Title: The Cornwall Food Programme
1The Cornwall Food Programme Pioneering Tasty,
Healthier and Sustainable Hospital Meals
2Aims Objectives
The Cornwall Food Programme Bringing together
Sustainability and Food Procurement to benefit
the NHS and the Cornish Community.
3Aims Objectives
We endeavour within the constraints of European
Procurement Regulations to offer small farmers
and producers the opportunity to tender and
supply produce for public sector contracts to the
NHS in Cornwall. This is achieved by developing a
two way partnership based on mutual objectives,
a common understanding and trust.
4Aims Objectives
To achieve improved nutritional standards from
greater levels of protein, bigger portion sizes
and giving our patients the type of food they
want to eat. To support the economic development
of the local community through inward investment
and local procurement.
5What benefits can be gained from an approach such
as the Cornwall Food Programme
What barriers do you perceive, though it is
important to never assume
6- How well do you know your producers
- products
- business aspirations
- development opportunities
- partnership opportunities.
7The Cornwall Food Programme Every Picture Tells a
8Callestick Farm Ice Cream
9Trewithen Dairy, Milk and Dairy Produce
10Cornish Country Larder Range of Cheeses
11Fresh Fish and Fish Products from Newlyn
12Gwavas Farm Yoghurts
13A unit capable of not just providing meals for
RCHT Hospitals but utilized for education and
training - evolving from the sustainable food
procurement concept. We are currently engaging
with public and private sector organisations so
that we can all benefit.
14Workshops with Chefs from local nursing home.
15Impact on the Local Economy
Over 750,000 spent with local suppliers per
annum. An increasing of the food budget on
Cornish Produce. A reduction of over 100,000
(160,000 Km) food miles as a result of our
sustainable procurement. of food procured
locally from companies based in Cornwall has
increased from approximately 50 in 2001 to 80.
16Some of the dishes currently being prepared for
RCH Hospitals
Just some of our cakes
17Some of the dishes currently being prepared for
RCH Hospitals
18Some of the dishes currently being prepared for
RCH Hospitals
19Some of the dishes currently being prepared for
RCH Hospitals
20Some of the dishes currently being prepared for
RCH Hospitals
21Some of the dishes currently being prepared for
RCH Hospitals
22Some of the dishes currently being prepared for
RCH Hospitals
23Thank you for further information go
to www.cornwallfoodprogramme.co.uk www.soilassocia
tion.org Key in a Fresh Approach to Hospital