Title: Introduction to NetCDF4
1Introduction to NetCDF4
- Require basic knowledge of HDF5 and netCDF3
- Cover general NetCDF4 concepts
- - Several new features and their performances
- Cover some NetCDF4 APIs but wont review all new
APIs - Is not a netCDF3 tutorial
- History review
- Overview of NetCDF4 features, builds and etc
- Performance issues
- Suggestions for users
4History Review
- Funded by NASA ESTO AIST Program
- Joint project between Unidata and HDF Group
- Used HDF5 as the storage layer of NetCDF
5NetCDF-4/HDF5 Goals
- Combine desirable characteristics of netCDF and
HDF5, while taking advantage of their separate
strengths - - Widespread use and simplicity of netCDF
- - Generality and performance of HDF5
- Preserve format and API compatibility for netCDF
users - Demonstrate benefits of combination in advanced
Earth science modeling efforts
(From Russ Rew etcs talk at VII HDF and
HDF-EOS workshop)
6NetCDF-4 Architecture
(From Russ Rew etcs talk at VII HDF and
HDF-EOS workshop)
7(No Transcript)
- History review
- Overview of NetCDF4 features, builds and etc
- Performance issues
- Suggestions for users
9Current Status
- http//www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/netcdf
-4/ - 4.0 beta 1 based on HDF5 1.8 beta 1 on April,
2007 - 4.0 beta 2 release is coming soon
10Compilers, platforms and language supports
- Platforms
- Linux, IBM AIX, Sun OS, HP-UX, OSF1, IRIX, Cygwin
- Programming Languages
- - C/C and fortran
- Compilers
- - Vendor compilers on the supported platforms
- Watch for Snapshot
- http//www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/build
- Only NetCDF3 will be built if you just type
./configure - Before building NetCDF4, one must
- install HDF5 1.8 beta 1 or later (note parallel
HDF5 needs separate build) - install zlib library if using data compression
- To build sequential version
- - ./configure --enable-netcdf-4
--with-hdf5/HDF5path --with-zlib/zlibpath - To build parallel version
- - ./configure --enable-netcdf-4
enable-parallel disable-shared
--with-hdf5/parallel HDF5path --with-zlib/zlibpa
th - Parallel NetCDF4 needs more work. It has been
tested on IBM AIX.
12API Changes
- Existing APIs
- Essentially no differences but with new flags
- NetCDF3
- NetCDF4
- Adding new APIs for new features
- such as
- nc_def_var_deflate(ncid, varid, shuffle,
deflate, deflate level) - Hereafter blue color in APIS implies this is an
output parameter
nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NOCLOBBER, ncid)
nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4,ncid)
13Overview of NetCDF4 new features
- Data Type
- - Compound data type
- Variable length type
- Group
- Multiple Unlimited Dimension
- Compression
- Parallel IO
14A compound datatype example
types compound wind_vector_t float
eastward float northward
dimensions lat 18 lon 36
pres 15 time 4 variables
wind_vector_t gwind(time, pres, lat, lon)
windlong_name "geostrophic wind vector"
windstandard_name "geostrophic_wind_vector"
data gwind 1, -2.5, -1, 2, 20, 10,
1.5, 1.5, ...
15Variable length type
Simple example ragged array types
float() row_of_floats dimensions m
50 variables row_of_floats
16An Example variable length and compound datatype
struct sea_sounding int sounding_no
nc_vlen_t temp_vl dataDIM_LEN /1.
Create a netcdf-4 file. / nc_create(FILE_NAME,
NC_NETCDF4, ncid) / 2. Create the vlen
type, with a float base type. /
nc_def_vlen(ncid, "temp_vlen", NC_FLOAT,
temp_typeid) / 3. Create the compound
type to hold a sea sounding. /
nc_def_compound(ncid, sizeof(struct
sea_sounding), "sea_sounding", sounding_typeid)
nc_insert_compound(ncid, sounding_typeid,
"sounding_no", NC_COMPOUND_OFFSET(struct
sea_sounding, sounding_no), NC_INT)
nc_insert_compound(ncid, sounding_typeid,
"temp_vl", NC_COMPOUND_OFFSET(struct
sea_sounding, temp_vl), temp_typeid) / 4.
