Title: CS 4750 User Interface Design
1CS 4750User Interface Design
Spring 2004
- Jeff Pierce
- jpierce_at_cc.gatech.edu
- Introductions
- Course Information
- A little about HCI its History
- Project Information
3Introductions Jeff Pierce
- Carnegie Mellon 01, CoC GVU 02
- Human-Computer Interaction (with a CS flavor)
- Cool projects
- 3D Interaction
- DisneyQuest
- Alice
- Sensing Techniques
- for Mobile Devices
- Opportunistic Annexing
4Introductions You (Index Card)
- Name, Degree, Research Focus, your N
- What youd like to get out of the class
- Previous HCI experience
- An interesting fact about yourself
- Pictures! (later)
5Course Information
- Books
- Interaction Design by Preece, Rogers, and Sharp.
Wiley 2002. - The Design of Everyday Things, by Donald Norman.
Currency/Doubleday, 1990. - Web
- http//www.cc.gatech.edu/classes/AY2004/cs4750b_sp
ring/ - Syllabus
- Lectures
- Assignments
- Co-web (swiki)
- HCI resources
6Course Information
- Grading
- Mid-term final exams (30)
- Group project, 4 parts (40)
- More to come...
- Homeworks (20)
- Usually one week to do, 4 of them
- Participation (10)
- Class involvement
- Extra Credit (up to 5 pts on final grade)
- Case studies on co-web
7Course Information
- Resources
- Previous courses, courses elsewhere
- Content, lectures, projects,
- Books
- Web sites
- Go further
- Move beyond lectures book
- Further courses
- Step into research
8Course Overview
- Requirements Gathering
- How do you know what to build?
- Design
- How do you build the best UI you can?
- Evaluation
- How do you make sure people can use it?
- Human abilities
- Also interface paradigms, human abilities, case
studies, next-generation interfaces, etc.
9Course Aims
- 1. To make you notice interfaces, good and bad
- Youll never look at doors the same way again
- 2. To help you realize no one gets an interface
right on the first try - Yes, even the experts
- 3. To teach you tools and techniques to help you
iteratively improve your designs - Because you can eventually get it right
10Course Evolution
- Were going to try something a little different
this year
11And Now A Little Background
- HCI what is it?
- Can you define / describe it?
- What happens when a human and a computer get
together to perform a task - task - write document, calculate budget, solve
equation, learn about Bosnia, drive home,... - Yes, thats a little simplistic.
- Key points are that user has to
- Express task (execution)
- Interpret results (evaluation)
- Note not just desktop computers!
13Goals of HCI
- Allow users to carry out tasks
- Safely
- Effectively
- Efficiently
- Enjoyably
- Important issue
- Combination of
- Ease of learning
- High speed of user task performance
- Low user error rate
- Subjective user satisfaction
- User retention over time
15UI Design / Develop Process
- User-Centered Design
- Analyze users goals tasks
- Create design alternatives
- Evaluate options
- Implement prototype
- Test
- Refine
16Know Thy Users!
- Physical cognitive abilities ( special needs)
- Personality culture
- Knowledge skills
- Motivation
- Two Fatal Mistakes
- Assume all users are alike
- Assume all users are like the designer
You Are Here
17Design Evaluation
- Both subjective and objective metrics
- Some things we can measure
- Time to learn
- Speed of performance
- Rate of errors by user
- Retention over time
- Subjective satisfaction
18The WIMP Plateau, or Where are We Now?
WIMP (Windows)
User Productivity
Command Line
1980s - Present
1940s 1950s
1960s 1970s
19Batch Processing
- Computer had one task, performed sequentially
- No interaction between operator and computer
after starting the run - Punch cards, tapes for input
- Serial operations
20Innovator Vannevar Bush
- As We May Think - 1945 Atlantic Monthly
- publication has been extended far beyond our
- present ability to make real use of the record.
