Title: MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development
1MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development
Course Highlights The MPhil in Pictures
2MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development
Class of 2009
3The class of 2009
4Visiting the heat store and wind turbine at RES
5At Stonehenge World Heritage Site
6Stakeholder dialogue with King Arthur Pendragon
and Keeper of the Avebury Stones at Stonehenge
7Design exercise addressing the relationship of
roads to landscape
8Walk over survey from St Catherines Hill to
Twyford Down
9Ghost stories from Professor Purseglove at the
Devils Punchbowl
10Learning at the feet of the master! Professor
Purseglove in action at Hindhead
11Observing tunnel construction through The Devils
Punchbowl at Hindhead
12Learning at the feet of the master! Professor
Purseglove in action at Hindhead
13On the road again...!
14Another satisfying field trip!
15Students enjoying class participation
16Class visit to Hockerton Housing Project
17Examining the drinking water supply at Hockerton
Housing Project
18Visiting Woking Combined Heat and Power facility
19Appreciating the artwork at the Eden project
20Behind the scenes tour of the Eden project
21Waste processing facility at the Eden Project
22Eden Project biomass boiler
23Eden Project biomass boiler
24Eden Project Core Building
25Eden Project class exercise
26Visiting Imerys China Clay processing unit
27Camborne Pool and Redruth Heartlands
28Contemplating the end of the field trip!
29Emily, Hanan and Mary Lou at Department Open Day
30MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development
Class of 2008
31The class of 2008
32On Gibbet Hill, Surrey
33The Housing Innovation Park at the Building
Research Establishment (BRE)
34Understanding the constraints at Stonehenge
35Professors Guthrie and Purseglove entertain the
36Dr Fenner explaining...
37Public enquiry role play....
38....and an alternative consensus building approach
39The class in action
40Visiting the HQ of RES at Beaufort Court
41Lunchtime in Cornwall
42At the Wheal Martyn China Clay Heritage Centre
43...this is how we used to do things around here
44Visiting urban regeneration projects in Camborne,
Poole and Redruth
45How to get three students in a wind turbine
46Presenting the results of individual research
projects (Dissertation Conference)
47We did it....celebrating success
48Lining up for the Annual Course Dinner at Corpus
49Rousing words of inspiration to say goodbye
50MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development
Class of 2007
51The class of 2007
52The class of 2007 at the Eden Project, Cornwall
53Professor Jeremy Purseglove explaining the
relationship of roads to landscape
54Presenting a group design exercise during the
Autumn Field Trip
55Collecting water from the River Cam
for analysis with a portable water testing kit
56Students from the Water and Sanitation in
Developing Countries module using a direct
action hand pump
and a high lift Afridev pump,
57 and learning how to dismantle, maintain and
replace a seal on a suction hand pump.
58The Course Director spots something interesting
59Sustainable Urban Drainage at the Wessex Water
sustainable office building at Claverton Down
60Beam Me Up !! visiting a clay drying facility run
by Imerys .
61Post mining regeneration of Cornwall..
the legacy of the China Clay industry near
62Schemes for sustainable urban regeneration in
Camborne, Pool and Redruth
as part of the Spring Field Trip
63 presenting ideas for the 4th biome to the
Project Team at the Eden Project
64The Cornwall Heathland Restoration Project-
returning mining activity to natural landscape
65The control room at Bears Down Wind Farm
Up close and personal with a wind turbine
66MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development
Class of 2006
67The class of 2006
68October Field Trip.on St Catherines Hill,
69Working on a group project
70Sinking a tube well
71Well development
72 MPhil students at CMIs Christmas reception in
New Hall
73On a tour of Four Burrows Wind farm
74Discussing sustainability with staff at the Eden
75Its all over.. Wolfgang Salas with his colour
co-ordinated Dissertation
76MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development
Class of 2005
77The class of 2005
78CMI Welcome Dinner for new MPhil students in
Kings College
79Visiting the energy efficient office building at
the Building Research Establishment
80Group bonding at Stonehenge
81Understanding the relationship between roads and
landscape at Twyford Down
82Many outdoor briefings on the Stonehenge field
83Hurray we made it to the Christmas Party in the
Rat and Parrot
84Dinner at Jesus College with students from MITs
MEng programme
85Professor Guthrie on the rim of the pit at the
Eden Project
86Students interview the project team at the Eden
87Presentations in front of an expert panel
88Ian Davies (Imerys) explains the Cornwall
Heathland Restoration Project
89Students on the balcony at the hotel on the
Cornwall Field Trip
90Role play during the Spring Field Trip
91Fieldwork outside the Eagle Pub
92Staff and students at the Annual Course Dinner in
Queens College
93Toasting the alumni
94A barbecue to celebrate the 4th July
95The class of 2004
96Students working on a design exercise during the
October Field Trip
97Professor Guthrie leading field work in Hampshire
98Examining the notorious road cutting at Twyford
99The site for a proposed road tunnel at Hindhead,
100Food for thought ! Professor Guthrie and Vida
Docherty enjoy dishes from 14 countries provided
by the students at the MPhil Christmas Party
101A joint group of Cambridge MPhil students and MIT
MEng students at Clifton Suspension Bridge,
102Site visit to the Eden project, Cornwall, during
the Spring Field Trip
103Cambridge and MIT students undertake a joint
exercise at the Eden Project
104Sustainable energy -visiting Bears Down Wind Farm
near Padstow
105Football on the seafront at Newquay
106Professor Mike Kelly of CMI launches the Annual
Student Dissertation Conference
107MPhil students explaining the fruits of their
Masters Dissertation during the 3-day
Dissertation Conference
1082nd Annual Course Dinner in Queens College, July
109Celebrating a successful year at the Annual
Course Dinner in Queens College
110MPhil alumni at the 2004 Annual Course Dinner
111MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development
Class of 2003
112The Class of 2003
113Students visiting Integer Eco- House at the
Building Research Establishment
114..studying roads and landscape plans to tunnel
the A303 at Stonehenge
115.. Taking advantage of the photo opportunity
116Jeremy Purseglove of Mott MacDonald explains the
impact of the M3 at Twyford Down
117Visiting Beddington Zero Emissions Development
(BedZED), South London
118Dr David Laws (MIT) leads a field visit as part
of the West Stevenage Case Study
119Dr Brian Lovell (BP Institute) discussing the
impacts of oil extraction in Dorset
120A well deserved pub lunch
121Time for peaceful reflection
122Minimising the visual intrusion and environmental
impact of Wytch Farm gathering station
123Students present their work at the July
Dissertation Conference
124Dr Dick Fenner and Dr Jochen Runde (CMI) chatting
before the annual July alumni dinner
125Celebrating success at the end of the course