Title: Diapositiva 1
2Erasmus Mundus
- Lo scopo generale del programma Erasmus
Mundus è quello di promuovere l'istruzione
superiore europea, di contribuire a migliorare e
aumentare le prospettive di carriera degli
studenti e di promuovere la comprensione
interculturale mediante la cooperazione con paesi
terzi, conformemente agli obiettivi di politica
estera dell'UE, al fine di contribuire allo
sviluppo sostenibile dei paesi terzi nel settore
dell'istruzione superiore. - Prima fase (2004-2008)
- Seconda fase (2009-2013)
- The Erasmus Mundus programme comprises three
actions - Action 1 Implementation of Joint Programmes at
Masters (Action 1A) and Doctorate
(Action 1 B) levels and award of
individual scholarships / fellowships
to participate in these programmes - Action 2 Erasmus Mundus Partnerships (former
External Cooperation Windows) - Action 3 Promotion of European Higher Education
4Azione I Programmi comuni (2009/C 33/06) Il
Bando Erasmus Mundus -Azione 1- per lanno
accademico 2010-2011 è stato pubblicato sulla
Gazzetta ufficiale dellUnione europea. Questa
azione, destinata a promuovere la cooperazione
tra gli istituti di istruzione superiore e il
personale universitario in Europa e nei paesi
terzi allo scopo di creare poli di eccellenza e
di fornire risorse umane altamente qualificate, è
composta da due sotto-azioni Azione 1A Corsi
di Master Erasmus Mundus (EMMC), Azione 1B
Dottorati comuni Erasmus Mundus (EMJD), che
hanno lo scopo di sostenere programmi post-laurea
di eccellente qualità accademica, elaborati
congiuntamente da consorzi di università europee
ed eventualmente di paesi terzi e suscettibili di
contribuire ad aumentare la visibilità e
l'attrattiva del settore dell'istruzione
superiore europea. Tali programmi comuni devono
comportare la mobilità tra le università dei
consorzi e portare al rilascio di diplomi comuni,
doppi o multipli riconosciuti.
5 The indicative budget for Action 1 in the period
6- La scadenza per la presentazione delle
candidature è il 30 aprile 2009 (per i dottorati
congiunti è raccomandata la presentazione di una
breve sintesi del progetto entro il 31 marzo
2009). - Attraverso questo Bando si prevede di
selezionare -
- per lAzione 1A (EMMCs)
- almeno 15 nuove proposte e fino a 36 (1719 del
precedente EM) proposte di rinnovo. - per lAzione 1B (EMJDs)
- 10 nuove proposte.
- Per maggiori informazioni, consultare la guida
del programma Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 al
seguente indirizzo - http//eacea.ec.europa.eu/static/en/mundus/index.h
7ERASMUS MUNDUS 2009-2010 Programme
information http//eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/L
exUriServ.do?uriOJL200834000830098ITPDF C
all for proposals - Academic Year 2009/2010
(Action 1) http//ec.europa.eu/education/external
-relation-programmes/doc/call09/call_it.pdf Progr
amme Guide http//ec.europa.eu/education/external
-relation-programmes/doc/call09/guide_en.pdf Appl
ication form http//ec.europa.eu/education/externa
l-relation-programmes/doc/call09/form_en.doc Anne
xes Annexes 1 (Award Criteria) and 2 (Lists of
Codes) http//ec.europa.eu/education/external-rel
ation-programmes/doc/call09/annex1_en.pdf Annex
3 (Summary sheet for Joint Doctoral Programmes)
- These EMMCs must
- have a duration of one to two years (60 to 120
ECTS credits) - be implemented by a consortium of European and,
where relevant, Third-Country HEIs - provide high-quality education to European and
Third-Country students and reserve a number of
places for Erasmus Mundus scholarship holders - include a mandatory student mobility component in
at least two of the participating Countries - include scholars mobility between the consortium
HEIs - lead to the award of recognised joint, double or
multiple degrees to successful students.