- Postulated Memex device
- Stores all records/articles/communications
- Items retrieved by indexing, keywords, cross
- references (now called hyperlinks)
- (Envisioned as microfilm, not computer)
- Interactive and nonlinear components are key
- http//www.theatlantic.com/unbound/flashbks/comput
21Paradigm Command Line (Mid 1960s)
- Computers too expensive for individuals -gt
timesharing - increased accessibility
- interactive systems, not jobs
- text processing, editing
- email, shared file system
Need for HCI
22Innovator Ivan Sutherland
- SketchPad - 63 PhD thesis at MIT
- Hierarchy - pictures subpictures
- Master picture with instances (ie, OOP)
- Constraints
- Icons
- Copying
- Light pen as input device
- Recursive operations
23Innovator Douglas Englebart
- Landmark system/demo
- hierarchical hypertext, multimedia, mouse,
high-res display, windows, shared files,
electronic messaging, CSCW, teleconferencing, ...
Inventor of mouse
24Innovator Alan Kay
- Dynabook - Notebook sized computer loaded with
multimedia and can store everything - Personal
- computing
- Desktop
- interface
- Overlapping
- windows
25Paradigm WIMP / GUI
- Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers
- Graphical User Interface
- Timesharingmulti-user now we need multitasking
- WIMP interface allows you to do several things
simultaneously - Has become the familiar GUI interface
- Xerox Alto, Star early Apples
26PCs with GUIs
- Xerox PARC - mid 1970s
- Alto
- local processor, bitmap display, mouse
- Precursor to modern GUI,windows, menus,
scrollbars - LAN - Ethernet
27Xerox Star - 1981
- First commercial PC designed for business
professionals - desktop metaphor, pointing, WYSIWYG, high degree
of consistency and simplicity - First system based on usability engineering
- Paper prototyping and analysis
- Usability testing and iterative refinement
28Xerox Star - 1981
- Commercial flop
- 15k cost
- closed architecture
- lacking key functionality(spreadsheet)
29Apple Lisa - 1982
- Based on ideas of Star
- More personal rather than office tool
- Still
- Failure
30Apple Macintosh - 1984
- Aggressive pricing - 2500
- Not trailblazer, smart copier
- Good interface guidelines
- 3rd party applications
- High quality graphics and laser printer
31Next Paradigms?
- Several candidates, including
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Mobile Computing
- 3D Interaction
32Paradigm Ubiquitous Computing
- Person is no longer user of single device but
occupant of computationally-rich environment - Can no longer neglect macro-social aspects
- Desktops, laptops, PDAs, cell phones,
33Paradigm Mobile Computing
- Devices used in a variety of contexts
- Employ sensors to understand how user is working
with devices
34Paradigm 3D Interaction
- Six degree-of-freedom input
- Draw on spatial memory, proprioception,
kinesthesis, two-handed interaction
35- And now more about that project thing.
36Project Structure
- Design and evaluate an interface
- 0 - Team formation topic choice
- 1 - Understand the problem
- 2 - Design alternatives
- 3 - Prototype evaluation plan
- 4 Evaluation revision
- Main 4 parts worth 10 each
37Project Details
- Part 0 - Topic definition 1/15
- Identify team topic, create swiki page
- Part 1 - Understanding the problem 2/5
- Describe tasks, users, environment, social
context - What are implications for design?
38Project Details
- Part 2 - Design alternatives 2/26
- Storyboards, mock-ups for multiple different
designs - Explain decisions
- Part 3 - System prototype eval plan - 3/25
- Semi-working interface functionality
- Plan for conducting evaluation
39Project Details
- Part 4 Evaluation Revision 4/22
- Conduct evaluation with example users
- Characterize whats working and whats not
- Fix what you can, explain how youd fix the rest
40Project Groups
- 4 people
- You decide
- Diverse is best!
- Consider schedules
- Cool name
- Thursday brainstorm idea, meet potential group
41Project Presentations
- Informal poster session
- Feedback on ideas, both class periods
- Feb. 24
- Other students and expert gallery
- Formal project presentation
- Final week of classes
- 10-15 minute summary
42What Makes a Good Project
- Access to domain experts users
- Real clients
- Interesting human issues
- Rich domain for design
43Previous Project Topics
- Mobile/handheld (cars, tour guides, etc.)
- Wedding planner
- Calendar agent (speech)
- Audio / Web sites
- More on Class Co-Web
- http//swiki.cc.gatech.edu8080/cs4750
44Whats Next
- Overview of Interaction Design
- Project Brainstorming
- Start reading (ch. 6)