Title: Ch 3 Firewall and Perimeter Security
1Ch 3Firewall and Perimeter Security
- Firewall
- packet-filter firewall filters at the network or
transport layer - proxy firewall filters at the application layer
- solve the problem of IP address limitation
- provide load balance and redundancy
- active detection to monitor the network status
- three methods signature, statistical and
integrity - four types host, network, applications and
integrity - Honeypots
- a décor to attract hackers
3What is a firewall?
- A firewall, is a router, or several routers or
access servers, designed as a buffer between any
connected public networks and private network.
4Protecting Network using Firewall - 1
- Security protocol cannot prevent malicious people
from sending harmful message to a system - A firewall is a device (usually a router or
computer) installed between internal network and
the Internet - Some large companies with a lot of sensitive
information also install firewall within their
intranet to protect these types of the network
resource from unauthorized employee.
5Protecting Network using Firewall - 2
- Some modern firewall has additional features
- network address translation (NAT)
- encryption in data transmission, e.g. VPN
- use strong authentication techniques to
authenticate users/ports - anti-virus features
- easy to use GUI
6Requirements of firewall
- Efficient access control (easy to use access
control list (ACL), such as GUI interface) - Filtering of vulnerable protocols (based on types
of protocols) - Network monitoring
- Simple management (features such as GUI,
web-based, SNMP enabled)
7Firewall classification
- A firewall is usually classified into two classes
- packet-filter firewall
- also known as screen router or screening filter
- forward and block packets based on information in
the network layer and transport layer headers
source, destination, IP address, source and
destination port, type of protocol (TCP or UDP) - proxy-based firewall
- also known as application gateway
- forward and block packets based on the contents
of the messages (I.e. at application level
8Packet-filter firewall - 1
- is a router that uses a filtering table to decide
which packet must be discard (not forward) - operate at network layer (or transport layer)
9Packet-filter firewall - 2
- Example of packet filter rules
- incoming packet from are blocked
- incoming packet destined for any internal TELNET
(port 23) are blocked - incoming packets destined to internal host are blocked (this host for internal
use) - outgoing packets destined for an HTTP server
(port 80) are blocked. (i.e. does not want
employees to browser the Internet)
10Packet Filtering Firewall - 1
- Two main types
- Standard or Stateless packet filtering
- Also known as first generation firewall
- Operates at either the Network or Transport
layer. - Most packet filters used the values of the
following header field to determine what to pass
or not - Protocol type, IP address, TCP/UDP port, Fragment
11Standard packet filtering
- Packet filters make decisions based on packet
header information. - Access decisions are based on source and
destination addresses, source and destination
port numbers, protocol types, and possibly flags
within the header themselves. - They does not look at the actual payload.
12Packet Filtering Firewall - 2
- Stateful inspection packet filters
- known as dynamic packet filtering
- filter rules are set up based on policy rule and
state of the protocol - For example
- do not allow any services through the firewall
except - Services theyre programmed to allow
- Connections that they already maintained in their
state tables.
13Stateful inspection packet filter
14Pros and Cons of Packet Filter
- Pros
- Scalable (Simple)
- Provides high performance (High speed)
- Application dependent
- Cons
- Does not look into the packet pass the header.
- Low security relative to other firewall types
- Difficulties in setting up the packet filter
rules correctly - Lack of support for authentication
15Stateful Multilevel Inspection - 1
- First implemented by CheckPoint under the name
Stateful Multilevel Inspection. - Stateful Rules are protocol-specific, keeping
track of the context of a session (not just its
state). - The greatest addition that stateful multilevel
filtering provides to dynamic filtering is the
ability to maintain application state, not just
connection state.
16Stateful Multilevel Inspection - 2
- This allows filtering rules to differentiate
between the various connectionless protocols
(like UDP, NFS and RPC), which were previously
immune to management by static filtering and were
not uniquely identified by dynamic filtering - Application state allows a previously
authenticated user to create new connections
without reauthorizing, whereas connection state
just maintains that authorization for the
duration of a single session.
