Title: Fall 2001 Blackboard Faculty Survey
1Fall 2001BlackboardFaculty Survey
- Blackboard Courseinfo 4.1.0
- ITAC, Bradley University
2Rate your computer skills
1 advanced 2 intermediate 3 novice
Total responses 35
3Rate your expertise in using online technologies
1 advanced 2 intermediate 3 novice
Total responses 35
4Before Blackboard, how had you used the web for
teaching ?
1 didnt use the web for
teaching 2 created a web site for
course materials 3 stored files on a server for
students to download 4 used Cyberprof 5
used Hypernews
Total responses 35
5How often do you use Blackboard ?
1 everyday 2 3 to 4 times per week 3 once
or twice a week 4 just a few times a month
Total responses 35
6How many total hours have you spent using
Blackboard for one class ?
1 1-5 hours 2 6-10 hours 3 11-15 hours 4
16-20 hours 5 21 hours
Total responses 34
7How many of your lessons/lectures have been
completely online ?
1 None 2 1-2 3 3-5 4 6-15 5 an entire
class is online
Total responses 34
8Which Content tools you have used and how often ?
9Which Communication tools you have used and how
often ?
10Which Assessment tools you have used and how
often ?
11Why did you choose to use Blackboard ?
1 because it was said to be easy to
learn 2 for distance learning 3 to have
students use the technology 4 to
challenge yourself 5 to do something new 6 to
provide students greater access to
materials 7 to provide students with a
greater variety of ways to communicate
with you and their classmates
Total responses 33
12Would you have tried online teaching without
Blackboard ?
1 yes 2 no
Total responses 34
13Has Blackboard changed student learning?
35 responses
- No - 31
- Improved access to information - 14
- Improved communication faster quizzes - 14
- Increased use of technology - 6
- Improved student collaboration - 6
- Other comments - 3 each
- Students were better prepared in class
- Students were more satisfied
- Frees up more time in class
- Students had no excuse for not getting extra
materials - Helped synchronize on and off campus programs
14Has Blackboard changed you expectations of your
35 responses
- No - 54
- Expect them to be responsible for materials and
quizzes - 20 - Other comments - 3 each
- Expect them to know the technology
- Expect them not to demand re-teaching of the
material if they miss - Expect them to be more conscientious in
communicating with instructor and peers
15What have been your students reactions or
attitudes toward using Blackboard?
- Positive/accepting - 54
- Dont know - 14
- Very few complaints - 9
- Mixed - 6
- Especially liked online grade book - 6
- Other comments - 3 each
- Time consuming and frustrating if too much
material is available - Satisfied with discussion board
- Graduate students will need more experience
- Slow to get used to
- Not used much
35 responses
16How has Blackboard provided benefits to your
students ?
1 easier access to materials 2 available
anytime, anywhere 3 provides one-to-one contact
with instructor and other
students 4 Blackboard hasnt provided
Total responses 33
17What Blackboard features worked well for you?
35 responses
- Course Documents - 31
- Grade Book - 29
- Announcements - 23
- Discussion Board - 14
- Email - 14
- All of the features - 14
- Quizzes - 9
- Groups - 9
- Drop box - 9
18What Blackboard features didnt work well for you?
35 responses
- Grade Book is too constraining - 11
- Adding materials to Course Documents is very
time consuming - 11 - Chat - 11
- Quizzes - 11
- Drop box needs to have more compatible file types
- 9
19How did Blackboard affect the amount of
information you could provide students?
35 responses
- Increased - 34
- No impact - 11
- Made it easier to get information to students -
11 - Faster dissemination of information - 11
- Frees up more time for discussion in class - 11
- Other comments - 3 each
- Reduced paper
- Permitted access to visuals
20How much time are you spending interacting
one-on-one with students in a course using
Blackboard compared to a class you teach that
doesnt use Blackboard ?
1 more time interacting 2 less time
interacting 3 about the same 4 doesnt apply
Total responses 34
21How much time is required in order to learn
Blackboard ?
