Anointing of the Sick: Celebrating Gods Healing Love - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Anointing of the Sick: Celebrating Gods Healing Love


God's love for persons who are seriously ill or nearing death. ... healing actions that people can do for sick persons or for families in mourning? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Anointing of the Sick: Celebrating Gods Healing Love

  • Anointing of the Sick Celebrating Gods Healing

What Does Anointing Celebrate?
  • Gods love for persons who are seriously ill or
    nearing death.
  • Its grace primarily leads to healing and
    strengthening of the spirit, as people unite
    their experiences with Jesus suffering, death,
    and Resurrection.
  • The sacrament addresses all aspects of peoples
    health Spiritual Physical

wounded healers
  • Gods compassion is apparent in Jesus earthly
    ministry of healing.
  • The Christian community carries on Jesus healing
    mission and reaffirms its Resurrection faith.
  • Experience of illness Wisdom gained
  • Human participation in the paschal mystery
  • Stories Been there! Done that!

Anointings SymbolicActions and Words
  • A priest or bishop administers the sacrament
  • Varies slightly according to the situation
  • within the whole faith community at a Mass or
    healing service
  • to individuals who are seriously or terminally
    ill, usually in a home or medical institution

  • The sacrament may be received more than once
  • Services include many symbols and symbolic
    actions from other sacraments
  • the laying on of hands
  • anointing with oil
  • Holy Communion
  • the reading of the Scriptures
  • the confession of sins
  • Maintains the communal nature of suffering. We do
    not have to go it alone

  • Symbols and actions convey Gods and the churchs
    concern for the entire person.
  • laying on of hands (love in action)
  • sacrament for those who are not dying (healing is
    for life not just a preparation to die)
  • sacrament may be received more than once (anytime
    one is in serious spiritual or physical danger
    this sacrament is appropriate)
  • priest as minister (Re. the forgiveness of sins
    the ordinary minister is an ordained priest)
  • Viaticum (The Precious Blood)
  • communal celebrations

Anointings History
  • 1st 7th Century
  • The Apostles and early Christians used blessed
    oil and prayer
  • The laying on of hands carries on Jesus mission
    of healing the sick
  • 8th -12th Century
  • the ministry of anointing became reserved for
    priests and also came to be regarded only as a
    preparation for death

  • 13th 19th Century
  • Not much changed in this sacrament
  • 20th Century
  • Second Vatican Council restored Anointings
    original purpose
  • emphasizes Jesus healing presence in the
    churchs pastoral care for sick and dying people
  • Extreme Unction Blessing the extremities with
    sacred oil to celebrate Gods healing grace and
    to reverse the effects of sin

  • What is the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick?

  • What is the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick?
  • It is a sacrament that offers persons strength,
    peace, and courage to overcome the hardships of
    serious illness or the increasing frailty of old
    age. Its grace is meant to lead primarily to
    healing of their spirit, and if God wills, to
    healing of their body.

  • 2. What is the foremost truth celebrated in the
    sacrament of Anointing?

  • 2. What is the foremost truth celebrated in the
    sacrament of Anointing?
  • Gods loving concern for sick, suffering, or
    dying people.

3. What is the primary emphasis of the sacrament
of Anointing?
3. What is the primary emphasis of the sacrament
of Anointing?
  • To bring spiritual strength and healing to sick
    and dying people.

4. Give two examples of Gospel passages that show
Jesus healing people. What enabled him to heal
4. Give two examples of Gospel passages
  • Mark 521-43 Jesus brings the daughter of
    Jairus back to life and cures a hemorrhaging
  • Matt. 1521-28 Jesus shows compassion for a
    Canaanite woman and cures her daughter.
  • Matt. 1529-39 Jesus heals many people brought
    to him by the crowds and speaks of his compassion
    for the crowds, feeding them.
  • John 91-12 Jesus heals a man born blind. Jesus
    was enabled to heal people through Gods power.

5. What are three everyday healing actions that
people can do for sick persons or for families in
5. What are three everyday healing actions that
people can do for sick persons or for families in
  • 1. Sending cards of sympathy and prayers
  • 2. Visiting sick friends and bringing gifts or
  • 3. Uniting with family members when a relative
    has died or is seriously ill.

6. Describe what it means to say that Christians
them-selves can be wounded healers.
6. Describe what it means to say that Christians
them-selves can be wounded healers.
  • They can transform their suffering into healing
    for themselves and for those around them.

7. What is the hopeful message of the paschal
mystery with respect to illness and death?
7. What is the hopeful message of the paschal
mystery with respect to illness and death?
  • The God of Jesus is the God of life. And life,
    not death, will always have the last word.

8. Describe three different options for
celebrating the sacrament of Anointing.
8. Describe three options
  • . It can be celebrated with a whole faith
    community, either as a part of a Mass or in a
    separate healing service for people whose health
    is greatly impaired in some way. It can be
    celebrated by individuals who are seriously but
    not terminally ill.
  • The sacrament usually takes place in the home of
    the ill person, in a hospital, or in some other
    institution, such as a nursing home, with family,
    friends, and a priest gathered around.
  • Finally, the sacrament is available to persons
    who suffer from a terminal illness or are close
    to death, usually apart from a Mass. If death is
    close, special prayers of commendation are part
    of the sacrament, as well as a special rite in
    which the dying person receives her or his last

9. Name the six elements common to all forms of
the sacrament of Anointing. What actions and
words are essential?
9. Name the six elements
  • prayers, a penitential rite, readings from the
    Scriptures, the laying on of hands by the priest,
    anointing with oil on the forehead and hands by
    the priest, and Holy Communion.
  • Essential to the sacrament is the anointing by
    the priest of the persons forehead and hands
    while praying these words
  • Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his
    love and mercy help you with the grace of the
    Holy Spirit. Amen. May the Lord who frees you
    from sin save you and raise you up. Amen.

10. What do the laying on of hands and receiving
of Communion emphasize in Anointing?
10. What do the laying on of hands and receiving
of Communion emphasize in Anointing?
  • The laying on of hands and receiving of Communion
    emphasize that healing occurs in the context of a
    caring community.

10. and in what other sacraments are these
rituals found?
  • The laying on of hands also is offered in
    Confirmation, Reconciliation, and Holy Orders
    Communion is offered in the sacrament of the

11. In the early church, how did Christians carry
out the healing mission of Jesus?
11. In the early church, how did Christians carry
out the healing mission of Jesus?
  • By casting out demons, anointing with oil, curing
    sick people, praying for sick people, and laying
    hands on them.

12. What does Extreme Unction mean? Why was this
term used for the sacrament of Anointing until
recent decades?
12. What does Extreme Unction mean? Why was this
term used for the sacrament of Anointing until
recent decades?
  • It means last anointing or last rites.
  • Extreme Unction was the term used for the
    sacrament because the sacrament gradually came to
    be seen as a preparation for death rather than as
    an act of healing.

13. What purpose of Anointing has been restored
and emphasized since Vatican Council II?
13. What purpose of Anointing has been restored
and emphasized since Vatican Council II?
  • Anointings original purpose-healing-has been
    restored and emphasized as indicated by the
    official designation of Anointing as part of the
    Catholic churchs overall pastoral care and
    concern for sick and dying people.
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