Title: An interpretation of the FRBR model
1An interpretation of the FRBR model
- Dr. Victoria Frâncu
- Central University Library
- Bucharest Romania
- Introduction
- From tradition to modernity
- Bibliographic families
- Concluding remarks
3Basic cataloguing principles
- the basic cataloguing principles of Anthony
Panizzi, Charles A. Cutter and Seymour Lubetzky
can be retrieved, Denton (2003) argues, as
updated versions, between the basic lines of the
FRBR model
- the relation work-author groups all the works of
an author - all the editions, translations, adaptations of a
work are clearly separated (as expressions and
manifestations) - all the expressions and manifestations of a work
are collocated with their related works in
bibliographic families - any document (manifestation and item) can be
found if the author, title or subject of that
document is known - the authors name is authorised by the authority
control - the title is an intrinsic part of the work
authority control entity.
5The FRBR model and the functions of the catalogue
- The collocating function clusters entities that
have elements in common which makes the FRBR
model a good knowledge organiser - The finding function enables browsing but also
navigation through a multitude of entities given
the variety of bibliographic relationships the
model provides
6The FRBR model and the integration of traditional
and digital resources
- Tillett (2002) regards online catalogues as parts
of larger systems including portals and gateways
to digital resources combined with traditional
resources - The entity-relation model
- provides enlarged possibilities of access to
related entities integrating traditional and
digital resources - permits improved retrieval, facilitating
navigation through semantic webs and expanding
the limits of the search
7Collocation main objective of the FRBR model
- The linking devices functioning in the current
catalogues main entries, uniform titles, added
entries, multilevel bibliographic descriptions,
related editions, series statements have been
redefined into a variety of bibliographic
relations - This is intended to promote the main objective
of the FRBR model, the collocating function of a
8Bibliographic record in ISBD display
 ENCICLOPEDIA virtuala Nichita Stanescu
Resursa electronica / ed. îngrijita de
Alexandru Condeescu editori Remus Cernea,
Gabriela Bagrinovschi si Catalin Tenita
culegere de text Ioana Chicus . Bucuresti
Muzeul Literaturii Române Societatea Culturala
Noesis, 2003 . 1 disc optic (CD multimedia)
12 cm . Configuratia minima necesara Pentium I
200 Mhz, 64 MB RAM, placa video 4 MB, Microsoft
Reader, Flash Player si DivX . Rezolutia minima
recomandata 800 x600, Windows 9x-XP . Pe disc
09085A 0D03043
821.135.1Stanescu, N.1.01(031)(0.034.4)135.1
821.135.1.09Stanescu, N.(031)(0.034.4)135.1
929Stanescu, N. (0.034.4) 1.
Literatura româna 2. Opere 3. Istorie literara
4. Biografie 5. CD-ROM Multimedia 6.
Enciclopedie (Româna) 8. Stanescu, Nichita
9Contents of the multimedia CD
- The digital resource includes the address of a
web site (http//www.nichitastanescu.net/) that
contains a press release and gives valuable
information on the material in it - the complete works of Nichita Stanescu (poetry
and essays) - texts of interviews
- drawings made by the poet
- the poets biography
- audio-video documents in which he recites his
poetry - fragments of radio and TV interviews
- studies and criticisms on the poets work
- copies of manuscripts and other documents
10Works by NS in Romanian in the BCUB catalogue
- w1 11 elegii / Nichita Stanescu
- e1 11 elegii. - Bucuresti Editura Tineretului,
1966 - e2 11 elegii. - Ed. bilingva. - Bucuresti
Editura Eminescu, 1970 - w2 Amintiri din prezent / selectia textelor si
însemnarea finala de - Gheorghe Tomozei. - Bucuresti
Sport-turism, 1985 - w3 Antimetafizica Nichita Stanescu însotit de
Aurelian Titu - Dumitrescu
- e1 Antimetafizica / postf. Dan Grigorescu. -
Bucuresti Cartea - Româneasca, 1985
- e2 Antimetafizica / pref. de Alexandru Paleologu
postf. de Dan- - Silviu Boerescu. Ed. a 2-a.
- Bucuresti Allfa, cop. 1998
11Translated Works by NS in the BCUB catalogue
- w1 11 elegii 11 élégies / Nichita Stanescu. -
Ed. bilingva. - Bucuresti Editura Eminescu,
1970 - w2 Jedino moj zivot izbor stihova i eseja /
Nikita Stanesku sa rumunskog preveo Adam
Puslojic. - Beograd Knjizvne Novine, 1984 - w3 La leçon sur le cercle / Nichita Stanescu
version française par Constantin Crisan. -
Bucuresti Minerva, 1988 - w4 Nekas nav cits dzeja / Nikita Stenesku. -
Riga Liesma, 1977 - w5 Perevod s rumynskogo / Nikita Stanesku, Marin
Sorescu, Ana Blandiana, Ion Aleksandru. - Moskva
Izd-stvo Progress, 1974 - w6 Poezii Poezija / Nichita Stanescu prepev
od romanski Tasko Sarov priredile Dimitri M.
Jon, Tasko Sarov. - Skopje Makedonska Kniga,
1982 - w7 Unfinished work / Nichita Stanescu transl.
Stavros Deligiorgis. - Bucuresti Cartea
Româneasca, 1979
12Works by NS in full text version on the
multimedia CD
- Â
- w1 Poezii nepublicate în volum I, II, III
- w2 Sensul iubirii, 1963
- w3 O viziune a sentimentelor 1964
- w4 Dreptul la timp, 1965
- w5 11 elegii, 1966 (see also slides 8 and 9)
- etc.
13Structure of the parent work
14Structure of the Video section
15The FRBR/CRM Harmonization Groups view
- A Composite work is a Work, expressed in
Self-contained Expression and consists of several
Self-contained parts (slide 13) or Fragment
expressions (slide 14) - At the Expression level, it is important to
recognize the distinction between Self-contained
Expressions (i.e. Expressions that constitute
wholes), and Fragment Expressions (i.e.
Expressions that were detached from a
Self-contained Expression)
16Conclusions of the FRBR/CRM SIG regarding
Composite works
- Work has member Self-Contained Expression
- Expression Fragment is subsumed in (Is A)
Expression - Self-Contained Expression is subsumed in (Is
A) Expression - Self-Contained Expression has part
Self-Contained Expression - Expression Fragment is fragment of Expression
17Concluding remarks
- Terminology is still heterogeneous (different
applications of the FRBR conceptual model give
different names to entities dealt with) - Applications are still restrictive (in AustLit
the non-book material is excluded from the
database, the RLG (RedLightGreen) of OCLC employs
2 bibliographic levels out of 4) - The future catalogues built according to the FRBR
conceptual structure are expected to be able to
make the appropriate distinction between
different kinds of materials (GDMs), group
together all entities that have shared
attributes, make appropriate bibliographic
relations among categories of documents
18Concluding remarks
- The complexity of the FRBR conceptual model is
expected be tuned to the complexity of the work
to be catalogued sparing the cataloguers efforts
and avoiding redundancy - The integration of traditional library material
with digital resources and, recently, with museum
objects within the same conceptual framework and
their treatment in a consistent way are highly
demanded but also extremely helpful in the
context of global access to information resources