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una guerra que preferir as no dar. High School The World Without Us El coraz n de piedra verde ... 63 relatos sobre la vida, el amor y el aprendizaje. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Founders Library and Educational

Founders Library and Educational Resource
Center Monthly New Materials Bulletin N 154
March 2009
Hot Picks
for March
Brandon ______
Lety EC Nic Bishops
Spiders Cantaré A l agua pato!
Latin American Music for
Children Elementary
No Talking
Adelita a Mexican Cinderella story
Middle School Drowned Maidens
Hair No te gustaría ser un cruzado! una
guerra que preferirías no
dar High School
The World Without Us El
corazón de piedra verde
Scientist-photographer Nic Bishop offers a
fascinating large-size picture book that provides
fun and astonishing facts about the physical
characteristics, senses, behaviors, habitat and
life cycles of various types of spiders. Young
readers will learn to recognize the difference
between spiders and insects, and will be
intrigued by the more than 38,000 types that
still exist. Bishop's photo-rich pages feature
large, highly magnified close-ups of vibrantly
colored spiders, and even include a foldout
spread of a jumping spider's leap that is 20
times its body length!
This tale centers on a challenge that the noisy
fifth grade boys of Laketon Elementary School
propose to the equally loud fifth grade girls --
a "no talking" contest. After reading about
Ghandi for a school report and listening to the
mindless chatter of classmate Lynsey Burges,
self-proclaimed blabbermouth Dave Packer decides
to take matters into his own hands by committing
the entire grade to silence, except for
three-word responses to adults.
Maud Flynn is known at the orphanage for her
impertinence, so when the charming Miss Hyacinth
and her sister choose Maud to take home with
them, the girl is as baffled as anyone. It seems
the sisters need Maud to help stage elaborate
séances for bereaved, wealthy patrons. As Maud is
drawn deeper into the deception, playing her role
as a "secret child," she is torn between her need
to please and her growing conscience -- until a
shocking betrayal makes clear just how heartless
her so-called guardians are.
This intriguing book examines the role Homo
sapiens have had on the natural world and
nature's response to the growth of mankind.
Readers will also learn about the impact of
technological developments, such as dams, canals
and nuclear energy. Weisman discusses the killer
instinct associated with the human species using
examples like the African paradox. The book
concludes by exploring how organisms would be
affected if Homo sapiens became obsolete, and the
legacy humans would leave behind.
Brand new arrangements of Latin American
favorites and original compositions inspired on
styles such as son, merengue and swing. Contains
sing-along songs, tongue-twisters and activity
songs. Great for kids who are learning Spanish as
a second language. In this playful musical
journey to Latin America, they bring us the music
that Latin parents, grandparents and teachers
sing with their children. You will hear new
renditions of traditional songs to sing along and
dance, and a few tongue twisters with a twist.
After the death of her mother and father, Adelita
is badly mistreated by her stepmother and
stepsisters until she finds her own true love at
a grand fiesta.
Alístate al ser un gallardo y joven caballero
cristiano, estás a punto de viajar miles de
kilómetros a Tierra Santa para defenderla y
luchar por tu fe. Pero lograrías ser un cruzado?
El corazón de piedra verde es una obra
deslumbrante por la inagotable riqueza de
conocimientos que revela su autor, por la
vivacidad con que recrea el pasado de un
continente y por la nobleza de sus propósitos. A
lo largo de sus tres partes -"Los fantasmas",
"Los dioses sanguinarios" y "Fe sin blasfemia"-
Salvador de Madariaga, logra ofrecer una imagen
verosímil del contraste de dos mundos muy
dispares, y mostrar la conmoción que la Conquista
produjo en los corazones de España y América
REFERENCE R 317.3 ALM Almanaque mundial
2009. 55 ed. 2 copies. México Televisa,
2008. NON-FICTION Philosophy Psychology 158.1
CAN Canfield, Jack, 1944. A 3rd serving of
chicken soup for the soul 101 more stories to
open the heart and rekindle the spirit.