17Proxy-based firewall
- Application Level firewall
- Make high-level connections at application layer
- for example
- Policy on access web-pages Only Internet users
who had established business relationships with
the company can have access access by other
users must be blocked. - packet-filter firewall is not feasible because it
cannot distinguish between different packet.
Selection must be done at applications level
(i.e. URL) - proxy work on behalf of internal hosts to
complete the connection between internal and
external hosts.
18Proxy-based firewall (2)
- A variants of proxy is called circuit gateway
- creates a new connection between itself and the
remote host - Proxy stand in for outbound connection attempts
to servers and then make the request to the
actual target server on behalf of the client.
When the server returns data, the proxy transmits
that data to the client. - Application proxies dont necessary to be run on
firewalls appliances. - it is a high-end servers (or cluster of servers)
- Usually Internet client applications (Browser)
require to setup to talk to the proxy.
19Proxy-based firewall (3)
20Application gateway creates an illusion
21Additional Firewall Components
- Authentication
- Allows users on the public network to prove their
identity to the firewall in order to gain access
to the private network from external locations. - to filter unauthorized users
- function as an NAS (network access server)
- Encrypted Tunnels
- tunneling is also called encapsulation, it is a
major building block of Virtual Private
Networking (VPN) - Tunneling establishes a secure connection between
two private networks over a public medium like
the Internet. - allows physically separated networks to use the
Internet rather than leased-line connections to
communicate. - VPN firewall is usually work in pairs
22Limitations of Firewall
- Even with the use of Proxy firewalls, it is still
unable to control the content transferred across
the network boundaries satisfactorily. - Firewalls are extremely vulnerable to insider
attacks and covert channels - Firewalls can become bottlenecks of traffic
- If a firewall is compromised, the protected
network is extremely vulnerable
23Security Strategies in firewall
- Least privilege
- every element of the firewalls system should have
only the privileges that are needed to carry out
its tasks - Defense in depth
- security mechanisms should be redundant, should
use different approaches (e.g. from different
vendors), and should be able to back up each
other. - Controlled access
- the protected network should have a well-defined
access point that forces attackers to use a
narrow channel, which you can monitor and control - Fail-safe fail-over
- Fail-safe a malfunctioning of a subsystem may
affect functionality but should not lose
security. - Fail-over the task can taken over by another
24Firewall Philosophies
- Default Permit
- Not Expressly Prohibited is Permitted
- Used in open environments (e.g., ISP and some
universities) - Difficult to manage
- Default Deny
- Not Expressly Permitted is Prohibited
- used in environment with higher security
- May be too restrictive in some environments
25Factors to consider for choosing firewall
- Performance
- Firewall is usually the bottle neck of network
traffics. The performance is usually the prime
concerns. Stateful inspection filter is the trend
as its good cost-performance ratio is better. - Scalability
- scale adapted to size of company and corporate
security policy. Usually, firewall vendor provide
modules for client to upgrade according to their
needs - Compatibility
- work seamlessly with firewall products from
different vendors - Network management support
- easy installation and compatible with network
management protocol
26Examples of Firewall Configurations - 1
- In practical implementations, a firewall is
usually a combination of packet filters and
application (or circuit) gateways.
27Examples of Firewall Configurations - 2
28Examples of Firewall Configurations - 2
- Screened host firewall, Single-homed bastion
- A firewall set up consists of two parts
- The packet filter ensures that the incoming
traffic is allowed only if it is destined for the
application gateway, and it also ensures that the
outgoing traffic is allowed only if it is
originating from the application gateway. - The application gateway performs authentication
and proxy functions.
29Examples of Firewall Configurations - 3
- This configuration increases the security of the
network by performing checks at both packet and
application levels. - One big disadvantage here is that the internal
users are connected to the application gateway,
as well as to the packet filter. - If the packet filter security its compromised,
then the whole internal network is exposed to the
30Examples of Firewall Configurations - 4
31Examples of Firewall Configurations - 5
- Screened host firewall, Dual-homed bastion
- Direct connections between the internal hosts and
the packet filter are avoided. - Instead, the packet filter connects only
- to the application gateway, which, in turn, has a
separate connection with the internal hosts. - Therefore, now even if the packet filter is
successfully attacked, only the application
gateway is visible to the attacker. - The internal hosts are protected.
