Title: United Flight 173
1United Flight 173
- Denver to Portland, OR
- 181 passengers, 8 crew members
- Landing delayed for 1 hour due to landing gear
malfunction - Crashed 6 minutes short of airport due to
insufficient fuel - 10 fatalities
- BTW flight crew properly certified, aircraft
properly certified and maintained
2United Flight 173
- What are the main reasons the cockpit crew
allowed the aircraft to run out of fuel?
3(No Transcript)
4The Crash
- Individuals
- Captains lack of leadership
- Frostys unassertiveness
- Group
- Respect for each others knowledge
- Comments ignored
- Intergroup
- Communication breakdown between cockpit and tower
- Organization
- Hierarchical culture
- Rules and procedures
5Factors Affecting Group Performance
- External Context
- reward system
- organization structure
- org. culture and politics
- education
- phys/fin/info resources
- Performance
- Task accomplishment
- Satisfaction of members
- Can work together again
- Group Process
- communication
- conflict
- decision-making
- development
- execution
- Membership
- motivation, effort
- skills and knowledge
- personalities
- Team Structure
- size
- diversity
- roles
- cohesion
- norms
6Common Pitfalls in Managing Teams
- Assembling a group of smart people, telling them
in general terms what needs to be accomplished
and let them work out the details - Calling it a team but managing it as a set of
individuals - Not finding the right balance between assigning
and withholding authority - Believing that agreement is good, and that
disagreement and conflict are always bad
7Team Effectiveness Criteria
- 1. Does the teams output meet the standards of
those who have to use that output? - 2. Does the team experience enhance the
capability of the members to work together in the
future? - 3. Does the team experience contribute to the
personal well-being and development of the
8Organizational context
- Reward system
- positive consequences for excellent performance
- focus on group (not individual)
- Education and other resources
- Information system
- allows situation assessment
- allows evaluation of alternative strategies
9Group design
- Size
- Skills
- task-relevant
- interpersonal
- Diversity
- Boundaries
- Roles/Norms
10Questions to Ask in Designing a Team
- What type of teamwork is needed?
- What skills do you need represented on the team
(both content area skills and teamwork skills)? - How much and what types of diversity do you want?
- How big should the team be?
- To what extent do you want to define different
roles for team members? - What are the teams goals and what deliverables
are expected (and when)?
11Effects of Team Size
- Advantages of
- Small Size
- Easier coordination
- More input from members
- High motivation, commitment, and satisfaction
- Less diffusion of responsibility social loafing
- Advantages of
- Large Size
- More resources at the teams disposal (ideas,
perspectives, labor) - More potential for division of labor
12Task Structure
- Interdependent
- Clear involving clear objectives
- Requires varied high-level skills
- Identifiable
- Significant
- Opportunities for feedback
13A Groups Performance Does Not Always Equal its
Potential Performance
Potential Performance
Process Gains
Process Losses
Actual Performance
Potential performance The level of performance
that one would expect given the capabilities of
the individual members Process gains Increases
in performance resulting from effective
coordination and motivation Process losses
Performance difficulties that a group experiences
due to coordination and motivation problems (e.g.
social loafing)
14Common Traps
- Leader abdication Leaders withdraw from their
team and become less involved. The result -
chaos, confusion, lack of direction. - Succession-less planning Key people on a team
leave / replaced. The result - break in
continuity and developmental regression. - Team arrogance A team becomes so immersed in
their task that it doesn't consider the impact
its actions may have over others. - Undefined accountability When ownership of
decisions and action items is ill/not defined
teams make decisions without subsequent actions.
The result - diffused responsibility and
consequently lack of progress. - Disruptive team member It takes only one rotten
appleif a disruptive member is not dealt with
directly and effectively the performance of the
entire team can be damaged. - Poor teamwork habits Teams that lack explicit
ground rules damage their potential for
successful collaboration - Decision by default Teams that develop a
tendency to postpone decisions and or defer to
hierarchy when needing to decide make a decision
by default rather than by choice. - Varied team member contributions Teams with
uneven distribution of workload have their key
members becoming frustrated, resentful and
consequently uninterested in delivering high
levels of productivity.
15Some Examples of Process Losses
- Process can be time consuming ? Boredom, fatigue,
apathy, reduced effort - Failure to exert sufficient effort (e.g.,
laziness, individuals are not prepared). - Diffusion of responsibility ? less effort.
- Groups may be dominated by one or more members
- will pull groups performance in the direction of
their individual performance level - Personal or political agendas may dominate
- Group experiences dysfunctional levels of
conflict reduces members ability to learn from
each other
16Some Examples of Process Losses
- Failure to use knowledge and skills of members
due to poor process - Members being unduly influenced by each other
(groupthink, the Abilene paradox) - Poor group process leads to inefficient
information sharing (failure to share unique
information tendency to share shared
information so-called pluralistic ignorance).
17Common Sources of Process Losses
- Lack of common goal
- Personal Agendas
- Political Agendas
- Diffusion of Responsibility
- Conformity Pressures
- Dysfunctional Conflict
18Using Groups to Make Decisions
- Advantages
- Greater range and diversity of information and
ideas - Potential for synergistic problem solving
- Better memory and error detection
- Encourages participation and buy-in which
facilitates decision implementation
- Disadvantages
- Process can be time consuming
- Personal or political agendas
- Domination by one or more members
- Diffusion of responsibility
- Conformity pressures and/or Groupthink
- Dysfunctional conflict
19Improving Team Decision-Making
- Identify the problem or opportunity, clarify
objectives performance criteria - Analyze the problem
- Development of ideas alternatives (e.g.,
brainstorming, nominal group technique) - Critical evaluation of ideas alternatives
- Value dissent
- Support the minority opinion
- Identify best ideas alternatives
- Implement decisions assess effectiveness
- Emphasize flexibility adaptability over time
20Team Performance Curve
Task Performance
High Performing Team
15 20
- Key developmental activities include
- Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
Period of Inertia Period of Transition
Period of Inertia
- Execute new
- strategies
- New norms enacted
- No discussion
- of process
- Team is created
- Team identifies strategy
- Norms enacted
- No discussion of process
- Drop old patterns
- Revise norms
- Revise strategies
15 work completed Task completed
22Transition points
- Midpoints or transitions are crucial to team
outcomes - Opportunity to set goals, alter norms and acquire
key resources - Ineffective management of transition points has
significant opportunity cost - Managing transitions
- Proactively generate midpoint
- Anticipate transition work and execute it prior
to the midpoint