Deerfield Beach, FL Health Communications,
c1996.158.1 CAN Canfield, Jack. Caldo de
pollo para el alma del adolescente 63 relatos
sobre la vida, el amor y el
aprendizaje. México Editorial Diana, 2008,
c1997. Social Sciences 304.2 WEI Weisman,
Alan. The world without us. 1st ed. New York
Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press,
2007.306.4 CIE Ciencia y tecnología.
Guatemala Ministerio de Educación, 2002.355.02
MAC Mackenzie, Eduardo. Las FARC el fracaso
de un terrorismo. Bogotá D.C. Colombia ,
2002.362.5 VOL Vollmann, William T. Poor
people. 1st Harper Perennial ed. New York
Harper Perennial, 2008.364.1 CAP Capote,
Truman, 1924-. In cold blood a true account of
a multiple murder and its consequences. 1st
Vintage International ed. New York Vintage
Books, 1994. Language 401 PIN Pinker,
Steven, 1954-. The stuff of thought language as
a window into human nature. New York
Penguin Books, 2008.497.415 MON Montgomery,
John, 1951-. How to read Maya hieroglyphs. New
York Hippocrene Books, 2003. Pure Science 508
PLA Planet Earth as you've never seen it
before. Berkeley University of California
Press, c2006. Technology (Applied Sciences) 600
WOO Woodford, Chris. Cool stuff 2.0 and how
it works. New York DK Pub., 2007.649 VAL
Vallet, Maite. Cómo educar a mi hijo durante su
niñez de 6 a 12 años. 1a. ed. n p,
2002.658.04 BEL Belausteguigoitia Rius,
Imanol. Empresas familiares su dinámica,
equilibrio y consolidación. México
McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2006.
Arts Recreation 741.5 KUP Kuper, Peter,
1958-. The metamorphosis. 1st pbk. ed. New York
Three Rivers Press, c2003. 751.4 SCO
Scott, Marylin. Pintura acrílica Guía para
artistas principiantes y avanzados. Países Bajos
Textcase, 2005.775 KEL Kelby,
Scott. The digital photography book the
step-by-step secrets for how to make your photos
look like the pros'! Berkeley, CA
Peachpit Press, c2007.775 KEL v.2 Kelby,
Scott. The digital photography book, vol. 2 the
step-by-step secrets for how to make your photos
look like the pros'! Berkeley, Calif.
Peachpit Press, c2008.779 WID Wide angle
National Geographic greatest places. Washington,
D.C. National Geographic, c2005.791.43 LUC
Luceno, James. Indiana Jones the ultimate
guide. New York DK Pub, 2008. Literature 813
ZOR Zora Neale Hurston's Their eyes were
watching God a casebook. Oxford Oxford
University Press, 2000.814 BES The
best American nonrequired reading, 2007. Boston
Houghton Mifflin Co, 2007.821 MIL Milton,
John, 1608-1674. Paradise lost. Mineola, N.Y
Dover Publications, c2005.822.3 APP
Appignanesi, Richard. Hamlet. New York Amulet
Books, 2007. History Geography 910.4 NUÑ
Núñez V., Amado H. Viajar a estudiar y contar lo
vivido. 2 copies. Honduras Prografip,
2007.917.28 MIR Miranda, Carolina A. Costa
Rica. 6th. ed. London Lonely Planet,
2004.917.280 CEN Central America. 1st ed. New
York St. Martin's Press, c2005. 951 CHI
China people, place, culture, history. 1st
American ed. London DK Pub, 2007.973.924 SUM
Summers, Anthony. The arrogance of power the
secret world of Richard Nixon. New York Viking,
2000. Biography 92 ARN Murphy, Jim,
1947-. The real Benedict Arnold. New York
Clarion Books, c2007.92 REA Reagan,
Ronald. The Reagan diaries. New York
HarperCollins Pub, c2007. 920 I I might get
somewhere oral histories of immigration and
migration. San Francisco 826 Valencia,
FICTION F AND Anderson, Laurie Halse. Speak.
New York Puffin, 2001, c1999. F ARO
Aronson, Sarah. Head case. 1st ed. New York
Roaring Brook Press, 2007. F BAN Banks, Piper.
Geek High. New York NAL Jam, c2007.F CAS
Cast, P. C. Marked. 1st ed. New York St.
Martin's Griffin, 2007.F CRI Crichton, Michael,
1942-. The Andromeda strain The terminal man.
New York Harper, 2007.F CRO Croggon,
Alison, 1962-. The naming. 1st U.S. pbk. ed.
Cambridge, Mass Candlewick Press, 2006.F DIC
Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870. Barnaby Rudge a
tale of the riots of 'eighty. London Penguin,
2003.F DUM Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870. The
Count of Monte Cristo. London Penguin Books,
2003.F DUM Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870. The
three musketeers. New York Penguin Books, 2007,
c2006.F ECO Eco, Umberto. Baudolino. London
Vintage, 2003.F GIL Gilchrist, Ellen, 1935-.
Anabasis a journey to the interior a novel.