1 0-3 hours 2 4-6 hours 3 7-9 hours 4 10
Total responses 33
22How much time did it take for you to feel
comfortable using Blackboard ?
1 0-2 weeks 2 3-5 weeks 3 6 weeks
Total responses 32
23What is your reaction or attitude toward using
35 responses
- Positive/liked it - 94
- Mixed - 6
- Would like to explore more ways to use it - 17
- Need more time to work on it - 6
- Wish I were in a mediated classroom in order to
use Blackboard more in class - 6
24Has Blackboard met your expectations?
35 responses
- Yes - 74
- Mixed - 9
- Easy to use - 11
- Other comments - 3 each
- Not as responsive to variation
- Scanned documents are not an efficient use of
time - Thought it would be easier to upload groups of
materials - Provides immediate feedback
- Makes materials very accessible
- Not pleased with grade book
- Features of Discussion board and drop box are
25What obstacles have you encountered?
35 responses
- Time constraints - 23
- Slow response time - 9
- Difficult to access from home - 6
- Students dont look at announcements often - 6
- Other comments - 3 each
- Problem with file types
- Need more mediated classrooms
- Doesnt link within the site
- Need easier way of working with multiple sections
of a course - Problem storing quizzes
- Student dependency on reminders
- Instructors tendency to over use Blackboard
- No obstacles
26Have the benefits received justified the time
invested to learn and use Blackboard?
35 responses
- Yes - 94
- No, or not yet - 6
- It increases aptness with technology as well as
organizing data - 14 - Provides immediate communication and feedback
with students - 9 - Other comments - 3 each
- Less copying and paper use
- Easy to learn
- Students no longer call about their grades
27What are the primary advantages to teaching using
23 responses
- Better access to materials and each other - 78
- More organization - 13
- More communication with students - 13
- Less hassle with grades - 13
- Archive of class - 9
- No duplicating expenses - 9
- Secured access - 9
28What are the primary disadvantages to teaching
using Blackboard?
19 responses
- Time required to learn and use - 26
- None - 21
- More effort, need more secretarial staff time -
11 - Other comments - 5 each
- This is skills training, not education
- Limited tools
- Worried about network or server being down
- Less face to face contact, mentoring, role
modeling, general classroom exchange - Not sure about its assessment value
29How can support services be improved?
22 responses
- Training and support has been great - 45
- Other comments - 5 each
- Provide release time
- Provide production assistance
- More mediated classrooms
- Add a tutorial for students
30What are your requirements to succeed in using
26 responses
- Time to learn and time to produce - 35
- Patience - 12
- No additional needs - 12
- Continue one-on-one training - 12
- Better technology - 8
- Other comments - 4 each
- Priority
- More refined training program
- Acrobat writer
- Better network speed
- Self-initiative
31What support do your students need?
27 responses
- Training seminar or presentation - 26
- Students seemed fine without support - 15
- Having a support person to call - 7
- Knowledge of how to use computers and software -
7 - A course or packaged materials for training
purposes - 7 - Add Blackboard to EHS 120 or freshman orientation
so students are exposed when they first come to
Bradley - 7
32What will you need to continue or expand your use
of technology?
24 responses
- More sophisticated applications - 17
- Ability to produce streaming video and stand
alone materials for self-paced study - 17 - Time, release time - 13
- More computer classrooms - 8
- Continued excellent support - 8
- Other comments - 4 each
- Personal laptops
- Ability to upload groups of files for multiple
courses - Better, faster computer
33Additional comments?
16 responses
- The support has been great - 44
- Really proud we adopted Blackboard - 13
- Other comments - 6 each
- I like Blackboard very much, even though it was
not my first choice - I want one-on-one interactions with students. I
dont want Blackboard to reduce this.
34Do you intend to continue to use Blackboard ?
1 yes 2 no
Total responses 34
35Would you be interested in participating in any
future Blackboard Focus or Advisory Groups ?
1 yes 2 no
Total responses 24
36Thank You