Title: Unidata Overview
1Unidata Overview
- Tom Yoksas
- yoksas_at_unidata.ucar.edu
- Unidata Program Center
- University Corp for Atmospheric Research
- Boulder, Colorado, USA
- http/my.unidata.ucar.edu
2Topics Covered
- Unidata as Community
- Current Tools and Services
- Data Analysis and Display Software
- Data Distribution Systems
- Support
- Future Developments
- DLESE/NSDL Participation
3Unidata Is
- A Program Enabling Universities to Acquire and
to Use Meteorological Related Data - Program Center Credo undertake no function that
can be performed better by the universities
themselves - Operated by the University Corporation for
Atmospheric Research In Boulder, Colorado
http//www.ucar.edu - Sponsored by the National Science Foundationof
the U.S. Government http//www.nsf.gov
4University Roots
- 1983 Grassroots Madison workshop defines goals
- Weather Service changing data access system
- Personal computers/workstations proliferating
- 1984 Working groups from academia and technology
define initial strategy - 1986 Policy committee begins meetings
- 1987 Initial user committee meets, satellite
data broadcast initiated - 1988
- First user workshops held
- Local data manager (LDM) tested at universities
- User applications packages deployed
5Unidata Community Today
- More than160 institutions
- Includes over 100 academic institutions plus
government agencies and private sector research
groups - Does not count separate installations, e.g.
Spanish weather service implementation of IDD - Interdisciplinary from the outset
- over 2/3 of institutions have some uses outside
meteorology (oceanography, hydrology,
climatology, civil engineering, environmental
science) - 97 percent satisfied or very satisfied
6Unidata User Impacts
- Over 11,000 college students per year use Unidata
tools and data in classrooms and labs - At least 500 graduate students use Unidata tools
- More than 400 faculty and research staff use
Unidata tools - Over 40,000 K-12 students involved through
university programs - Nearly 4,000 women/minority students
- Nearly 900 teacher training participants
- Informal education in excess of 400,000 hits at
Unidata-based university web sites per day
7Community Governance
- Policy Committee (3 meetings/year)
- Users Committee (2 meetings/year plus user
workshops) - MetApps Task Force (online use cases, testing,
input for applications development) - Advanced Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC) ad
hoc meetings as needed
8Principal Activities of the Unidata Program
- Facilitating Data Access to a broad spectrum of
observations forecasts (in near real time) - Providing Tools to visualize, analyze, organize,
receive, share data - Supporting Faculty who use Unidata systems at
colleges universities (most in the U.S.) - Building and Advocating for a Community where
data, tools, best practices in
education/research are shared
9IDD The Community in Action
- The Internet-based system by which universities
acquire huge quantities of weather data in
near-real time (i.e. ASAP) typifies Unidatas
community orientation. - The system has no data center -- all tasks are
performed on the participants own (typically
small) computers. - Currently the most used advanced application on
the Abilene network (2-3 in terms of packets and
bytes transferred)
10Types of Data
- Weather station observations
- Satellite imagery
- Output from supercomputer forecast models
- Radar observations
- Lightning strike data
- Profiler data
- Data from commercial aircraft instruments
11Internet Data Distribution (IDD)
- Currently Unidatas primary method for supplying
real-time meteorological data to over 160
departments and research organizations - Uses TCP/IP (i.e., Internet) for data transport
- Uses SMTP (i.e., email) for monitoring
- Delivers data products in seconds or minutes, and
keeps hourly statistics on its own performance
12Local Data Manager (LDM)
- Software for Internet Data Distribution (IDD)
- Handles multiple simultaneous data streams
- Compatible with most Unix environments
- Handles data reception and data relaying
- Manages local decoding and storage
- Freely available, without restriction
- Robust used 24 hours/day by some delivering tens
of products per second
13Sharing Data from Multiple Sources via
Cooperating LDMs
14IDD Fanout from Source
15IDD Roles for Providers
- Segmenting real-time data into natural products
- Typically over 100 bytes and less than 5 Mbytes
- Accompanied with IDs (WMO headers, e.g.) that
recipients employ to control selection,
processing, and routing (via pattern matches) - Injecting products--with IDs--into a TCP/IP
network, using LDM protocols ( software) - Reporting injection statistics
16IDD Roles for Recipients
- Running LDM software
- Configuring LDMs (using ID patterns), per local
needs - To acquire specified data from others
- To run event-driven processes (decoders, e.g.)