Jackson University of Mississippi, c1994.F
GUN Gunning, Sally. The widow's war. 1st Harper
paperback. New York Harper, c2006.F HOF
Hoffman, Alice. The river king. Berkley trade
pbk. ed. New York Berkley Books, 2001, c2000.F
HOS Hosseini, Khaled. A thousand splendid suns.
New York Riverhead Books, 2007.F LEE Lee,
Chang-rae. Aloft. New York Riverhead Books,
2004.F MAD Madariaga, Salvador de, 1886-. El
corazón de piedra verde. Buenos Aires Editorial
Sudamericana, 2006, c1943.F MEL Melville,
Herman, 1819-1891. Moby-Dick. New York Bantam
Books, 1981.F MEY Meyer, Stephenie, 1973-.
Breaking dawn. 1st ed. New York Little, Brown,
2008.F MEY Meyer, Stephenie, 1973-. The host
a novel. 1st ed. New York Little, Brown and Co,
2008. F NIC Nichols, Linda, 1954-. In search of
Eden. Minneapolis, Minn Bethany House, c2007.F
ODE O'Dell, Scott, 1898-1989. The road to
Damietta. Boston Graphia, c1985.F PER
Pérez-Reverte, Arturo. Captain Alatriste. New
York Plume, 2006, c2005.F PER
Pérez-Reverte, Arturo. The fencing master. 1st
Harvest ed. Orlando, Fla Harcourt, 2000,
c1998.F RAN Rand, Ayn. The fountainhead. 50th
anniversary ed. New York Signet, 1993, c1943.F
REI Reichs, Kathy. Grave secrets. 1st Pocket
Books pbk. ed. New York Pocket Star Books,
2003.F SIE Sierra I Fabra, Jordi, 1947.
Llamando a las puertas del cielo. 6a. ed.
Barcelona, España Edebé, 2006. F SPA Sparks,
Nicholas. Dear John. 1st United States pbk. ed.
New York Grand Central Pub, 2008.
F STE Stegner, Wallace Earle, 1909-.
Crossing to safety. 2002 Modern Library pbk. ed.
New York Modern Library, 2002,
c1987. PROFESSIONAL P 025.3 CAT Cataloging
correctly for kids an introduction to the
tools. 4th ed. Chicago American Library
Association, 2006.P 025.3 GOR
Gorman, Michael, 1941-. The concise AACR2
based on AACR2 2002 revision, 2004 update.
4th ed. Chicago American Library Association,
2004.P 303.48 SOC Social, ethical,
and policy implications of information
technology. Hershey PA Information Science
Publishing, 2004. P 372.4 GUN Gunning,
Thomas G. Creating literacy instruction for all
students. 6th ed. Boston Pearson/Allyn and
Bacon, c2008.P 418 FRE Freeman, David E.
Essential linguistics what you need to know to
teach reading, ESL, spelling, phonics, and
grammar. Portsmouth, NH Heinemann, c2004.P 658
ROB Robinson, Greg. A Leadership Paradox
Influencing Others by Defining Yourself.
Revised ed. Bloomington, Indiana AuthorHouse,
c.2 Korea on the move a window on Korea 2005.
Republic of Korea Korean Overseas Information
Service, 2005.DVD 796.325 LES Lesson on
passing and serving. Tucson, AZ Sport Videos,
2006.DVD 813 CRU The crucible. Beverly
Hills, CA 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment,
2004, c1996.DVD 813 OUT The outsiders.
Burbank, CA Warner Home Video, 2005, c1983.DVD
813 STR A streetcar named Desire.
Burbank, CA Warner Home Video, 2006, c1951.DVD
813 THE Their eyes were watching God.
Burbank, CA Buena Vista Home Entertainment,
2005, c2004.DVD 822.3 AS As you like
it. U.S.A HBO Home Video, 2007.DVD 823 LOR
Lord of the flies. U.S.A Criterion
Collection, 1999, c1963.DVD 833 SID
Siddhartha. Chatsworth, CA Milestone Film
Video, 2002, c1972.DVD 882 ANT
Antigone. New York Kino Video, 2004, c1961.DVD
973.931 SEP 9/11. Hollywood, CA Paramount
Home Video, 2002, c2001.DVD F AMI
Amistad. U.S.A DreamWorks Home Entertainment,
1999, c1997.