Define a dimension, and a 1D var of sea sounding
compound type. / nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM_NAME,
DIM_LEN, dimid) nc_def_var(ncid,
"fun_soundings", sounding_typeid, 1, dimid,
varid) / 5. Write our array of phone data
to the file, all at once. / nc_put_var(ncid,
varid, data) /6. Close the file/
- Use of Groups is optional, with backward
compatibility maintained by putting everything in
the top-level unnamed Group. - Unlike HDF5, netCDF-4 requires that Groups form a
strict hierarchy. - Potential uses for Groups include
- Factoring out common information
- Containers for data within regions, ensembles
- Organizing a large number of variables
- Providing name spaces for multiple uses of same
names for dimensions, variables, attributes - Modeling large hierarchies
18Group APIs
- APIs for creating group( define APIs)
- nc_def_grp(parent_group_id, group name,
group_id) - Examples
- nc_def_grp(ncid, HENRY_VII, henry_vii_id)
- nc_def_grp(henry_vii_id, MARGARET, margaret_id)
- APIs for inquiring information from a group
- ( inquiry APIs)
- number of groups nc_inq_grps(group_id,
num_grps, NULL) - children group id list nc_inq_grps(group_id,
NULL, group_id_list) - children group name
- nc_inq_grpname(group_id_list0,
children_group_name) -
19Multiple Unlimited Dimension APIs
- APIs for defining multiple unlimited dimensions
- Old API with the same flag
- nc_def_dim(ncid, dimension name, NC_UNLIMITED,
int idp) - Examples
- nc_def_dim(ncid, dimname_1, NC_UNLIMITED,
dimid0) - nc_def_dim(ncid, dimname_2,NC_UNLIMITED,
dimid1) - APIs for inquiring multiple dimensions
- Old API with the same flag nc_inq_unlimdim(ncid
,,int idp) - New API nc_inq_unlimdims(ncid, int
nunlimdims_in, int unlimdimid ) - How to use the new API
- 1) First obtain the number of unlimited
dimensions - nc_inq_unlimdims(ncid, nunlimdims ,NULL)
- 2) Then obtain the unlimited dimensional list
- nc_inq_unlimdims(ncid, nunlimdims,
unlimdimid) -
- Deflate now
- Scaleoffset, N-bit and maybe szip in the future
- Only need to add one routine
- nc_def_var_deflate( int netcdf id,
int variable id, - int shuffle, int deflate,
- int deflate_level)
21Compression example code
- ----- Data writing --------
- 1. Define variable
- nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_BYTE_NAME, NC_BYTE, 2,
dimids, byte_varid) -
- 2. Set deflate compression
- nc_def_var_deflate(ncid, byte_varid, 0, 1,
DEFLATE_LEVEL_3) - 3. Write the data
- nc_put_var_schar(ncid, byte_varid, (signed char
)byte_out) -
- ----- Data reading --------
- nc_get_var_schar(ncid, byte_varid, (signed char
22Parallel IO
- Support either collective or independent
- Support MPI-IO or MPI-POSIX IO via parallel HDF5
- Special functions are used to create/open a
netCDF file in parallel.
23New APIs to do parallel IO
- nc_create_par
- nc_create_par
- (const char path, int mode,MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Info info, int ncidp) - mode must be NC_NETCDF4NC_MPIIO or
NC_NETCDF4NC_MPIPOSIX - nc_var_par_access
- nc_var_par_access
- (int ncid, int var_id, int data_access )
- Data_access can be either NC_COLLECTIVE or
NC_INDEPENDENT - nc_open_par
- nc_open_par
- (const char path,int mode ,MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Info info,ncid) - mode must be either NC_MPIIO or NC_MPIPOSIX
24Parallel IO Programming Model
- Data writing
- / 1. Initialize MPI. /
- MPI_Init(argc,argv)
- / 2. Create a parallel netcdf-4 file. /
- nc_create_par(FILE, NC_NETCDF4NC_MPIIO, comm,
info, ncid) - nc_var_par_access(ncid, v1id, NC_COLLECTIVE)
- / 3. Write data. /
- nc_put_vara_int(ncid, v1id, start, count,data)
- /4. Close the file /
- nc_close(ncid)
- / 5. Shut down MPI. /
- MPI_Finalize()
- Data reading
- Use nc_open_par instead of nc_create_par
25Other features
- Datatype
- - More atomic datatype unsigned integer(1,2,4
and 8 bytes) - Strings replace character arrays
- Enums,Opaque types
- User-defined datatype
- Fletcher32 checksum filter
- UTF-8 support
- Reader-Makes-Right conversion
- Using HDF5 dimensional scale
- History review
- Overview of NetCDF4 features, builds and etc
- Performance issues
- Suggestions for users
27NetCDF4 Data Compression Size
28NetCDF4 Data Compression Data Write time
29NetCDF4 Data Compression Data Read Time
30WRF Output in HDF5 -File Size
31WRF Output in HDF5- Data writing time
32EUMETNET OPERA Report in 2006
They evaluated the following data format
- FM 92 GRIB, NORDRAD, Universal Format,
- netCDF, HDF4,HDF5,
- XML and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), and
Their Recommendation
- Based on the results of the detailed evaluation,
HDF5 is recommended for consideration as an
official European standard format for weather
radar data and products.