32Examples of Firewall Configurations - 6
33Examples of Firewall Configurations - 7
- Screened subnet firewall
- It offers the highest security
- Two packet filters are used
- There are three levels of security for an
attacker to break into.
34Bastion Host
- The bastion host sits on the internal network.
- It is the machine that will be accessed by all
entities trying to access or leave the network. - It is the only system on the internal network
that hosts on the Internet can open connections
to (for example, to deliver incoming email). - If the bastion host is compromised, the internal
network is wide open to attack from this bastion
host - The bastion host thus needs to maintain a high
level of host security.
35Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) - 1
- Another firewall features is provision of DMZ
- DMZ - Demilitarized Zone
- Firewall configuration that allows an
organization to securely host its public servers
and also protect its internal network at the same
time. - DMZ is simply a network segment that is located
between the protected and the unprotected
36General DMZ rules - 1
37General DMZ rules - 2
- Allow external users to access the appropriate
services on DMZ systems. - DMZ systems should be severely restricted from
accessing internal systems. - Internal uses can access the DMZ or external
network as policy allows - No external users may access the internal system.
38Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) - 2
- Two type of firewall
- packet filter firewall
- stateless and stateful inspection
- proxy firewall
- application level
- not allow client to go directly, must go thru a
proxy which has rules - Three basic configuration examples
- Screened host firewall, Single-homed bastion
- Screened host firewall, Dual-homed bastion
- Screened subnet
- A modern firewall usually have three interfaces
trusted, DMZ and untrusted
40NAT Explained - 1
- NAT hides internal IP addresses by converting all
internal host addresses to the address of the
firewall as packets are routed through the
firewall. - NAT is also called IP masquerading.
- Translates the IP addresses of internal hosts to
hide them from outside monitoring. - Originally implemented to make more IP addresses
available to private networks.
41NAT Explained (2)
- The firewall then retransmits the data payload of
the internal host from its own address using a
translation table to keep track of which sockets
on the exterior interface equate to which sockets
on the interior interface. - To the Internet, all the traffic on your network
appears to be coming from one extremely busy
42NAT Process - in details
43NAT Modes - 1
- Four primary modes of NAT
- Dynamic Translation (also called Automatic, Hide
Mode or IP Masquerade) - Wherein a large group of internal clients share a
single or small group of internal IP addresses
for the purpose of hiding their identities or
expanding the internal network address space. - Static Translation (also called Port Forwarding)
- Wherein a specific internal network resource
(usually a server) has a fixed translation that
never changes. Static NAT is required to make
internal hosts available for connections from
external hosts.
44NAT Modes - 2
- Loading Balancing Translation
- Wherein a single IP address and port is
translated to a pool of identically configured
servers so that a single public address can be
served by a number of servers. - Network Redundancy Translation
- Wherein multiple Internet connections are
attached to a single NAT firewall and clients
requests are routed through an Internet
connection based on load and availability.
45NAT used in ISP
- A large group of internal clients share a single
or small group of internal IP addresses for the
purpose of hiding their identities or expanding
the internal network address space.
46Loading Balancing Translation
- A single IP address and port is translated to a
pool of identically configured servers so that a
single public address can be served by a number
of servers.
47Hacking through NAT - 1
- Static translation does not protect the internal
host. - Static translation merely replaces port
information on a one-to-one basis. - This affords no protection to statically
translated hosts - Hacking attacks will be just as efficiently
translated as any valid connection attempt. - Solution Reduce the number of attack to one, and
then to use application proxy software or other
application based security measures.
48Hacking through NAT - 2
- If the client establishes the connection, a
return connection exists. - Even if hackers cant get inside our network, you
cant prevent your users form going to the
hackers. - Forged email with a Web site link, a Trojan
horse, or a seductive content Web site can entice
your users to attach to a machine whose purpose
is to glean information about your network. - Solution Higher-level, application-specific
proxies are once again the solution.