DVD F FRE Freedom Writers. Hollywood, CA
Paramount Home Entertainment, c2007.DVD F GOL
The golden compass. U.S.A New Line Home
Entertainment, 2008, c2007.DVD F GRI
Gridiron gang. U.S.A Sony Pictures Home
Entertainment, 2007, c2006.DVD F HOT
Hotel Rwanda. Beverly Hills, CA MGM Home
Entertainment, 2005.DVD F JOH John
Adams. U.S.A HBO Video, 2008.DVD F RET
The return of the native. U.S.A Hallmark Hall
of Fame, 2002. JUVENILE NON-FICTION Religion J
232.9 LEG Le Guillou, Philippe. Tras los
pasos de-- Jesús. 1a. ed. en lengua española.
Barcelona, España Blume,
2007. Social Sciences J 363.325 GRE
Greenberger, Robert. Suicide bombers. 1st ed. New
York Rosen Pub., 2007.J 398.2 WEU
Weulersse, Odile. Nasrudín. 2a ed. Zaragoza,
España Edelvives, 2006. Pure Sciences J 531
SOH Sohn, Emily. A crash course in forces
and motion with Max Axiom, super scientist.
Mankato, Minn Capstone Press, c2007.J
537 ODO O'Donnell, Liam, 1970-. The
shocking world of electricity with Max Axiom,
super scientist. Mankato, Minn.
Capstone Press, c2007.J 577 ODO
O'Donnell, Liam, 1970-. The world of food chains
with Max Axiom, super scientist. Mankato, Minn.
Capstone Press, c2007.J 591.47 JEN
Jenkins, Steve, 1952-. Living color. Boston
Houghton Mifflin, 2007. Technology (Applied
Sciences) J 641.5 DAH Dahl, Roald. Roald
Dahl's revolting recipes. New York Puffin
Books, 1997, c1994.J 670 SLA Slavin,
Bill. Transformed how everyday things are made.
Tonawanda, NY Kids Can Press, c2005.J 688.7
OLS Olson, Kay Melchisedech. Frank Zamboni
and the ice-resurfacing machine. Mankato, Minn.
Capstone Press, c2008.
Arts Recreation J 730 CIV Civardi,
Anne. Sculpture three dimensions in art. North
Mankato, Minn. Smart Apple Media, 2006.J 741.5
HUY Huy Ta, Van. Dibujar Manga Shonen.
España Panini, 2006.J 741.5 LOB
Lobdell, Scott. Identity theft. New York
Papercutz, c2005.J 741.6 MAR Marcus,
Leonard S., 1950-. A Caldecott celebration
seven artists and their paths to the Caldecott
medal. Expanded 2008 ed. New York Walker
Co., 2008.J 745.4 GON Gonyea, Mark.
Another book about design complicated doesn't
make it bad. 1st ed. New York H. Holt,
2007.J 760 PRI Priester, Gary W.
Incredible eye tricks. Edison, N.J. Chartwell
Books, 2006, c2003.J 771.3 TRU Trueit,
Trudi Strain. The camera. Franklin Watts library
ed.. New York Franklin Watts, 2006.J 796.334
SOC Soccer pal Player's guide. United States
Vidpro International, 1994. Literature J 811
LON Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth,
1807-1882. The midnight ride of Paul Revere. 1st
ed. Brooklyn, New York Handprint Books,
c2001.J 811.008 PLA The place my words are
looking for what poets say about and through
their work. 1st ed. New York Simon
Schuster Books for Young Readers, c1990.J 812
SCH Schlitz, Laura Amy. Good masters!
sweet ladies! voices from a medieval village.
1st ed. Cambridge, Mass. Candlewick
Press, 2007. History Geography J 956 MAC
Macdonald, Fiona. No te gustaría ser un
cruzado! una guerra que preferirías no dar. 1a.
ed. en Panamericana Editorial. Bogotá
D.C. Colombia Panamericana Editorial, 2007.J
962.404 XAV Xavier, John. Darfur African
genocide. 1st ed. New York Rosen Pub., 2008.J
965 DIP DiPiazza, Francesca, 1961-.
Algeria in pictures. Minneapolis, MN
Twenty-First Century Books, c2008.J 966.23 DIP
DiPiazza, Francesca, 1961-. Mali in pictures.
Minneapolis, MN Twenty-First Century Books,
c2007.J 968.91 DIP Di Piazza, Francesca.
Zimbabwe in pictures. Minneapolis Lerner
Publications Co, c2005.J 980 GOR
Gorrell, Gena K. (Gena Kinton), 1946-. In the
Land of the Jaguar South America and its
people. Toronto Tundra Books,
c2007.J 982 BLA Blashfield, Jean F.