- Compared to other formats, HDF5s compression
algorithm (ZLIB) is more efficient - A file format with efficient compression and
platform independence is essential
One of the beauties of PyTables is that it
supports compression on tables and arrays
33 Evaluation of Parallel NetCDF4 Performance
- Regional Oceanographic Modeling System
- History file writer in parallel NetCDF4(PnetCDF4)
- History file writer in parallel NetCDF from
Argonne(PnetCDF) - Data
- 60 1D-4D double-precision float and integer
34PnetCDF4 and PnetCDF performance comparison
PNetCDF collective
NetCDF4 collective
Bandwidth (MB/S)
Number of processors
- Fixed problem size 995 MB
- Performance of PnetCDF4 is close to PnetCDF
35ROMS Output with Parallel NetCDF4
- The IO performance gets improved as the file
size increases. - It can provide decent I/O performance for big
problem size.
- Using chunking wisely
- Review chunking tips for HDF5
- History review
- Overview of NetCDF4 features, builds and etc
- Performance issues
- Suggestions for users
38NetCDF Classic Model
39Using the NetCDF Classic Model
- NetCDF-4 files can be created with the
CLASSIC_MODEL flag. This enforces the rules of
the classic netCDF data model on this file. - nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4NC_CLASSIC_MODEL
, ncid) - Once a classic model file, always a classic model
file. This sticks with the file and there is no
way to change in within the netCDF API. - Classic model files don't use any elements of the
expansion of the data model in netCDF-4. They
don't have groups, user-defined types, multiple
unlimited dimensions, or the new atomic types. - Since they conform to the classic model, they can
be read and understood by any existing netCDF
software (as soon as that software upgrades to
netCDF-4 and HDF5 1.8.0). - NetCDF-4 features which don't affect the data
model are still available compression, parallel
40HDF5 Features not in current NetCDF4.0
- No Scaleoffset, N-bit, szip filters (Plan for 4.1
release) - No supports for user-defined filters
- Can only read HDF5 files having dimensional
scales - Can only write data in chunking storage
- No Fortran 90 APIs
- No corresponding APIs for optimizations
- - cache, MPI-IO
41NetCDF 4.1 Plan
- http//www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/netcdf
42NetCDF4, HDF5 which one should I use?
Evaluate the followings
- Familiarity
- Features
- Performance
- Compatibility
- Release/feature lags
43Based on stability of NetCDF4
High Performance many advanced HDF5 features HDF5 definitely
Care about performance, Possibly need to use many new advanced features HDF5 maybe
NetCDF4Avoid transition cost from NetCDF to HDF5 NetCDF4 maybe
1. Just need one or two HDF5 features for intensive NetCDF applications NetCDF4/CLASSIC_MODEL (compression ,parallel IO) 2. Existing NetCDF software or applications that dont care about performance NetCDF4 definitely
44More NetCDF4 information
- Release and snapshot http//www.unidata.ucar.edu
/software/netcdf/netcdf-4/ - Tutorial in 2007 NetCDF workshop
- http//www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/works
hops/2007/ - Paper in 2006 AMS annual meeting
- http//www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/paper
s/2006-ams.pdf -
- Thanks Russ Rew and Ed Hartnett from Unidata for
generously allowing me to use their slides and
sharing their compression performance results in
this workshop - Some contents that describe New features of are
copied from 2007 Unidata NetCDF workshop - The Radar NetCDF data compression performance
results are provided by Ed Hartnett at Unidata