9- the award of scholarships to European students
enrolled in selected EMMCs - the possibility for Third-Country HEIs to be full
members of EMMC consortia - an increased focus on the EMMCs sustainability
strategies with a view to ensuring the
continuation of their cooperation activities
beyond the EC funding period moreover a
progressive reduction in the number of Erasmus
Mundus scholarships offered to EMMCs will be
applied as from thefifth edition of the course.
- The Consortium in charge of the implementation of
the EMMC is composed of the applicant/coordinating
institution and its partners. For contractual
and financial management issues,associated
members are not considered as part of the
consortium. - The minimum eligible consortium consists of HEIs
from three different eligible applicant
countries, at least one of which must be an EU
- Applicants must be HEIs located in an eligible
applicant country and must be recognised as HEIs
by the relevant authorities of the country in
which they are located.
- Any HEI recognised as such by the relevant
authorities of the country in which it is located
can act as a full partner of the consortium
- Any organisation that can contribute to the
promotion, implementation, evaluation and
sustainable development of the EMMC can be
considered as an associated member of the
12EMMC Scholarships - Eligibility
- Category A Scholarships
- non European students who are not residents nor
have carried out their main activity for more
than a total of 12 months over the last five
years in a participating country - Category B scholarships
- All other students (mainly Europeans)
- Study periods must be spent in at least two
different countries than the country in which the
last university degree was obtained
13EMMC scholarship amounts
- Maximum contribution to fees and other
participation costs - 8,000 per year for non European students
- 4,000 per year for European students
- A fee waiver should be granted by the consortium
if tuition fees are higher - Integration of insurance costs in fee
contribution - Annual flat rate contribution to the Masters
Course 30,000
14EMMC Number of scholarships
- A constant number of students scholarships per
Masters programme during the first 4 editions of
the programme (17) - A reduction as from the 5th edition for reasons
of sustainability of the EMMC (7 in the 10th
edition) - Between 43 and 50 of scholarships for European
students - 3 or 4 scholarships for non European scholars
(standard duration 3 months, with some
flexibility) - 3 or 4 scholarships for European scholars,
provided that non European HEI are part of the
consortium (standard duration 3 months, with
some flexibility)
15EMMC Award Criteria
- Academic quality 25
- Course integration 25
- Course management, visibility and sustainability
measures 20 - Students facilities and follow-up 15
- Quality assurance and evaluation 15
16Academic quality expert comments
17Course integration expert comments
The final degree awarded already exists and
double degrees agreements have already been
provided The proposed Course is modularised
and the ECTS credit allocation is done in a
proper way The application procedure will be
on-line and common to all students, and the
selection process will be very transparent and
will pass different filters
18Management, visibility, sustainability expert
detailed description of the cooperation
mechanisms to be created Board of Directors,
External Advisory Board, Admissions and Quality
Committee, Secretariat and Students
Checkpoint The partners have a very extensive
world-wide network useful to attract students and
scholars A report on all the financial aspects
will be presented at every meeting of the Board
of Directors, which adds a control value to the
financial management of scholarships
19Students facilities and follow upexpert
the Consortium has agreed to develop a learning
Platform which may be really helpful for
students The language policy is clearly
presented (language diversity, language of
instruction, languages of examination, language
learning support offered) All course documents
will be available online. Linguistic, cultural
preparation, coaching and counselling, housing
facilities and social activities are planned
20Quality Assurance and Evaluation expert
The students will have the opportunity to
evaluate teachers and courses, also non academic
aspects such as infrastructure and organisational
points A quality assurance committee
(international panel) will intervene to monitor
the programme The evaluation of the Programme
by its success in terms of completion of the
Masters Course time to get the first employment,
career performance... is also relevant
21Action 1 Joint Doctorates (EMJD)
- Same features as joint masters programmes
- Fellowships for a period of 36 months (employment