Argentina. New York Children's Press,
2007. Biography J 92 SIS Sís, Peter,
1949-. The wall growing up behind the Iron
Curtain. 1st ed. New York Farrar, Straus and
Giroux, 2007.
FICTION J AVI Avi, 1937-. Iron thunder the
battle between the Monitor the Merrimac a
Civil War novel. 1st ed. New York Hyperion
Books for Children, c2007.J BAU Bauer, Joan.
Stand tall. New York Speak, 2005.J BER
Berlin, Eric. The puzzling world of Winston
Breen. New York G.P. Putnam's, 2007.J BRE
c.2 Bremer, Ika. El robo de los colores. 5a.
edición. Barcelona Edebé, 2005.J CAS Caseley,
Judith. The kissing diary. 1st ed. New York
Farrar Straus Giroux, 2007.J CHR Christopher,
Matt. Baseball flyhawk. 1st pbk. ed. Boston
Little, Brown, c1991.J COV Coville, Bruce.
Aliens ate my homework. 1st Aladdin Paperbacks
ed. New York Aladdin Paperbacks, 2002,
c1993.J DIX Dixon, Franklin W. Extreme danger.
1st Aladdin Paperbacks ed. New York Aladdin
Paperbacks, 2005.J DIX Dixon, Franklin W.
Running on fumes. 1st Aladdin Paperbacks ed. New
York Aladdin Paperbacks, 2005.J FER Fernández
Paz, Agustín. Trece años de Blanca. 15a. ed.
Barcelona, España Edebé, 2005.J FIN
Fingeroth, Danny. X3, the last stand the
junior novel. 1st. ed. New York
HarperKidsEntertainment, 2006.J FUN Funke,
Cornelia Caroline. Corazón de tinta. New York
Scholastic, 2004. J GUT Gutman, Dan. The
homework machine. 1st Aladdin Paperbacks ed. New
York Aladdin Paperbacks, 2007.J HAD Haddix,
Margaret Peterson. Among the free. 1st Aladdin
Paperbacks ed. New York Aladdin Paperbacks,
2007.J HAN Han, Jenny. Shug. 1st ed. New York
Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers,
c2006.J HEN Heneghan, James, 1930-. Payback.
Toronto Groundwood Books/House of Anansi Press,
c2007.J HEN Henry, Marguerite, 1902-1997. Misty
of Chincoteague. 60th anniversary ed., Aladdin
Paperbacks ed. New York Aladdin Paperbacks,
2006, c1975.J JEN Jenkins, Jerry B. The book of
the king. Carol Stream, Ill Tyndale House,
2007.J JEN Jenkins, Jerry B. The Changeling.
Carol Stream, Ill Tyndale House, c2007.J
JEN Jenkins, Jerry B. The sword of the Wormling.
Carol Stream, Ill Tyndale House, c2007.J KEE
Keene, Carolyn. Case of the sneaky snowman. 1st
Aladdin Paperbacks ed. New York Aladdin
Paperbacks, 2006.J KEE Keene, Carolyn. Pony
problems. 1st Aladdin Paperbacks ed. New York
Aladdin Paperbacks, 2006.J KID Kidd, Rob. The
pirate chase. 1st ed. New York Disney Press,
c2006.J KID Kidd, Rob. The Sword of Cortés. 1st
ed. New York Disney Press, c2006.J
LEO Leonard, Elmore, 1925-. A coyote's in the
house. 1st ed. New York HarperEntertainment,
J LEW Lewis, C. S, 1898-1963 (Clive Staples). The
lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. New York
HarperTrophy, 1994. J LIN Lindgren, Astrid,
1907-. The adventures of Pippi Longstocking. New
York Viking, 1997.J LON London, Jack,
1876-1916. White Fang. 1st Aladdin Paperbacks ed.
New York Aladdin, 2006.J MOR Morgan, Melissa
J. Alex's challenge. New York Grosset Dunlap,
2005.J MOR Morgan, Melissa J. Jenna's dilemma.
New York Grosset Dunlap, 2005.J MOR Morgan,
Melissa J. RSVP. New York Grosset Dunlap,
c2005.J MOR Morris, Charles. El Principito y el
mar. España Editorial Sirio, 2006.J OPP
Oppel, Kenneth, 1967-. Darkwing. 1st ed. New
York Eos, c2007.J ORL Orlev, Uri, 1931-. The
man from the other side. New York Puffin Books,
1995.J PAL Palacios, Argentina. Adventures of
Don Quixote. Dover ed. Mineola, N.Y Dover
Publications, 1999, c1979.J PAL Paloma, David,
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