Title: Kuali OLE
1Kuali OLE
- Reflections on our first year of collaborative
software development
Robert H. McDonald, Indiana University Molly
Tamarkin, Duke University Mike Winkler,
University of Pennsylvania
- What is Kuali Open Library Environment?
- Year one deliverables
- Lessons from our first year
- Year two roadmap and deliverables
- A look at our architecture
- First code release, project strategies, joining
3Kuali ole is part of the Kuali foundation
- Open source software by higher education, for
higher education - Community source development approach
- Examples are Kuali Financial System (KFS), Kuali
Coeus, Kuali Mobility, Kuali Ready - See kuali.org
4How The foundation works
- Community approach
- Golden rule those who bring the gold make the
rules - Partners tender resources to a project and direct
development - Each project has its own governance
- Collaboration among like-minded institutions
- Software
- No licensing fees
- Non-proprietary code
- Sustainability through partner contributions
- Commercial partners provide market for services
and support
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6Kuali OLE founding partners
7OLE goals principles
- Community-source library management system
- Next-gen technology environment
- Re-examine library business operations
- Break away from print-based workflows
- Reflect the changing nature of library materials
and new approaches to scholarly work - Integrate with enterprise-level systems
8Year 1 deliverablesJuly 2010June 2011
- Develop and Execute Software Development Contract
- HTC Global Services-Detroit, MI started with 4
staff now 16 - will move toward 22 in next
quarter - Hire and Engage Kuali OLE Core Team
- 7 member team based at Indiana University just
hired 2 more Business Analysts - Create Governance Structure
- Formed Project Board, Functional Council,
Technical Council
9Year 1 deliverablesJuly 2010June 2011
- Formed teams led by FC members
- Deliver, Select Acquire, Describe Manage,
Workflows, Data Model, Communications, and User
Stories - Created agile framework and timeline
- Developed User Story Process
- Demoed prototype Kuali OLE 0.2 at Spring 2011
CNI meeting
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11Questions Kuali foundation Kuali OLE
goals year one deliverables
12Lessons from year one
- There is no set it and forget it
- Governance structure
- Team management
- Meeting management
- Project communications
- Product does not trump process
- Without adjusting process and governance, you
will not improve product capacity
13lessons from year one
- Extensive reliance on volunteer input requires
that we make careful use of volunteer time - Meetings need clear rationales for existence
- Outcomes need to be clear
- Failures to meet objectives should lead to
process adjustment - Listen to staff concerns
- Agendas need to be community-driven
- Decide act assess adjust repeat
14Governance changes
- Created process to rotate leadership of
functional council - Created vice-chair role
- Created role of board liaison
- Disbanded technical council and shifted
membership to specific spec areas
15Process changes
- From FC-led themed teams
- Deliver, Select Acquire, Describe Manage,
Workflows, Data Model, Communications, and User
Stories - To FC-led Tiger Teams
- Teams comprised of core team rep, FC rep, and TC
rep. - Designed to address spec writing bottleneck
- Active Tiger teams are Scope Roadmap Select
Acquire Describe Deliver Manage Entity
Relationship Systems Integration - Still have Communications and User Stories teams
- Created more face-to-face workshops designed for
focused spec writing efforts
16Roadmap Basics
- Where were going
- How well get there
- Functional priorities
- straight line process
- Infrastructure to build
- Minimal deliverables
- Areas to research
17Roadmaps past Present
- Winnowing user stories to 2000
- Architectural development
- Adapting KFS for Select Acquire
- Adopt Apache Jackrabbit for metadata
- Kuali Rice for workflow
- Support multiple descriptive metadata formats
- Complete Select Acquire, Deliver, Describe, and
begin creating implementation tools - Code release in November and April
18Future roadmap
- Full release mid-year two in December 2012
- Last half of year two will be tweaking,
documentation, and implementation plans - Year three will focus on
- Implementation
- Documentation
- Migration
- Commercial partnerships
19Questions lessons learned governance
process changes Roadmaps
20Interpreting our goals architecturally
- Kuali OLE is a service-oriented toolbox for
enterprise library management - Financial management budgeting that can
interoperate with the ERP - Workflow rules engine to manage business
process - ETL tools data integration pathways to ease
integration of data into OLE - Standard interfaces to OLE data functions to
enable easy and robust integration - Service bus and service registry to document
manage the OLE API
21Kuali ole architecture
- Transactional System based upon Kuali Financials
- Core system driven by Java-based Kuali Rice
- Database agnostic (developed on Oracle)
- Bibliographic data accessed using SOLR/Lucene
indexing - Jackrabbit
- Development environment on Amazon EC Cloud
22Tiered data storage
Relational Data (Fund, status, administrative)
Semantic Relationships (Collections, tagging,
Descriptive Data (MARCXML, EAD, VRA, ERMI, etc)
Document Repository
Semantic Repository
Relational Repository
Document Index
Data Store
Kuali OLE
Kuali Rice
Document Broker
Semantic Broker
SQL Broker
3rd Parties
Messaging Queues (Kuali Enterprise Service Bus)
Services Repository
Kuali Identity Mgmt (KIM)
Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW)
Kuali Enterprise Notification (KEN)
Kuali Financial System (KFS)
3rd Party Interfaces
23Release 0.3
- Cloud instance and downloadable code
- Provides flexible document store
- Provides faced searching for internal management
(public interface-neutral) - Supports basic material selection and acquisition
- http//kuali.org/test-drives
24Kuali OLE in Sum
- Innovative Technologies
- Document store
- Flexible workflows
- More than building software deep project
collaboration - Members have direct representation and influence
- We are open and transparent
- Transforming research libraries
- Ownership of workflow lets us focus our staff
- Permits strategic integration with new partners
i.e. discovery
25Wait, theres more
- Workflow over module-based system
- Layered functionality ready for localization
- Breaks down our metadata silos
- Combines them under integrated, flexible
management - Strength through community
- Open for review
- Shared risk and mitigating risk through
partnership - Diversity of views, experience, needs
26Engaging with us
- Lets talk (Robert at rhmcdona_at_indiana.edu)
- Not too late to join year three development
- Interested in consortial and cloud approaches
- _at_kualiole on twitter
- Blog http//kualiole.tumblr.com
- Project site http//kuali.org/OLE
27Questions architecture releases
technologies partnerships