Title: Security Monitoring Thru Log Analysis
1Security Monitoring Thru Log Analysis
2Once upon a time An email server of my company
was HACKED! A user tmp with uid 0 and no
password was created
3What the hacker did
- Startup script was modified, a line is added to
the rc.local - ./usr/bin/t0x5mm (I cant remember the exact
name) - ls the file, nothing showed
- I tried to remove the file by rm, rm ran
without any error - Many months later, I knew thats something call
4Log was gone!
- Some of the log files are truncated
- I wanted to know how the hacker got in, and I
redirected syslog to /dev/lp0 and ran for a
couple of weeks - Several inches of paper printed, but there is
more than I could handle - I cant remember how, but finally I knew the
hacker got in by exploiting an IMAP4 vulnerability
5Lesson Learnt
- You will need the log in sometime
- And better still, store it in a safe place
- Write once read many (WORM) is good, but
searching capability is even more important - And the most important you have to prepare it
6But how can I use the log for security monitoring?
7The Challenge
- I dont have the staff to handle 140,000 alerts.
I dont even have the staff to handle 12,000
alerts David MacLeod, Ph.D., CISSPThe Regence
Group CISO
8(No Transcript)
9Block Diagram
Phase I
Phase III
Phase IV
Phase II
Log Collection
Noise Reduction
Data Mining
Alert/Ticket Management
10(No Transcript)
11Log Collectors
- Send your log to DATABASE
- Can be direct (open database connection from the
client) or in-direct (e.g. post data to a web
application) - Each different log may need a different log
collector - Many logs have built-in support to store data in
12Unix syslog
- syslog can be redirected
- Can be redirected to printer! (/dev/lp0 in
Linux) - Can be redirected to remote syslog host
- But redirect to program (pipe) seems not
working!!?? - syslog-ng support logging directly to database
- Win32 solutions to accept remote syslog records
and log to database - Plain text format, easy to write a program to
watch the data and then send to database
- A smiple tail base perl script to monitor new
records in syslog and send it to remote database
14Windows Eventlog
- Microsoft logparser can log to database
- WMI interface allows you to query remote eventlog
- Many third party solutions support logging to
- A smiple C program to monitor new records in
Eventlog and send it to remote database
16Quiz 1
Which of the following Windows Server will pass
Microsoft Baseline Analyzer (MSBA) 2.0 auditing
requirements with default install?
- Windows NT
- Windows 2000
- Windows 2003
- None of the above
- You can pass MSBA 2.0 if you enabled Success and
Failure auditing for the Account Logon Events - But indeed, it recommends you to enable Success
and Failure auditing Account Logon Events,
Account Management, Policy Change, System
EventsFailure auditing Directory Service
Access, Object Access - Data volume may be quite high, a server config in
this way may generate a eventlog for every 2
seconds (actual volume depends on your server)
18Microsoft IIS Web Server
- Native support log to ODBC (but seems to be only
available on server platform only)
19Microsoft IIS Web Server (2)
- Microsoft does not recommend logging to database
if the IIS is busy (Q245243) - But nowadays most web pages are generated with
SQL queries - Test ODBC logging on your own environment
- PrepWebLog (Q296093) convert lIS log to SQL
insertion statements in plain text format, but
still have to run these SQL insertion by some
other means - Still, the best would be realtime logging to
database - Writing a tail -f similar program in IIS is
- IIS log file is updated in 64k chunks. On servers
that do not have a high usage rate, the
statistics will not be up-to-date because of the
delayed write (Q142557) - When it flush, may be only first 20k of the chunk
contains data, the rest 44k data is \0 and will
be filled in next flush - Obviously a mmapped file, may be due to
performance consideration but
21Suggestions to programmer
- In C/C, STDERR, cerr are not buffered
- In fact, error log should be send out
immediately, should not be cached/buffered
man stderr CONSIDERATIONS The stream
stderr is unbuffered. The stream stdout is line-
buffered when it points to a terminal. Partial
lines will not appear until fflush(3) or
exit(3) is called, or a newline is printed.
This can produce unexpected results, especially
with debugging output.
22J2EE Application Server
- Most application server support log4j or
java.util.logging (JDK 1.4) - log4j natively support logging to database thru
23My Experience
- I have a program developed since JDK1.3
- At that time, Java dont have java.util.logging
- And I dont know much about log4j
- I wrote my own log handling routine (similar to
syslog) to insert my own records into database - But is not configurable/adaptable, and is not
consolidated with the Application Servers log - Since logging is widely spread all over the
codes, it is very difficult for me to change the
program to use these new technology - Log architecture should be planned in DESIGN PHASE
24Snort IDS
- Comes with database output plugin to send alerts
to database - The packet analysis thread is also responsible
for database insertion
25My Experience
- I have experience in using Snort to monitor a
20M Internet link, with database output plugin,
default rules - CPU is just about 30, seems good ?
