Bormio 2004 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bormio 2004


for the BRAHMS collaboration. An update on the search for novel states of matter ... The BRAHMS data are consistent with a Color Glass ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bormio 2004

Bormio 2004
Are there high energy phase transitions in the
QCD phase diagram?
An update on the search for novel states of
matter at the RHIC accelerator in Brookhaven,
New York.
Bjørn H. Samset University of Oslo
Norway for the BRAHMS
Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Physics
  • We observe hot and dense nuclear matter
    created in heavy ion collisions

Goal To observe and understand the nature and
properties ofstrongly interactingmatter at
extreme and novel conditions.
  • We try to understand matter in the very early
    universe and in the core of neutron stars.
  • We see if these observations can give us an
    understanding of QCD deconfinement and the
    transition to approximate chiral symmetry

In this talk Two novel kinds of matter
are under study.
  • The Quark-gluon Plasma what is it and one
    approach to looking
    for it.
  • The Color Glass Condensate a new(er) idea of a
    universal state of
    high-energy QCD matter.
  • Jets a tool for searching for both of these
  • Recent data from RHIC mostly from BRAHMS but
    also from other experiments.

The Quark-Gluon Plasma?
QCD predicts that under extreme conditions a
novel phase of mattermay exist
Is this state realized in nature? If so, this
would be both a strong argument for QCD as the
theory of the strong interaction, and
interesting in that it will increase our
understanding of neutronstars, the birth of the
Universe andshe properties of the elusive
strong nuclear force.
RHIC and BRAHMSDesigned to look for the QGP
  • RHIC data
  • In operation since 1999
  • Has collided AuAu, pp and dAu
  • Max. AuAu center-of-mass energy

Jets a probe of novel states of matter?
There are many proposed signatures for a phase
transition in heavyion collisions. One that has
become very interesting at RHIC isthe fate of
particles of high transverse momentum - jets.
'Jet tomography'
What we measure Charged particle production
BRAHMS PRL 91 (2003)072305 Reference spectrum
UA1 scaled to our acceptance
The Nuclear Modification Factor
We need some way to extract the information that
is specific to nucleus-nucleus interactions. Enter
the Nuclear Modification Factor
  • Numerator The number of charged particles
    produced in an AAcollision, per unit of rapidity
    and transverse momentum.
  • Denominator The same for an NN collision,
    multiplied by thenumber of such collisions in an
    AA collision.

If AA s pp, then RAA1
SPS energies The Cronin effect
  • At SPS (CERN) RAA factors from PbPb show an
    enhancement ofparticle production in for
    ptgt2GeV/c. Known as the Cronin effect,it comes
  • low energy particleswill get a 'kick' bythe
  • higher energy particleswill supply this kick,
    and so get slowed down
  • At RHIC, however...

RAA from AuAu at
  • Suppression of high-pt particles in central
  • No suppression for more peripheral collisions
  • Suppression seems stronger at higher

...this fits with a picture of a hot and dense
medium formingin central AA collisions
somewhere between SPS and RHIC energies. But
could it also be just an effect of the nuclear
initial state? Let's compare with a system that
should have no extendedhot medium produced
dAu collisions at the samecenter-of-mass energy.
BRAHMS PRL 91 (2003)072305
RdA from AuAu at
BRAHMS PRL 91 (2003)072305
  • For dAu collisions, we get back the Cronin
    enhancement seen at SPS
  • The high-pt suppression does not seem to be due
    to the initial state
  • least at midrapidity. We'll look at
    forward y in a minute.

STAR data What happens to the far-side jets?
The far-side jets disappearin central AuAu
only,not in pp or dAu.
STAR Collaboration PRL 91,072304
Cover of PRL twice...
The data indicate that a hot and dense mediumhas
been produced in central AuAu collisionsat RHIC
energies. Wether this medium can besaid to be a
'Quark-Gluon Plasma' remains tobe seen
theoretical interpretations and opinionsstill
differ. But what was this about dAu at forward
The Color Glass Condensate
Stand still and look at a proton coming towards
you at evergreater speeds. What do you see?
Answer A certain distribuion of quarks
andgluons, as measured by e.g. the HERA
Proton at low energies
  • Q² is momentum transfer between the probe and
    the incoming nucleus
  • x is the fraction of proton momentum carried
    by the probed parton