49Firewall Products
50Cisco PIX firewall - 1
- The Cisco PIX firewall series
- a high-performance, enterprise-class firewall
product line within the Cisco firewall family. - with integrated hardware and software
- delivers high security and network performance
- scalable to meet different customer requirements
- Product
- PIX 525 PIX 520 - for large enterprise
- PIX 515 - for medium size company
- PIX 506 - for SOHO
51Cisco PIX firewall - 2
- The PIX firewalls provide
- stateful inspection firewall
- IPsec and L2TP/PPTP-based VPNs
- content filtering capabilities (limited)
- integrated intrusion detection capabilities
52Adaptive Security Algorithm (ASA)
- Adaptive Security Algorithm (ASA) is the
foundation on which the PIX Firewall is built. - It defines how PIX examines traffic passing
through it and applies various rules to it. - The basic concept behind ASA is to keep track of
the various connections being formed from the
networks behind the PIX to the public network. - Information keep tracking include
- IP packet source and destination information
- TCP sequence numbers and additional TCP flags
- UDP packet flow and timers
53Rule to restrict information flow in a PIX
- Data traveling from a more secure interface to a
less interface (from high to low) - A translation (either static or dynamic) is
required to allow traffic from a higher security
to a lower security interface. - Data traveling from a less secure interface to a
more secure interface (from low to high) - A conduit or an access list is required to permit
the desired traffic. That is, traffic is not
allowed unless allowed by the conduit command or
access list - Data traveling from two interfaces with the same
security level - No traffic flows between two interfaces with the
same security level.
54Rule to restrict information flow in a PIX
55PIX commands
- There are six basic commands in Cisco PIX
- nameif assign a name to an interface
- interface interface configuration
- ip address command assign IP address
- nat command network address translation command
to define the trusted source address to be
translated (two variants nat dynamic NAT and
static static NAT) - global The global command defines a pool of
global addresses. The global addresses in the
pool provide an IP address for each outbound
connection, and for those inbound connections
resulting from outbound connections. - route define static route
56Examples of PIX commands to setup NAT and packet
- Allow only external connected to web server at
DMZ - nameif ethernet0 outside security0
- nameif ehternet1 inside secuirty100
- naemif ethernet2 dmz security50
- Interface ethernet0 auto
- ip address outside
- ip address inside
- ip address dmz
- Â
- / for NAT allow NAT to all inside, map to
10-254. set one static addr to - nat (inside) 1
- global (outside) 1
netmask - static (inside, outside)
- Â
- / for packet filter allow all external network
to web server / - access-list 80 permit TCP any host
- access group 80 in interface outside
- route outside 1
57Intrusion Detection
58Traditional Security Approach
- The disciplines of computer security address
three fundamental needs - Prevention
- Detection
- Response
- Traditional response to security risks
- a series of preventive measures design to keep
out unauthorized people - Firewall only concentrated on perimeter defense!
- it is only part of the defense in computer
59Intrusion Detection Approach
- Problem with perimeter defenses (use firewall
only) is that most of the losses are attributable
to insiders! - IDS provides damage assessment and threat
identification capabilities just like their
physical counterparts - the video cameras gt IDS sensors
- Intrusion detection tools are not only prevention
devices, it is for detection - IDS is also an excellent deterrent.
60What are IDS?
- IDS are dedicated appliances or software-based
components that monitor network traffic or
individual computer activity with the goals of - Identifying malicious actions
- Resource misuse
- Attempts to gain unauthorized access
- Attacks
- Note with IDS, you still need firewalls,
anti-virus software, security policies, and other
types of control.