contracts or stipends) - Obligatory mobility of 6 months (over the 3-year
period) - Focus on inter-disciplinarity and innovation
- Participation of research institutes industry
(associated members) - Co-tutelle for thesis
22EMJD fellowship amounts
- Fellowships paid for a duration of 36 months
- Annual flat rate contribution to the EMJD
23EMJD Fellowships - Eligibility
- Category A Fellowships
- non European doctoral candidates who are not
residents nor have carried out their main
activity for more than a total of 12 months over
the last five years in a participating country
(exception former EMMC scholarship holders) - Category B Fellowships
- All other doctoral candidates (mainly Europeans)
- Research periods to be spent in at least two
different countries than the country in which the
last university degree was obtained
24EMJD Fellowships other aspects
- Mobility
- Training/research in at least two countries for
min 6 months (cumulative or consecutive) - At least two thirds of the doctoral programme
must be spent in Europe - In case of TC partner instutitions in the
consortium - Cat A can spend a period of max 6 months
(cumulative or consecutive) in the relevant TC - Cat B can spend a period of max 1 year
(cumulative or consecutive) in the relevant TC - Obligation for signature of a Doctoral candidate
agreement - Every edition of the EMJD between 6 and 10
fellowships (for Category A and B together)
25EMJD- Award Criteria
- Academic and Research quality 20
- Partnership experience and composition 20
- European integration and functioning of the
programme 20 - Provisions for candidates granted an EMJD
fellowship 20 - Management, sustainability and Quality Assurance
of the programme 20
- proposing a joint programme at masters or
doctoral level developed in - cooperation with partner universities from Europe
and, if relevant, Third Countries. If your
proposal is selected, Erasmus Mundus funding will
be awarded during five consecutive years (subject
to the renewal of the Programme beyond 2013) with
the purpose of - contributing to the joint programme
implementation and management costs - offering scholarships/fellowships to European
and Third-Country students / doctorate candidates
enrolled in the joint programme - offering short-term scholarships to European and
Third-Country scholars to carry out teaching and
research activities in the context of the joint
27Selection procedure (EMMC EMJD)
- Prior eligibility check by the Agency
- Expert assessment procedure
- Two individual expert assessments of each
proposal - Consensus discussions between the two experts on
each proposal if necessary a third expert will
assess - The best proposals are submitted to the sectoral
and general panels - Selection Board (composed of high standing
academic personalities) - Selection proposals on the basis of the experts
28Submission of proposals-Important points
- Respect of all formal eligibility criteria (e.g.
deadline, signatures etc.) - Coverage of all questions of the application form
- Be clear, simple, coherent and explicit
- Use examples to demonstrate evidence
- Provide crosschecked information regarding degree
recognition - Elaboration of methodology (not only Where
and When but also How ) - Clear information about the role of the
coordinator and the partners in the consortium - Provision of supporting information where
29Selection of EMMC EMJD in 2009
- Publication of Programme Guide and Call for
Proposals on 6 February - Selection of EMMC and EMJD to start in the
academic year 2010-2011 - EMMC
- Selection of at least 15 new EMMC
- Possible reselection of 2004 (19) and 2005 (17)
consortia - Same assessment for existing EMMC and new
proposals - Selection of 10 EMJD
30EMMC EMJD Timetable
- Submission of summary sheet 31 March (only
EMJD, no eligibility criterion) - Deadline for Application 30 April
- Assessment by external experts May
- Selection Board June
- Selection Decision July
- Communication of results (including experts
comments) September - Framework partnership agreement Autumn 2009
- Submission of student and doctoral candidate
lists - Cat A Late Jan 2010
- Cat B May 2010
31Management of EMMC and EMJD by the Agency
- Conclusion of a 5-year framework partnership
agreement between the coordinating institution
and the Agency - Conclusion of annual specific agreements with
each consortium for the duration of the EMMC or
EMJD - Payments to the coordinating institution
- Day-to-day contacts with the consortia
- Analysis of progress and final reports
- Monitoring visits
- Organisation of coordinators meetings
- Possibility for audits
32Further Information
- Erasmus Mundus Website
- http//ec.europa.eu/education/external-relation-pr
ogrammes/doc72_en.htm - http//eacea.ec.europa.eu/static/en/mundus/index.h
tm - giordana.bruno_at_ec.europa.eu