HERA gluon distribution function
The Color Glass Condensate
At low x, high Q² the protonsaturates with
About the name Color It is a state composed of
colored partons, itinteracts strongly via the
strong force. Glass It is a dynamic state, but
it can be shown that itevolves slowly compared
to the timescale of anultrarelativistic heavy
ion collision quite like glass. Condensate The
many compressed gluons (bosons!) take on
properties akin to a Bose-Einstein Condensate.
Proton at high energies
  • The CGC is a state that
  • is calculable with classical field theory
  • is universal and independ of the hadron(s) which
    generates it
  • should make up the initial state in an AA
    collision at high energy

(for a description of both QGP and the CGC see
CGC Predictions for RHIC
The CGC is a nice initial state, because it is
calculable. But does it exist? In what part of
phase space should we look for it at RHIC?
Answer (from QCD, PDFs and phenomenology...)
In the range 0.5GeV/c lt pt lt 4GeV/c at
y3 Here BRAHMS is unique at RHIC.
D. Kharzeev et al. Phys.Rev.D68094013,2003
BRAHMS spectra from dAu and pp
  • Spectra represent 50 of BRAHMS dataset from
    2001 and 2003
  • More rapidities (i.e. spectrometer angles) will
    be analyzed
  • pp data are well reproduced by PYTHIA/HIJING
  • dAu data are well reproduced by HIJING

RdA factors vs. rapidity
Centrality dependence - RCP
RCP data from centralcollisions dividedby
From a CGC we expect more suppression in central
collisions, since the condensate will be denser.
This effect should become apparentas we go
higher in rapidity towards the saturation regime.
Centrality dependence - RCP
RCP data from centralcollisions dividedby
  • The BRAHMS data are consistent with a Color
    GlassCondensate interpretations, and good
    predictions weremade based on this
  • other possible explanations are being developed
    (e.g. valence quark fragmentation)
  • the CGC model is an extrapolation of a
    theoretical idea quite a long extrapolation
  • So The CGC is currently a hot but dense topic in
    the heavy ion community. We've shown the data
    now weneed cool-headed interpretations.

The expected dependence on centrality is seen at
high rapidity, but at lower rapidities this
dependence is reversed. This has, as far as I
know, not been predicted by any theory yet. (Not
really been looked at either...)
Summary what are we cooking at RHIC?
The behaviour of high-pt particles at RHIC
indicates that
  • The collision initial state can be seen as two
    slabs of strongly interacting colored glass
    colliding at vc. Now calculable?
  • A hot and dense deconfined medium forms,
    which then maybe thermalizes into a
    quark-gluon plasma.
  • This state hadronizes according to
    statistical laws, either because it was a
    state in equilibrium or because hadronization
    is by nature statistical.

For MUCH more on this, see
The BRAHMS collaboration
I. Arsene10, I. G. Bearden7, D. Beavis1, C.
Besliu10, B. Budick6, H. Bøggild7, C. Chasman1,
C. H. Christensen7, P. Christiansen7, J. Cibor4,
R. Debbe1, E. Enger12, J. J. Gaardhøje7, M.
Germinario7, K. Hagel8, O. Hansen7, H. Ito1,
11, A. Jipa10, F. Jundt2, J. I. Jørdre9, C. E.
Jørgensen7, R. Karabowicz3, E. J. Kim5, T.
Kozik3, T. M. Larsen12, J. H. Lee1, Y. K. Lee5,
S. Lindal12, R. Lystad9, G. Løvhøiden2, Z.
Majka3, A. Makeev8, B. McBreen1, M. Mikelsen12,
M. Murray8, 11, J. Natowitz8, B. Neumann11, B.
S. Nielsen7, J. S. Norris11, D. Ouerdane7, R.
Planeta4, F. Rami2, C. Ristea10, O. Ristea10, D.
Röhrich9, B. H. Samset12, D. Sandberg7, S. J.
Sanders11, R. A. Scheetz1, P. Staszel7, T. S.
Tveter12, F. Videbæk1, R. Wada8, Z. Yin9, I. S.
Zgura10 1Brookhaven National Laboratory,
USA 2IReS and Université Louis Pasteur,
Strasbourg, France 3Jagiellonian University,
Krakow, Poland 4Institute of Nuclear Physics,
Cracow, Poland 5Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, USA 6New York University, USA 7Niels
Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen,
Denmark 8Texas AM University, College Station,
USA 9University of Bergen, Norway 10University
of Bucharest, Romania 11University of Kansas,
Lawrence, USA 12 University of Oslo Norway
  • RHIC is currently in its fourth running
  • More data is being taken, AuAu at full energy
    and maybe also at a lower energy.
  • BRAHMS is upgraded to take even better data
    at forward rapidities.

Stay tuned for more on the QGP and the CGC!
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