61Capabilities of an IDS
- Event log analysis for insider threat detection
- Security configuration management
- Network traffic analysis for perimeter threat
detection - File integrity checking
- Three main classes of analysis in IDS
- signature analysis
- statistical analysis
- integrity analysis
62Signature Analysis
- Look for specific attacks against known weak
points of a system. These attacks can be detected
by watching for certain actions (certain pattern
of action) being performed on certain objects. - IDS performs signature analysis on the
information it obtains. - Signature analysis is pattern matching of system
setting and user activities against a database of
known attacks. - require an updated list of signature file (e.g.
once every 2 weeks released by CERN etc) - Comparisons with anti-virus software
- anti-virus to scan hostile pattern from memory
and files (hard-disk) - IDS is to scan hostile pattern within a network
63Statistical Intrusion Analysis
- Based on observations of deviations from normal
system usage. - Method
- Require to measure a baseline of statistics
- CPU utilization and network usage
- User logins and its pattern (i.e. time-of-day)
- File activity and so on (file type and size and
time) - Alert administrator regarding any deviation from
this baseline.
64Integrity Analysis
- Integrity analysis reveals whether a file or
object has been altered. Such analysis often uses
strong cryptographic hash algorithms to determine
whether anything has been modified. - e.g. if an attacker adds a user to a Linux
system, the hash of the /etc/password file will
change, alerting the administrator that the file
has been modified. - e.g. Tripwire digest are generated as a series
markers. System can check all files again with
the designated digest to check any modification.
Unexpected change signify possible intrusion. - Tripwire is an open-source project of Purdue
University (www.tripwire.org)
65Characteristics of a Good IDS
- Run continually without supervision.
- Be fault-tolerant.
- Do not use excessive system resources.
- Able to observe deviation from normal behavior.
- Able to cope with changing system behavior over
time. As new applications are added, the system
profile will change automatically, and the IDS
must be able to adapt. - Be accurate (0 false positive and 0 false
negative). - Be customizable.
- Be current (i.e. signature files and baseline
data are up-to-date)
66Errors in IDS - 1
- False Positives
- occurs when the IDS classifies an action as
anomalous (a possible intrusion) when it is
actually a legitimate action. - if too many false positives are generated, people
will begin to ignore the output of the system,
which might lead to an actually intrusion being
detected but ignored. - problem very difficult and often cannot totally
input quality (biometrics / IDS) poor good
67Errors in IDS - 2
- False Negatives
- occurs when an intrusive action has taken place,
but the IDS allows it to pass as an non-intrusive
behavior. - problem Extremely dangerous
- false negative subversion occurs when an intruder
modifies the operation of the IDS to force false
negatives to occur.
68Categories of Intrusion Detection
- Several categories of IDS exists in the market
- NIDS - Network Intrusion Detection System
(typical) - HIDS - Host Intrusion Detection System
- Application Intrusion Detection System
- Integrity Intrusion Detection (not yet popular)
- e.g. Tripwire
69NIDS - 1
- Network-based IDS can be hardware appliances or
software application installed on a computer
system. - NIC works in promiscuous mode and collects and
monitors network traffic for malicious activity. - There are sensors placed in the network segment
that are to be monitored , typical strategic
locations are DMZ, behind firewall, database
servers subnet etc - These sensors are all connected to a central
management console. - The traffic is then analyzed.
70NIDS - 2
- NIDS are mostly signature-based.
- A set of attack signatures are built into the
systems - These signatures are compared against the traffic
on the network. - The NIC card that monitors the network in placed
in stealthy mode so that it does not have an IP
address and does not respond to probes such as a
71NIDS - 3
- Advantages include
- Lower cost of ownership (one IDS for whole
networks) - The NIDS can be completely hidden on the network
so that an attacker will not know that s/he is
being monitored.
72NIDS - 4
- Disadvantages include
- The NIDS can only alarm if the traffic matches
signatures - The NIDS cannot determine if the attack was
successful - The NIDS cannot examine traffic that is encrypted
- Switched network require special configurations
- Unable to handle high-speed networks
73HIDS - 1
- Host-based IDS is a system of sensors that are
loaded onto various servers within an
organization and controlled by some central
manager. - HIDS sensors watch the events associated with the
server on which they are loaded. - The HIDS sensor can determine whether an attack
was successful or not since the attack was on the
same platform as the sensors.
