meV ltmngt sensitivity
accepted by IN2P3 s.c.
- 5 kg of 82Se funded by ILIAS (Europe)
- Enrichment
- 1 kg of 82Se in 2005
- 2 kg of 82Se in 2006
- 5 kg of 82Se in 2007
- Possible new enrichment facility in France (CEA)
to produce few hundreds kg of 150Nd (SILVA
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- concept scale Gotthard experiment adding Ba
tagging to suppress background (136Xe?136Ba
2e) - single Ba detected by optical spectroscopy
- two options with 63 enriched Xe
- High pressure Xe TPC
- LXe TPC scintillation
- calorimetry tracking
- expected bkg only by bb-2n
- energy resolution DE 2
- Present RD
- Ba spectroscopy in HP Xe / Ba extraction
- energy resolution in LXe (ion.scint.) OK
- Prototype scale
- 200 kg enriched L136Xe without tagging
- all EXO functionality except Ba id
- operate in WIPP for two years
- Prototype goals
- Test all technical aspects of EXO
- (except Ba id)
- Measure 2n mode
- Set decent limit for 0n mode
- (probe Heidelberg- Moscow)
- Full scale experiment at WIPP or SNOLAB
- 10 t (for LXe volume 3 m3)
- b 410-3 c/keV/ton/y
- t1/2 gt 1.31028 y in 5 years
- ltmngt lt 0.013 0.037 eV
42Present status of experiments
background reduction
New EPC site Zalenagorsk
Indication from NuSAG
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- Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay is a unique tool
to study neutrino properties - Absolute Mass Scale
- Nature (Majorana/Dirac)
- Lepton Number Violation
- CP Violation
- Parameter constraints for GUTs and SUSY models
can be obtained - Still large uncertainties due to spread in NME
calculations - Experimental situation
- one claimed evidence for bb0n of 76Ge
- 2 medium size (1-10 kg) ongoing experiments
(NEMO CUORICINO) - 1 improved sensitivity 76Ge experiment in
preparation (GERDA) - intermediate future goal ltmngt lt 100 meV
- 2-3 intermediate size (200 kg) approved
experiments - ultimate future goal ltmngt 10 meV
- many proposals with different techniques and
isotopes - promote as many as possible experiments on
different isotopes - reduce uncertainties in nuclear matrix FN
- many activity in background reduction and control
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