- To create local data holdings
- Relaying data to others (according to central
guidelines) - Reporting performance statistics
- Products received
- Latencies
- Managing local data holdings
17IDD Coordinator Roles
- Defining relay configurations (i.e., the IDD
topology) - Processing statistics messages fromproviders and
recipients - Monitoring enhancing performance
- Troubleshooting
- Adjusting the topology
- Publishing overall performance stats (on a Web
server, e.g.)
18IDD Characteristics
- All participants run LDM software
- Participant's LDMs interact to disseminate
real-time data - LDMs produce local holdings of raw or decoded
data and report statistics (volumes latencies)
to Unidata - Data are selected organized per local needs
- E.g., time series raw data for a selected station
- E.g., event-driven decoding into netCDF files
- Participants network limitations are
accommodated by subscribing to subsets of the
available data - Any site may be a source or sink or both
19Demonstrated IDD Capacity
- Ingesters (run at several sites) take in nearly
1GB per hour - Queues processing 40K products/hour (10
products/second) - Additional ingesters (such as for the lightning
strike data feed at SUNY/Albany) can be added
without limit - IDD currently delivers 200 gigabytes per day
aggregate - IDD can grow indefinitely because no link carries
traffic proportional to the number of receivers - IDD is being extended in various ways
- More environmental data (e.g. surface ozone)
- NWS is testing experimental model outputs
- International sites receiving data
- NEXRAD data from 130 radars
20Real-time Data for Local Weather, Flood,
Dispersion, Models
Satellite imagery
Weather station observations
High ResolutionLocal Model
Radar data assimilation
Demographic data for decision makers
Stream gauge measurements
21THREDDSTHematic Realtime Environmental Data
Distributed Services
- NSDL Collection
- Funding via NSF Division of Undergraduate
Education - Integrates environmental data and tools into
digital libraries (metadata technology) - Infrastructure for embedding pointers to data and
interactive analysis tools into online
educational materials and scientific publications - 20 major partners data providers, visualization
tool builders, metadata experts.
22Unidata Metadata and Distributed Data
- Metadata services for THREDDS client/server
software for dataset access by time, location,
quantity - Dataset aggregation server serving virtual
datasets from collections of other datasets - THREDDS catalogs XML-based structures providing
application access to automatically generated
metadata - Remote access to data slices by client
applications, implemented for the Unidata
Integrated Data Viewer - Challenges balance between simplicity for data
providers and richness for data consumers,
integration with web-services infrastructure
23Typical Data Service Approaches
User Downloads Data for Analysis with Local Tools
User Browses Server Catalog and Analyzes Data
with Server Tools
Application specific protocols
Web protocols for discovery and visualization
Web protocols for discovery
Downloaded data converted to application specific
Datasets on Server...
24Traditional Data Handlingat a Unidata Site
Unidata user running McIDAS, GEMPAK, MetApps
Unidata user running McIDAS, GEMPAK, MetApps
Weather station observations
Application specific protocols
Satellite imagery
Local data decoded into application specific
Radar data
Lightning, aircraft, GPSmet, etc.
25Client Server Data Access (User has to know
where the datasets reside)
DODS/ADDE clientE.g., McIDAS, MetApps/VisAD,
IDL, MatLab...
DODS, ADDE protocols
Satellite Images, e.g.
Satellite Images, e.g.
Satellite Images, e.g.
Weather Observations
Model Output
Satellite Imagery...