74HIDS - 2
- The five basic types of HIDS sensors
- Log analyzers looks for log entries that may
indicate a security event. - Signature-based sensors analyze incoming
traffic and compare them with a set of built-in
security event signatures - System call analyzers examine an applications
system calls, analyze the action and compared it
to a database of signatures. - Application behavior analyzers the sensor
examines an applications system calls to see if
it is allowed to perform such action. - File integrity checkers check for changes in
75HIDS - 3
- Advantages
- Verifies success or failure of an attack
- Monitor specific system activities
- Detect attacks that network-based systems miss
- Well-suited for encrypted and switched
environments - Requires no additional hardware
- Lower cost of entry (for system with fewer number
of hosts)
76HIDS - 4
- Disadvantages
- Network activity is not visible to host-based
sensors - Running audit mechanisms can use additional
resources - When audit trails are used as data sources, they
can take up significant storage - Host-based sensors must be platform specific
- Management and deployment very difficult in large
77Designing IntrusionDetection Systems
- Monitoring security through IDS requires a
combination of - good sensor placement
- well designed sensor behaviour,
- appropriate sensor configuration,
- regular tuning and
- a sound strategy for event response.
78Application Intrusion Detection
- Collects information at the application level.
- E.g. Logs generated by database management
software, Web servers, and firewalls. Sensors
placed in the application collected and analyze
information. - Not very popular at the moment
- But it is expected in the coming years the focus
on security will shift from network to
server/application level. - Strength
- High degree of control
- Weakness
- Too many applications to support
- Covers only one component at a time
79Popular IDS Products
- RealSecure
- www.iss.net/securing_e-business/security_products/
intrusion _detection/ - Cisco Secure IDS
- www.cisco.com/warp/public/cc/pd/sqsw/sqidsz/
- Network ICE
- www.networkice.com
- Snort
- www.snort.org
- Light weight Network IDS
- Packet capture /logger real-time traffic
analysis - Content search detect attacks and probes
- Support rule language
- Detection engine with modular plug-ins
- Real-time alerting capacity
- Support Linux and Windows
- Syslog features
- logging network data in Tcpdump format
- use WinPopup message to window client
81SNORT (2)
- 4 major engines
- packet capture / decode engine
- rules parsing and detection engine
- logging engine
- plug-ins preprocessing handling engine
- 3 modes
- sniffing mode
- snort -v lt verbose to show header
- snort -vd lt verbose to show header and data
content - snort -vde lt same as above, with describe
details - logging mode
- snort v l ./log h lt for Linux
- snort v l ..\log h ltfor PC
- IDS mode
- snort v l ./log h c snort.conf
- snort v l ..\log h c
82snort.conf - 1
- To tune the performance of the NIDS
- Five sections
- network and configuration variables
- var HOME_NET
- var HOME_NET,,
172,16.30.25 - var HOME_NET
- var ORACLE_PORTS 1512
83snort.conf - 2
- decoder and detection engine configuration
- alert user if a packet has strange size, strange
option, or uncommon setting - these are not necessary attacks and may generate
large amount of false positive, use the following
to disable, for example - config disable_decode_alerts
- config disable_tcpopt_experimental_alerts
84snort.conf - 3
- preprocessor configuration
- output configuration control o/p format that
works with 3rd party software - output alert_syslog host10.10.10.100 LOG_AUTH
LOG_ALERT - output database ltlog alertgt, ltdatabase typegt,
ltparameter listgt - file inclusions include rule sets
85preprocessor of SNORT - 1
- functions of preprocessor
- normalize traffic to ensure data packet can be
watch by Snort - provide self-defense against attacks that may
confuse or overwhelm an NIDS sensor - extend Snorts ability to detect network
anomalies (enhance the rule sets)
86preprocessor of SNORT - 2
- examples of preprocessor
- flow - watches all traffic and keeps track of
connections between machines. When a new unique
flow is detected, the information is hashed and
stored in a memory-resident table - frag2 - allow data fragment to be reassembled so