- When I changed to log to local file, CPU sharp
jump to 100 - Barnyard seems to be a solution but it does not
support database!!
26And many others
- Checkpoint FW1 thru LEA enabled product
http//www.opsec.com/ - Microsoft ISA default support ODBC logging
(KB838710) - Microsoft Exchange same as Eventlog
- Apache httpd mod_log_sql
27Noise Reduction
- Very important
- Noise will kill the system
- And to improve overall performance
- Can be done on several layers
- ignore certain message at the log collection
sender - ignore certain message at the log collection
receiver end - delete (mark as ignore) at the database
- fine tune your IDS rule, firewall logging policy
etc.. - exception cases for data mining phase
28Data Mining
- Data processing using sophisticated data search
capabilities and statistical algorithms to
discover patterns and correlations in large
preexisting databases a way to discover new
meaning in data - From http//www.tfd.com
29Data Mining (2)
- The heart of Security Monitoring
- A board term, a general concept
- Utilize database queries to get the information
you want - Can be an external program, can be a SQL server
schedule job
30Data Mining Techniques
31Attack Definition
IIS Unicode Directory Traversal (cmd.exe) attack
- GET /..c0af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/cdirc\
- GET /MSADC/root.exe?/cdir
- GET /_mem_bin/..255c../..255c../..255c../winnt/
system32/cmd.exe?/cdir - GET /_vti_bin/.252e/.252e/.252e/.252e/winnt/sy
stem32/cmd.exe?/cdirc\ - GET /_vti_bin/..255c../..255c../..255c../winnt/
system32/cmd.exe?/cdir - GET /_vti_bin/..c0af..c0af..c0af..c0af..c
0af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/cdirc\ - GET /_vti_bin/..c0af../..c0af../..c0af../win
nt/system32/cmd.exe?/cdirc\ - GET /_vti_cnf/..c0af..c0af..c0af..c0af..c
0af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/cdirc\ - GET /adsamples/..c0af..c0af..c0af..c0af..
c0af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/cdirc\ - GET /cgi-bin/..255c../..255c../..255c../winnt/s
ystem32/cmd.exe?/cdirc/ - GET /cgi-bin/..c0af..c0af..c0af..c0af..c0
af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/cdirc/ - GET /cgi-bin/..c0af..c0af..c0af..c0af..c0
af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/cdirc\ - GET /cgi-bin/..f08080af../winnt/system32/cmd.e
xe?/cdirc/ - GET /iisadmpwd/..c0af..c0af..c0af..c0af..
c0af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/cdirc\ - GET /iisadmpwd/..c0af../..c0af../..c0af../wi
nnt/system32/cmd.exe?/cdirc\ - GET /msadc/.252e/.252e/.252e/.252e/winnt/syste
m32/cmd.exe?/cdirc\ - GET /msadc/..c0af../..c0af../winnt/system32/cm
d.exe?/cdirc\ - GET /msdac/root.exe?/cdirc\
- GET /scripts/..e080af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?
32Vulnerability characteristic ?attack
- CodeRed I /default.idq?NNNNN
- CodeRed II /default.idq?XXXXX
- In fact, the vulnerability can be exploited if
the variable name is around 240 bytes - Regular Expression \/default\.idq\?.240,
- Difficult to write an effective and accurate
definition - And not all attack leave audit trail
33Event Correlation
- E.g. 1000 login failures followed by ONE
successful login from the same IP - E.g.IF http_response_code 500 THEN
34Anomaly Detection
But what is NORMAL??
35Normal Definition
- You define what is normal and then monitor it
- E.g. Operators login time should be corresponding
to their shift duty - E.g. All server services should not be restarted
unless necessary (ignore service start within
3minutes of system startup)
36Statistical Analysis
- E.g. on average a event occurs 10 time a day,
with a standard deviation of 2.3. But today we
have 2000 records. - E.g. anything happens more than 200 times in the
past 30 minutes - E.g. a event never seen in the past 7 days
- E.g. TOP 10 events/users/hosts, etc
37Alert/Ticket Management
- Works like Bug Tracker
- Save the alert as a Ticket
- A ticket is a something like an outstanding job
- Assign the ticket to a staff to follow up
- Escalate it if remain unresolved for some time
- And dont forget People Management(Time and
38Alert/Ticket Management (2)
- According to my experience, at least 90 of the
alerts generated by data mining are still FALSE
ALARMS - People will get use to it and tend to think EVERY
alerts are false alarms - If possible, fine tune the system to eliminate
the false alarm from occurring again
Noise Can Kill
39Couterpane 2003 Results
- TSL providing Email to pager service for about
41How should I start?
- Do it step by step, phase by phase, EventLog,
syslog are easy to start with - A group brain storming section would give you at
least 10 such data mining rules, and is a good
starting point - Security Monitoring is a (long term) process, do
not regard it as a single one-shot install and
forget project
42Q A
Contact samngms_at_yahoo.com