26Thematic Data Servers Concept
- Some portion of the Unidata community pulls
data - To limit network loads reduce storage needs
- To simplify system care (less software less
computer expertise) - To examine utilize new or unfamiliar types of
data - Universities or centers with powerful systems
themes - Receive push data among themselves in
real-time, via IDD - Offer current retrospective data to the larger
community - Specialized along disciplines, instruments, time
series, processing, etc. - Direct, remote access via the DODS or ADDE
protocols, thus providing efficient use of
subsets also, access via FTP - Facilitate data discovery
- Search or browse via DLESE (the Digital Library
for Earth-System Education) - Comprehensive contextual metadata usage
27Thematic Data Servers (combining IDD push with
several forms of pull and DL discovery)
User applications e.g., LAS, McIDAS,
MetApps/VisAD, IDL, MatLab...
DLESE Digital Library for Earth-System Education
DODS, ADDE, FTP protocols
Satellite Images, e.g.
Satellite Images, e.g.
Satellite Images, e.g.
Hydrology Data, e.g.
Geophysical Data, e.g.
Satellite Imagery...
28Key Components
- Real time delivery and updates (LDM/IDD)
- Remote access programming interfaces (ADDE and
DODS) - Discovery metadata
- Work with DLESE, GCMD and others on content
- Usage metadata (application accessible/usable)
metadata - Note the work of Lamont Doherty
- XML conversion tools
- Metadata exchange
- SDLIP and DIENST for accessing discovery metadata
- LDM/IDD for replicating information on servers
29Publishable Inventories and CatalogsPICats
- XML form
- HTTP delivery
- Refer to DODS or ADDE datasets
- Accessible from browsers and applications
- Harvesting via digital libraries (e.g., DLESE)
- Enable virtual aggregations
- Can exist separate from data server
- Foundation of data web with references in
- Educational materials
- Scientific publications
- Search systems
30Schematic of Server Components
Analysis and display applications
Exchange among servers
Population of central catalogs
Browsing tools, such as LAS
Catalog Server
31Targeted Initial Sites
32Metadata Collaborations
- The Earth System Markup Language (ESML,
University of Alabama-Huntsville) - The DIstributed MEtadata System (DIMES, George
Mason University) - The aggregation data catalog that is part of the
Distributed Oceanographic Data System (DODS,
University of Rhode Island) - GDLIP, General Digital Library Interchange
Protocol (Alexandria Digital Library) - Digital Library for Earth System Education
(DLESE) and - Web Mapping Testbed (OGC, Digital Earth).
33Client Developer Collaborations
- VisAD infrastructure from SSEC (Bill Hibbard, the
University of Wisconsin-Madison) - LAS - Live Access Server (Steve Hankin, PMEL)
- WXWise applets (Tom Whittaker, the University of
Wisconsin-Madison) - The Virtual Exploratorium (the University of
Illinois, West Chester State, DLESE, and NCAR,
Don Middleton) - EDMI (Earth Data Multimedia Instrument, Bruce
Caron, New Media Studio) and - WorldWatcher from Northwestern University (Mike
Taber, the University of Northern Colorado).
34Tools Are Central
- Unidata offers software developed by others
- Meteorological display and analysis tools from U
of Wi, National Weather Service, others - Distributed Oceanographic Data System (U of RI)
- Unidata develops software internally
- Widely used tools for managing scientific data
e.g., netCDF, LDM, UDUNITS - IDV (Java-based tools) for 2D/3D visualization
and next-generation, collaborative data analysis - Unidata supports software by offering training,
consultation, fixes, and upgrades free of charge
351Km Radar Image
36Integrated Data Visualization Client
- 3D radar reflectivity from NCAR server via DODS
protocol - Visible 1K satellite image from Wisconsin SSEC
via ADDE protocol - Balloon sounding temperature profile from local
disk delivered automatically in real-time via IDD - Different sources, protocols, resolutions,
37National 1K NEXRAD Mosaic
38(No Transcript)
39(No Transcript)
40For More Information
- Unidata http//my.unidata.ucar.edu
- Unidata LDM http//my.unidata.ucar.edu/software/l
dm/index.php - Unidata IDD http//my.unidata.ucar.edu/software/i
dd/index.php - GEMPAK http//my.unidata.ucar.edu/software/gempak
/indx.php - IDV http//my.unidata.ucar.edu/software/metapps/
index.php - McIDAS http//my.unidata.ucar.edu/software/mcidas
/index.php - THREDDS http//www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/THRE