Title: Convivio 2006
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2 Convivio 2006 Rishi Bhilawadikar,
Bloomington, USA Ana Huedo Milano,
Italy Claudia Zanon
Venezia, Italy Dhiren Patel Milano,
Italy Hazel White Dundee, UK
Marcus Gray Chicago, USA
Nadine Wacker Ulm, Germany
Frigga Foell Tuebingen, Germany
Groth, Stockholm, Sweden
Adler, Stockholm, Sweden
3 What did we expect from Convivio? What do we
mean by capturing experiences?
4What does being in Edinburgh during the Festival
mean? Gathered information to find our context
5 6Have we asked the right questions? Do people want
to capture experiences? What is an experience?
7explored ideas based on navigation and encounters
8 9Analysis of data showed festival goers sometimes
planned their activities, sometimes didnt. They
wanted to have fun and go with the flow. We
worked with personas and scenarios based on
collected data
10We still arent asking the right
question! Reanalysis of our data people dont
mind getting lost and arent concerned with
encounters New field studies based on personas,
but still unclear about capturing
experience Are we asking the right people?
11 We are Lost .. but we didnt realise it
12New definition of Capturing Experience Being in
the Moment rather than planning or archiving.
13What do people do when they are
here? Developed ideasHeat sensors, palm
tattoos, digital snow, story trees, circles on
the ground, dances
14We visited a variety of locations and conducted
deeper interviews Using new tools and prompts
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16 People engaged with and began to interact with
post-its People like to upload their info. and
are interested in other peoples comments - led
to idea of festival goer uploading to a blog, to
be visited on return home. Tools produced better
results than direct interviews People like visual
prompts to interact with
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19Storyboard of scenario
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29What would we do with more time? More
exploration of peoples relationship with
technology use tablet pc as prototype/probe Explo
re options which allowed digital tactile
interaction touch screens, digital paper More
exploration of relevance and meaning of uploading
to a weblog.
30Are we moving towards a collective, tactile
blog? If so, would this capture an experience of
Edinburgh as an international meeting point?
31What did we learn? How we interact with people -
group work - fighting for ideas, compromising,
making decisions. Prototype early to kill off bad
ideas and gather data New methods, and when it is
appropriate to use them Not to make
assumptions Leave egos at home Ask the right
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