that snort can see a big picture - examples
- preprocessor flow stats_interval 0 hash 2
- perprocessor frag
- other preprocessors stream4, stream4_reassemble,
HTTP_inspect, rpc_decode, bo, telnet decode,
flow-portscan, arpspoof, perfmonitor
87Typical rules in SNORT
- Rule header
- action field alert, log or pass
- protocol field ip, tcp, udp, icmp
- rule field src ip, src port, direction, dest
ip, dest, port - e.g. alert tcp 2123 -gt
HOME_NET any - e.g. log tcp EXTERNAL_NET any -gt HOME_NET any
(msg SCAN SYN FIN, flagsSF reference
arachnids, 198 classtype attempted-recod
sid624 rev1) - msg option specify the type of attack
- flags option look for field of packet header
(e.g. Syn, Fin) - reference indicate where information can be
found - class type option category of attack
- sid type option signature ID
- rev type option rule revision number
- simplest rule
- alert tcp any any -gt any any
88pre-defined rules
- Snort come with a wide variety of rules
- here are some examples
- attack-responses.rules
- backdoor.rules detect traffic generated by
backdoor connections such as netbus - dos.rules detects traffic generated by known dos
attacks, such as IGMP and teardrop attack - ddos.rules alerts on traffic generated by
well-down attacks such as trin00 and shaft. It
can be noisy as it look for specific words in
payload - dns.rules alerts on attacks against DNS servers
89Components of a typical SNORT system - 1
- Snort sensors (the most important!!)
- installed at strategic network locations
- internal network, DMZ, and external network
(sometimes) - snort only alert in log file
- use tail -f to watch the log file, not very
interactive - ACID Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases
- project developed by Roman Danyliw at US CERT
coordination center - PHP based web application act as the front end of
help to manage the alerts generated by multiple
IDS sensors - generate trend, search based upon time, address,
alert type, priority, classification and sensor
90Components of a typical SNORT system - 2
- MySQL database server to store alerts and ready
for analysis and inspection - Web Server for hosting ACID web-based console
that usually connected to a database - Web Browser for user interface
- Remote admin software to update sensor rules
91Components of a typical SNORT system
92IPS Intrusion prevention system
- A new class of security tool
- place more focus on prevention
- concepts prevention strategies
- host-based memory and process protection
- kill process that appears malicious, or when it
try to execute a buffer overflow (e.g.
anti-spyware) - session interception
- terminate a TCP session by sending RST packet to
tear down connection, also known as session
sniping - gateway intrusion detection
- modify ACL to block hostile traffic automatically
- e.g. SnortSAM
93Honeypot - 1
- Honeypot is a tool used commonly for network
security - for computer crime forensic
- it is a decoy IDS, part of the company resource
waiting to be probed, attacked, or compromised. - it can be a decoy service, decoy host (I.e
Honeypot) or decoy network (Honeynet) - They don't fix a single problem, instead they can
help in prevention, detection, or information
94Honeypot - 2
- Honeypots are closely monitored network decoys
serving several purposes - distract hackers from more valuable machines on a
network - provide early warning about new attack and
exploitation trends - allow in-depth examination of adversaries during
and after exploitation of a honeypot. - Honeypot should be highly secure and isolated by
the rest of the network.
95Summary - 1
- Firewall
- modern FW packet filter, proxy, NAT, VPN
- packet-filter firewall filters at the network or
transport layer - stateless inspection (static packet filter)
- stateful inspection (dynamic packet filter)
- proxy firewall filters at the application layer
(many rules can be applied) - usually work with proxy servers to provide large
hard-disk storage for content cache.
96Summary - 2
- solve the problem of IP address limitation
- provide load balance and redundancy
- Foure modes Dynamic Translation (IP Masquerade),
Static Translation (Port Forwarding), Loading
Balancing Translation and Network Redundancy
Translation - IDS
- active detection to monitor the network status
- three methods signature, statistical and
integrity - four types network, host, applications and